/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { validate, isStyleSheet } from './util'; import { nextItemHTML, prevItemHTML } from './selectItemHTML'; import { nextItemStylesheet, prevItemStylesheet } from './selectItemStylesheet'; import { HtmlNode, CssNode } from 'EmmetFlatNode'; import { getRootNode } from './parseDocument'; export function fetchSelectItem(direction: string): void { if (!validate() || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { return; } const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; const document = editor.document; const rootNode = getRootNode(document, true); if (!rootNode) { return; } let newSelections: vscode.Selection[] = []; editor.selections.forEach(selection => { const selectionStart = selection.isReversed ? selection.active : selection.anchor; const selectionEnd = selection.isReversed ? selection.anchor : selection.active; let updatedSelection; if (isStyleSheet(editor.document.languageId)) { updatedSelection = direction === 'next' ? nextItemStylesheet(document, selectionStart, selectionEnd, rootNode) : prevItemStylesheet(document, selectionStart, selectionEnd, rootNode); } else { updatedSelection = direction === 'next' ? nextItemHTML(document, selectionStart, selectionEnd, rootNode) : prevItemHTML(document, selectionStart, selectionEnd, rootNode); } newSelections.push(updatedSelection ? updatedSelection : selection); }); editor.selections = newSelections; editor.revealRange(editor.selections[editor.selections.length - 1]); }