import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger" import * as cp from "child_process" import * as http from "http" import * as net from "net" import * as WebSocket from "ws" import { Application, ApplicationsResponse, ClientMessage, RecentResponse, ServerMessage, SessionError, SessionResponse, } from "../../common/api" import { ApiEndpoint, HttpCode } from "../../common/http" import { normalize } from "../../common/util" import { HttpProvider, HttpProviderOptions, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Route } from "../http" import { findApplications, findWhitelistedApplications } from "./bin" interface ServerSession { process?: cp.ChildProcess readonly app: Application } /** * API HTTP provider. */ export class ApiHttpProvider extends HttpProvider { private readonly ws = new WebSocket.Server({ noServer: true }) private readonly sessions = new Map() public constructor(options: HttpProviderOptions, private readonly server: HttpServer) { super(options) } public dispose(): void { this.sessions.forEach((s) => { if (s.process) { s.process.kill() } }) } public async handleRequest(route: Route, request: http.IncomingMessage): Promise { if (!this.authenticated(request)) { return { code: HttpCode.Unauthorized } } switch (route.base) { case ApiEndpoint.applications: this.ensureMethod(request) return { content: { applications: await this.applications(), }, } as HttpResponse case ApiEndpoint.session: return this.session(request) case ApiEndpoint.recent: this.ensureMethod(request) return { content: await this.recent(), } as HttpResponse } return undefined } public async handleWebSocket( route: Route, request: http.IncomingMessage, socket: net.Socket, head: Buffer, ): Promise { if (!this.authenticated(request)) { throw new Error("not authenticated") } switch (route.base) { case ApiEndpoint.status: return this.handleStatusSocket(request, socket, head) case return this.handleRunSocket(route, request, socket, head) } return undefined } private async handleStatusSocket(request: http.IncomingMessage, socket: net.Socket, head: Buffer): Promise { const getMessageResponse = async (event: "health"): Promise => { switch (event) { case "health": return { event, connections: await this.server.getConnections() } default: throw new Error("unexpected message") } } await new Promise((resolve) => {, socket, head, (ws) => { const send = (event: ServerMessage): void => { ws.send(JSON.stringify(event)) } ws.on("message", (data) => { logger.trace("got message", field("message", data)) try { const message: ClientMessage = JSON.parse(data.toString()) getMessageResponse(message.event).then(send) } catch (error) { logger.error(error.message, field("message", data)) } }) resolve() }) }) return true } /** * A socket that connects to a session. */ private async handleRunSocket( route: Route, request: http.IncomingMessage, socket: net.Socket, head: Buffer, ): Promise { const sessionId = route.requestPath.replace(/^\//, "") logger.debug("connecting session", field("sessionId", sessionId)) const ws = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, socket, head, (socket) => { socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer" const session = this.sessions.get(sessionId) if (!session) { socket.close(SessionError.NotFound) return reject(new Error("session not found")) } resolve(socket as WebSocket) socket.on("error", (error) => { socket.close(SessionError.FailedToStart) logger.error("got error while connecting socket", field("error", error)) reject(error) }) }) }) // Send ready message. ws.send( Buffer.from( JSON.stringify({ protocol: "TODO", }), ), ) return true } /** * Return whitelisted applications. */ public async applications(): Promise> { return findWhitelistedApplications() } /** * Return installed applications. */ public async installedApplications(): Promise> { return findApplications() } /** * Get a running application. */ public getRunningApplication(sessionIdOrPath?: string): Application | undefined { if (!sessionIdOrPath) { return undefined } const sessionId = sessionIdOrPath.replace(/\//g, "") let session = this.sessions.get(sessionId) if (session) { logger.debug("found application by session id", field("id", sessionId)) return } const base = normalize("/" + sessionIdOrPath) session = Array.from(this.sessions.values()).find((s) => === base) if (session) { logger.debug("found application by path", field("path", base)) return } logger.debug("no application found matching route", field("route", sessionIdOrPath)) return undefined } /** * Handle /session endpoint. */ private async session(request: http.IncomingMessage): Promise { this.ensureMethod(request, ["DELETE", "POST"]) const data = await this.getData(request) if (!data) { return undefined } switch (request.method) { case "DELETE": return this.deleteSession(JSON.parse(data).sessionId) case "POST": { // Prevent spawning the same app multiple times. const parsed: Application = JSON.parse(data) const app = this.getRunningApplication(parsed.sessionId || parsed.path) if (app) { return { content: { created: false, sessionId: app.sessionId, }, } as HttpResponse } return { content: { created: true, sessionId: await this.createSession(parsed), }, } as HttpResponse } } return undefined } /** * Kill a session identified by `app.sessionId`. */ public deleteSession(sessionId: string): HttpResponse { logger.debug("deleting session", field("sessionId", sessionId)) const session = this.sessions.get(sessionId) if (!session) { throw new Error("session does not exist") } if (session.process) { session.process.kill() } this.sessions.delete(sessionId) return { code: HttpCode.Ok } } /** * Create a new session and return the session ID. */ public async createSession(app: Application): Promise { const sessionId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000).toString() if (this.sessions.has(sessionId)) { throw new Error("conflicting session id") } if (!app.exec) { throw new Error("cannot execute application with no `exec`") } const appSession: ServerSession = { app: {, sessionId, }, } this.sessions.set(sessionId, appSession) try { throw new Error("TODO") } catch (error) { this.sessions.delete(sessionId) throw error } } /** * Return recent sessions. */ public async recent(): Promise { return { recent: [], // TODO running: Array.from(this.sessions).map(([sessionId, session]) => ({, sessionId, })), } } /** * For these, just return the error message since they'll be requested as * JSON. */ public async getErrorRoot(_route: Route, _title: string, _header: string, error: string): Promise { return { content: JSON.stringify({ error }), } } }