2021-06-19 01:57:45 +07:00
/ * *
* @jest - environment jsdom
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import { JSDOM } from "jsdom"
2021-07-08 06:28:05 +07:00
import {
getNlsConfiguration ,
nlsConfigElementId ,
setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ,
2021-07-13 06:54:19 +07:00
} from "../../../../src/browser/pages/vscode"
2021-06-19 01:57:45 +07:00
describe ( "vscode" , ( ) = > {
describe ( "getNlsConfiguration" , ( ) = > {
beforeEach ( ( ) = > {
const { window } = new JSDOM ( )
global . document = window . document
} )
it ( "should throw an error if Document is undefined" , ( ) = > {
const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]"
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not parse NLS configuration. document is undefined. `
expect ( ( ) = > {
getNlsConfiguration ( undefined as any as Document )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
} )
it ( "should throw an error if no nlsConfigElement" , ( ) = > {
const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]"
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not parse NLS configuration. Could not find nlsConfigElement with id: ${ nlsConfigElementId } `
expect ( ( ) = > {
getNlsConfiguration ( document )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
} )
it ( "should throw an error if no nlsConfig" , ( ) = > {
const mockElement = document . createElement ( "div" )
mockElement . setAttribute ( "id" , nlsConfigElementId )
document . body . appendChild ( mockElement )
const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]"
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not parse NLS configuration. Found nlsConfigElement but missing data-settings attribute. `
expect ( ( ) = > {
getNlsConfiguration ( document )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
document . body . removeChild ( mockElement )
} )
it ( "should return the correct configuration" , ( ) = > {
const mockElement = document . createElement ( "div" )
const dataSettings = {
first : "Jane" ,
last : "Doe" ,
mockElement . setAttribute ( "id" , nlsConfigElementId )
mockElement . setAttribute ( "data-settings" , JSON . stringify ( dataSettings ) )
document . body . appendChild ( mockElement )
const actual = getNlsConfiguration ( global . document )
expect ( actual ) . toStrictEqual ( dataSettings )
document . body . removeChild ( mockElement )
} )
} )
2021-07-08 06:28:05 +07:00
describe ( "setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor" , ( ) = > {
beforeEach ( ( ) = > {
// We need to set the url in the JSDOM constructor
// to prevent this error "SecurityError: localStorage is not available for opaque origins"
// See: https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/2304#issuecomment-622314949
const { window } = new JSDOM ( "" , { url : "http://localhost" } )
global . document = window . document
global . localStorage = window . localStorage
} )
it ( "should return null" , ( ) = > {
const test = {
colorMap : {
[ ` editor.background ` ] : "#ff3270" ,
} ,
localStorage . setItem ( "colorThemeData" , JSON . stringify ( test ) )
expect ( setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ( document , localStorage ) ) . toBeNull ( )
localStorage . removeItem ( "colorThemeData" )
} )
it ( "should throw an error if Document is undefined" , ( ) = > {
const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]"
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not set body background to theme background color. Document is undefined. `
expect ( ( ) = > {
// @ts-expect-error We need to test when document is undefined
setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ( undefined , localStorage )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
} )
it ( "should throw an error if localStorage is undefined" , ( ) = > {
const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]"
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not set body background to theme background color. localStorage is undefined. `
expect ( ( ) = > {
// @ts-expect-error We need to test when localStorage is undefined
setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ( document , undefined )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
} )
it ( "should throw an error if it can't find colorThemeData in localStorage" , ( ) = > {
const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]"
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not set body background to theme background color. Could not find colorThemeData in localStorage. `
expect ( ( ) = > {
setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ( document , localStorage )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
} )
it ( "should throw an error if there is an error parsing colorThemeData from localStorage" , ( ) = > {
const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]"
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not set body background to theme background color. Could not parse colorThemeData from localStorage. `
localStorage . setItem (
"colorThemeData" ,
'{"id":"vs-dark max-SS-Cyberpunk-themes-cyberpunk-umbra-color-theme-json","label":"Activate UMBRA protocol","settingsId":"Activate "errorForeground":"#ff3270","foreground":"#ffffff","sideBarTitle.foreground":"#bbbbbb"},"watch\\":::false}' ,
expect ( ( ) = > {
setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ( document , localStorage )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
localStorage . removeItem ( "colorThemeData" )
} )
it ( "should throw an error if there is no colorMap property" , ( ) = > {
const errorMsgPrefix = " [ vscode ] "
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not set body background to theme background color. colorThemeData is missing colorMap. `
const test = {
id : "hey-joe" ,
localStorage . setItem ( "colorThemeData" , JSON . stringify ( test ) )
expect ( ( ) = > {
setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ( document , localStorage )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
localStorage . removeItem ( "colorThemeData" )
} )
it ( "should throw an error if there is no editor.background color" , ( ) = > {
const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]"
const errorMessage = ` ${ errorMsgPrefix } Could not set body background to theme background color. colorThemeData.colorMap["editor.background"] is undefined. `
const test = {
id : "hey-joe" ,
colorMap : {
editor : "#fff" ,
} ,
localStorage . setItem ( "colorThemeData" , JSON . stringify ( test ) )
expect ( ( ) = > {
setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ( document , localStorage )
} ) . toThrowError ( errorMessage )
localStorage . removeItem ( "colorThemeData" )
} )
it ( "should set the body background to the editor background color" , ( ) = > {
const test = {
colorMap : {
[ ` editor.background ` ] : "#ff3270" ,
} ,
localStorage . setItem ( "colorThemeData" , JSON . stringify ( test ) )
setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor ( document , localStorage )
// When the body.style.backgroundColor is set using hex
// it is converted to rgb
// which is why we use that in the assertion
expect ( document . body . style . backgroundColor ) . toBe ( "rgb(255, 50, 112)" )
localStorage . removeItem ( "colorThemeData" )
} )
} )
2021-06-19 01:57:45 +07:00
} )