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2022-10-30 15:25:33 +07:00
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// Abstract class that all the toolbar classes extend
abstract class Toolbar {
const Toolbar();
/// Style group
class StyleButtons extends Toolbar {
final bool style;
const StyleButtons({ = true,
/// Font setting group
class FontSettingButtons extends Toolbar {
final bool fontName;
final bool fontSize;
final bool fontSizeUnit;
const FontSettingButtons({
this.fontName = true,
this.fontSize = true,
this.fontSizeUnit = true,
/// Font group
class FontButtons extends Toolbar {
final bool bold;
final bool italic;
final bool underline;
final bool clearAll;
final bool strikethrough;
final bool superscript;
final bool subscript;
const FontButtons({
this.bold = true,
this.italic = true,
this.underline = true,
this.clearAll = true,
this.strikethrough = true,
this.superscript = true,
this.subscript = true,
List<Icon> getIcons1() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (bold) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_bold));
if (italic) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_italic));
if (underline) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_underline));
if (clearAll) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_clear));
return icons;
List<Icon> getIcons2() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (strikethrough) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_strikethrough));
if (superscript) icons.add(Icon(Icons.superscript));
if (subscript) icons.add(Icon(Icons.subscript));
return icons;
/// Color bar group
class ColorButtons extends Toolbar {
final bool foregroundColor;
final bool highlightColor;
const ColorButtons({
this.foregroundColor = true,
this.highlightColor = true,
List<Icon> getIcons() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (foregroundColor) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_color_text));
if (highlightColor) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_color_fill));
return icons;
/// List group
class ListButtons extends Toolbar {
final bool ul;
final bool ol;
final bool listStyles;
const ListButtons({
this.ul = true,
this.ol = true,
this.listStyles = true,
List<Icon> getIcons() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (ul) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_list_bulleted));
if (ol) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_list_numbered));
return icons;
/// Paragraph group
class ParagraphButtons extends Toolbar {
final bool alignLeft;
final bool alignCenter;
final bool alignRight;
final bool alignJustify;
final bool increaseIndent;
final bool decreaseIndent;
final bool textDirection;
final bool lineHeight;
final bool caseConverter;
const ParagraphButtons({
this.alignLeft = true,
this.alignCenter = true,
this.alignRight = true,
this.alignJustify = true,
this.increaseIndent = true,
this.decreaseIndent = true,
this.textDirection = true,
this.lineHeight = true,
this.caseConverter = true,
List<Icon> getIcons1() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (alignLeft) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_align_left));
if (alignCenter) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_align_center));
if (alignRight) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_align_right));
if (alignJustify) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_align_justify));
return icons;
List<Icon> getIcons2() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (increaseIndent) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_indent_increase));
if (decreaseIndent) icons.add(Icon(Icons.format_indent_decrease));
return icons;
/// Insert group
class InsertButtons extends Toolbar {
final bool link;
final bool picture;
final bool audio;
final bool video;
final bool otherFile;
final bool table;
final bool hr;
const InsertButtons({ = true,
this.picture = true, = true, = true,
this.otherFile = false,
this.table = true, = true,
List<Icon> getIcons() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (link) icons.add(Icon(;
if (picture) icons.add(Icon(Icons.image_outlined));
if (audio) icons.add(Icon(Icons.audiotrack_outlined));
if (video) icons.add(Icon(Icons.videocam_outlined));
if (otherFile) icons.add(Icon(Icons.attach_file));
if (table) icons.add(Icon(Icons.table_chart_outlined));
if (hr) icons.add(Icon(Icons.horizontal_rule));
return icons;
/// Miscellaneous group
class OtherButtons extends Toolbar {
final bool fullscreen;
final bool codeview;
final bool undo;
final bool redo;
final bool help;
final bool copy;
final bool paste;
const OtherButtons({
this.fullscreen = true,
this.codeview = true,
this.undo = true,
this.redo = true, = true,
this.copy = true,
this.paste = true,
List<Icon> getIcons1() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (fullscreen) icons.add(Icon(Icons.fullscreen));
if (codeview) icons.add(Icon(Icons.code));
if (undo) icons.add(Icon(Icons.undo));
if (redo) icons.add(Icon(Icons.redo));
if (help) icons.add(Icon(Icons.help_outline));
return icons;
List<Icon> getIcons2() {
var icons = <Icon>[];
if (copy) icons.add(Icon(Icons.copy));
if (paste) icons.add(Icon(Icons.paste));
return icons;