2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger"
import * as cp from "child_process"
import * as net from "net"
import * as path from "path"
import * as ipc from "../../lib/vscode/src/vs/server/ipc"
import { arrayify, generateUuid } from "../common/util"
import { rootPath } from "./constants"
import { settings } from "./settings"
2020-11-11 06:24:07 +07:00
import { SocketProxyProvider } from "./socket"
2020-11-04 03:40:06 +07:00
import { isFile } from "./util"
2020-11-04 06:14:04 +07:00
import { ipcMain } from "./wrapper"
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
export class VscodeProvider {
public readonly serverRootPath: string
public readonly vsRootPath: string
private _vscode?: Promise<cp.ChildProcess>
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
private timeoutInterval = 10000 // 10s, matches VS Code's timeouts.
2020-11-11 06:24:07 +07:00
private readonly socketProvider = new SocketProxyProvider()
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
public constructor() {
this.vsRootPath = path.resolve(rootPath, "lib/vscode")
this.serverRootPath = path.join(this.vsRootPath, "out/vs/server")
2020-11-04 06:14:04 +07:00
ipcMain.onDispose(() => this.dispose())
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
public async dispose(): Promise<void> {
2020-11-11 06:24:07 +07:00
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
if (this._vscode) {
const vscode = await this._vscode
2020-11-04 03:36:27 +07:00
this._vscode = undefined
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
public async initialize(
options: Omit<ipc.VscodeOptions, "startPath">,
query: ipc.Query,
): Promise<ipc.WorkbenchOptions> {
const { lastVisited } = await settings.read()
const startPath = await this.getFirstPath([
{ url: query.workspace, workspace: true },
{ url: query.folder, workspace: false },
options.args._ && options.args._.length > 0
? { url: path.resolve(options.args._[options.args._.length - 1]) }
: undefined,
lastVisited: startPath,
const id = generateUuid()
const vscode = await this.fork()
logger.debug("setting up vs code...")
2020-11-04 03:54:27 +07:00
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
type: "init",
options: {
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
2020-11-13 00:17:45 +07:00
const message = await this.onMessage(vscode, (message): message is ipc.OptionsMessage => {
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
// There can be parallel initializations so wait for the right ID.
return message.type === "options" && message.id === id
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
return message.options
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
private fork(): Promise<cp.ChildProcess> {
2020-11-04 03:42:37 +07:00
if (this._vscode) {
return this._vscode
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
2020-11-04 03:42:37 +07:00
logger.debug("forking vs code...")
const vscode = cp.fork(path.join(this.serverRootPath, "fork"))
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
const dispose = () => {
2020-11-04 03:42:37 +07:00
this._vscode = undefined
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
vscode.on("error", (error: Error) => {
if (error.stack) {
2020-11-04 03:42:37 +07:00
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
2020-11-04 03:42:37 +07:00
vscode.on("exit", (code) => {
logger.error(`VS Code exited unexpectedly with code ${code}`)
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
2020-11-04 03:42:37 +07:00
2020-11-13 00:17:45 +07:00
this._vscode = this.onMessage(vscode, (message): message is ipc.ReadyMessage => {
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
return message.type === "ready"
}).then(() => vscode)
return this._vscode
2020-11-04 03:54:27 +07:00
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
* Listen to a single message from a process. Reject if the process errors,
* exits, or times out.
* `fn` is a function that determines whether the message is the one we're
* waiting for.
private onMessage<T extends ipc.VscodeMessage>(
proc: cp.ChildProcess,
fn: (message: ipc.VscodeMessage) => message is T,
): Promise<T> {
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
2020-11-13 00:16:21 +07:00
const cleanup = () => {
proc.off("error", reject)
proc.off("exit", onExit)
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
2020-11-13 00:16:21 +07:00
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
_reject(new Error("timed out"))
}, this.timeoutInterval)
const reject = (error: Error) => {
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
const onExit = (code: number | null) => {
reject(new Error(`VS Code exited unexpectedly with code ${code}`))
proc.on("message", (message: ipc.VscodeMessage) => {
logger.debug("got message from vscode", field("message", message))
if (fn(message)) {
2020-11-13 00:16:21 +07:00
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
2020-11-04 03:54:27 +07:00
2020-11-11 04:46:53 +07:00
proc.once("error", reject)
proc.once("exit", onExit)
2020-11-04 03:42:37 +07:00
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
* VS Code expects a raw socket. It will handle all the web socket frames.
public async sendWebsocket(socket: net.Socket, query: ipc.Query): Promise<void> {
const vscode = await this._vscode
2020-11-11 06:24:07 +07:00
// TLS sockets cannot be transferred to child processes so we need an
// in-between. Non-TLS sockets will be returned as-is.
const socketProxy = await this.socketProvider.createProxy(socket)
this.send({ type: "socket", query }, vscode, socketProxy)
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
private send(message: ipc.CodeServerMessage, vscode?: cp.ChildProcess, socket?: net.Socket): void {
if (!vscode || vscode.killed) {
throw new Error("vscode is not running")
vscode.send(message, socket)
2020-11-11 06:02:39 +07:00
* Choose the first non-empty path from the provided array.
* Each array item consists of `url` and an optional `workspace` boolean that
* indicates whether that url is for a workspace.
* `url` can be a fully qualified URL or just the path portion.
* `url` can also be a query object to make it easier to pass in query
* variables directly but anything that isn't a string or string array is not
* valid and will be ignored.
2020-10-21 06:05:58 +07:00
private async getFirstPath(
startPaths: Array<{ url?: string | string[] | ipc.Query | ipc.Query[]; workspace?: boolean } | undefined>,
): Promise<ipc.StartPath | undefined> {
for (let i = 0; i < startPaths.length; ++i) {
const startPath = startPaths[i]
const url = arrayify(startPath && startPath.url).find((p) => !!p)
if (startPath && url && typeof url === "string") {
return {
// The only time `workspace` is undefined is for the command-line
// argument, in which case it's a path (not a URL) so we can stat it
// without having to parse it.
workspace: typeof startPath.workspace !== "undefined" ? startPath.workspace : await isFile(url),
return undefined