2022-10-30 15:25:33 +07:00

292 lines
9.3 KiB

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_inappwebview/flutter_inappwebview.dart';
import 'package:html_editor_enhanced/html_editor.dart';
import 'package:html_editor_enhanced/src/html_editor_controller_unsupported.dart'
as unsupported;
/// Controller for mobile
class HtmlEditorController extends unsupported.HtmlEditorController {
this.processInputHtml = true,
this.processNewLineAsBr = false,
this.processOutputHtml = true,
/// Toolbar widget state to call various methods. For internal use only.
ToolbarWidgetState? toolbar;
/// Determines whether text processing should happen on input HTML, e.g.
/// whether a new line should be converted to a <br>.
/// The default value is false.
final bool processInputHtml;
/// Determines whether newlines (\n) should be written as <br>. This is not
/// recommended for HTML documents.
/// The default value is false.
final bool processNewLineAsBr;
/// Determines whether text processing should happen on output HTML, e.g.
/// whether <p><br></p> is returned as "". For reference, Summernote uses
/// that HTML as the default HTML (when no text is in the editor).
/// The default value is true.
final bool processOutputHtml;
/// Manages the [InAppWebViewController] for the [HtmlEditorController]
InAppWebViewController? _editorController;
/// Allows the [InAppWebViewController] for the Html editor to be accessed
/// outside of the package itself for endless control and customization.
// ignore: unnecessary_getters_setters
InAppWebViewController? get editorController => _editorController;
/// Internal method to set the [InAppWebViewController] when webview initialization
/// is complete
// ignore: unnecessary_getters_setters
set editorController(dynamic controller) =>
_editorController = controller as InAppWebViewController?;
/// A function to quickly call a document.execCommand function in a readable format
void execCommand(String command, {String? argument}) {
"document.execCommand('$command', false${argument == null ? "" : ", '$argument'"});");
/// Gets the text from the editor and returns it as a [String].
Future<String> getText() async {
var text = await _evaluateJavascript(
source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('code');") as String?;
if (processOutputHtml &&
(text == null ||
text.isEmpty ||
text == '<p></p>' ||
text == '<p><br></p>' ||
text == '<p><br/></p>')) text = '';
return text ?? '';
/// Sets the text of the editor. Some pre-processing is applied to convert
/// [String] elements like "\n" to HTML elements.
void setText(String text) {
text = _processHtml(html: text);
source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('code', '$text');");
/// Sets the editor to full-screen mode.
void setFullScreen() {
source: '\$("#summernote-2").summernote("fullscreen.toggle");');
/// Sets the focus to the editor.
void setFocus() {
_evaluateJavascript(source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('focus');");
/// Clears the editor of any text.
void clear() {
_evaluateJavascript(source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('reset');");
/// Sets the hint for the editor.
void setHint(String text) {
text = _processHtml(html: text);
var hint = '\$(".note-placeholder").html("$text");';
_evaluateJavascript(source: hint);
/// toggles the codeview in the Html editor
void toggleCodeView() {
source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('codeview.toggle');");
/// disables the Html editor
void disable() {
_evaluateJavascript(source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('disable');");
/// enables the Html editor
void enable() {
_evaluateJavascript(source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('enable');");
/// Undoes the last action
void undo() {
_evaluateJavascript(source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('undo');");
/// Redoes the last action
void redo() {
_evaluateJavascript(source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('redo');");
/// Insert text at the end of the current HTML content in the editor
/// Note: This method should only be used for plaintext strings
void insertText(String text) {
source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('insertText', '$text');");
/// Insert HTML at the position of the cursor in the editor
/// Note: This method should not be used for plaintext strings
void insertHtml(String html) {
html = _processHtml(html: html);
source: "\$('#summernote-2').summernote('pasteHTML', '$html');");
/// Insert a network image at the position of the cursor in the editor
void insertNetworkImage(String url, {String filename = ''}) {
"\$('#summernote-2').summernote('insertImage', '$url', '$filename');");
/// Insert a link at the position of the cursor in the editor
void insertLink(String text, String url, bool isNewWindow) {
_evaluateJavascript(source: """
\$('#summernote-2').summernote('createLink', {
text: "$text",
url: '$url',
isNewWindow: $isNewWindow
/// Clears the focus from the webview by hiding the keyboard, calling the
/// clearFocus method on the [InAppWebViewController], and resetting the height
/// in case it was changed.
void clearFocus() {
/// Reloads the IFrameElement, throws an exception on mobile
void reloadWeb() {
throw Exception(
'Non-Flutter Web environment detected, please make sure you are importing package:html_editor_enhanced/html_editor.dart and check kIsWeb before calling this function');
/// Resets the height of the editor back to the original if it was changed to
/// accommodate the keyboard. This should only be used on mobile, and only
/// when [adjustHeightForKeyboard] is enabled.
void resetHeight() {
"window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler('setHeight', 'reset');");
/// Recalculates the height of the editor to remove any vertical scrolling.
/// This method will not do anything if [autoAdjustHeight] is turned off.
void recalculateHeight() {
"var height = document.body.scrollHeight; window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler('setHeight', height);");
/// Add a notification to the bottom of the editor. This is styled similar to
/// Bootstrap alerts. You can set the HTML to be displayed in the alert,
/// and the notificationType determines how the alert is displayed.
void addNotification(String html, NotificationType notificationType) async {
await _evaluateJavascript(source: """
'<div class="alert alert-${describeEnum(notificationType)}">$html</div>'
/// Remove the current notification from the bottom of the editor
void removeNotification() async {
await _evaluateJavascript(source: "\$('.note-status-output').empty();");
/// Helper function to process input html
String _processHtml({required html}) {
if (processInputHtml) {
html = html
.replaceAll("'", r"\'")
.replaceAll('"', r'\"')
.replaceAll('\r', '')
.replaceAll('\r\n', '');
if (processNewLineAsBr) {
html = html.replaceAll('\n', '<br/>').replaceAll('\n\n', '<br/>');
} else {
html = html.replaceAll('\n', '').replaceAll('\n\n', '');
return html;
/// Helper function to evaluate JS and check the current environment
dynamic _evaluateJavascript({required source}) async {
if (!kIsWeb) {
if (editorController == null || await editorController!.isLoading()) {
throw Exception(
'HTML editor is still loading, please wait before evaluating this JS: $source!');
var result = await editorController!.evaluateJavascript(source: source);
return result;
} else {
throw Exception(
'Flutter Web environment detected, please make sure you are importing package:html_editor_enhanced/html_editor.dart');
/// Internal function to change list style on Web
void changeListStyle(String changed) {}
/// Internal function to change line height on Web
void changeLineHeight(String changed) {}
/// Internal function to change text direction on Web
void changeTextDirection(String changed) {}
/// Internal function to change case on Web
void changeCase(String changed) {}
/// Internal function to insert table on Web
void insertTable(String dimensions) {}