import * as cp from "child_process"; import * as net from "net"; import * as stream from "stream"; import { CallbackEmitter, ActiveEvalReadable, ActiveEvalWritable } from "@coder/protocol"; import { client } from "./client"; import { promisify } from "util"; declare var __non_webpack_require__: typeof require; class ChildProcess extends CallbackEmitter implements cp.ChildProcess { private _connected: boolean = false; private _killed: boolean = false; private _pid = -1; public readonly stdin: stream.Writable; public readonly stdout: stream.Readable; public readonly stderr: stream.Readable; // We need the explicit type otherwise TypeScript thinks it is (Writable | Readable)[]. public readonly stdio: [stream.Writable, stream.Readable, stream.Readable] = [this.stdin, this.stdout, this.stderr]; // tslint:disable no-any public constructor(method: "exec", command: string, options?: { encoding?: string | null } & cp.ExecOptions | null, callback?: (...args: any[]) => void); public constructor(method: "fork", modulePath: string, options?: cp.ForkOptions, args?: string[]); public constructor(method: "spawn", command: string, options?: cp.SpawnOptions, args?: string[]); public constructor(method: "exec" | "spawn" | "fork", command: string, options: object = {}, callback?: string[] | ((...args: any[]) => void)) { // tslint:enable no-any super(); let args: string[] = []; if (Array.isArray(callback)) { args = callback; callback = undefined; } =, command, method, args, options, callbackId) => { const cp = __non_webpack_require__("child_process") as typeof import("child_process"); ae.preserveEnv(options); let childProcess: cp.ChildProcess; switch (method) { case "exec": childProcess = cp.exec(command, options, ae.maybeCallback(callbackId)); break; case "spawn": childProcess = cp.spawn(command, args, options); break; case "fork": childProcess = ae.fork(command, args, options); break; default: throw new Error(`invalid method ${method}`); } ae.on("disconnect", () => childProcess.disconnect()); ae.on("kill", (signal: string) => childProcess.kill(signal)); ae.on("ref", () => childProcess.ref()); ae.on("send", (message: string, callbackId: number) => childProcess.send(message, ae.maybeCallback(callbackId))); ae.on("unref", () => childProcess.unref()); ae.emit("pid",; childProcess.on("close", (code, signal) => ae.emit("close", code, signal)); childProcess.on("disconnect", () => ae.emit("disconnect")); childProcess.on("error", (error) => ae.emit("error", error)); childProcess.on("exit", (code, signal) => ae.emit("exit", code, signal)); childProcess.on("message", (message) => ae.emit("message", message)); if (childProcess.stdin) { const stdinAe = ae.createUnique("stdin"); stdinAe.bindWritable(childProcess.stdin); } if (childProcess.stdout) { const stdoutAe = ae.createUnique("stdout"); stdoutAe.bindReadable(childProcess.stdout); } if (childProcess.stderr) { const stderrAe = ae.createUnique("stderr"); stderrAe.bindReadable(childProcess.stderr); } return { onDidDispose: (cb): cp.ChildProcess => childProcess.on("close", cb), dispose: (): void => { childProcess.kill(); setTimeout(() => childProcess.kill("SIGKILL"), 5000); // Double tap. }, }; }, command, method, args, options, this.storeCallback(callback));"pid", (pid) => { this._pid = pid; this._connected = true; }); this.stdin = new ActiveEvalWritable("stdin")); this.stdout = new ActiveEvalReadable("stdout")); this.stderr = new ActiveEvalReadable("stderr"));"close", (code, signal) => this.emit("close", code, signal));"disconnect", () => this.emit("disconnect"));"error", (error) => this.emit("error", error));"exit", (code, signal) => { this._connected = false; this._killed = true; this.emit("exit", code, signal); });"message", (message) => this.emit("message", message)); } public get pid(): number { return this._pid; } public get connected(): boolean { return this._connected; } public get killed(): boolean { return this._killed; } public kill(): void {"kill"); } public disconnect(): void {"disconnect"); } public ref(): void {"ref"); } public unref(): void {"unref"); } public send( message: any, // tslint:disable-line no-any to match spec sendHandle?: net.Socket | net.Server | ((error: Error) => void), options?: cp.MessageOptions | ((error: Error) => void), callback?: (error: Error) => void): boolean { if (typeof sendHandle === "function") { callback = sendHandle; sendHandle = undefined; } else if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } if (sendHandle || options) { throw new Error("sendHandle and options are not supported"); }"send", message, this.storeCallback(callback)); // Unfortunately this will always have to be true since we can't retrieve // the actual response synchronously. return true; } } class CP { public readonly ChildProcess = ChildProcess; public exec = ( command: string, options?: { encoding?: string | null } & cp.ExecOptions | null | ((error: cp.ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void) | ((error: cp.ExecException | null, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) => void), callback?: ((error: cp.ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void) | ((error: cp.ExecException | null, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) => void), ): cp.ChildProcess => { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } return new ChildProcess("exec", command, options, callback); } public fork = (modulePath: string, args?: string[] | cp.ForkOptions, options?: cp.ForkOptions): cp.ChildProcess => { if (args && !Array.isArray(args)) { options = args; args = undefined; } return new ChildProcess("fork", modulePath, options, args); } public spawn = (command: string, args?: string[] | cp.SpawnOptions, options?: cp.SpawnOptions): cp.ChildProcess => { if (args && !Array.isArray(args)) { options = args; args = undefined; } return new ChildProcess("spawn", command, options, args); } } const fillCp = new CP(); // Methods that don't follow the standard callback pattern (an error followed // by a single result) need to provide a custom promisify function. Object.defineProperty(fillCp.exec, promisify.custom, { value: ( command: string, options?: { encoding?: string | null } & cp.ExecOptions | null, ): Promise<{ stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer }> => { return new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { fillCp.exec(command, options, (error: cp.ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve({ stdout, stderr }); } }); }); }, }); export = fillCp;