language: node_js node_js: node jobs: include: - name: Test if: tag IS blank script: ./ci/container/ ./ci/steps/ deploy: null install: null - name: Linux Release if: tag IS present script: ./ci/steps/ install: null # Unfortunately ARM on travis is very unreliable. # We see random build failures, logging output being truncated, build being killed # due to no output even though we use travis_wait etc. # So we've disabled it for now. # - name: Linux Release # if: tag IS present # arch: arm64 # script: | # sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y jq || exit 1 # travis_wait 60 ./ci/steps/ # install: null - name: MacOS Release if: tag IS present os: osx # node 13/14 crashes in the build process for some reason. node_js: 12 script: | HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP=1 HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install jq || exit 1 travis_wait 60 ./ci/steps/ || exit 1 install: null before_deploy: - echo "$JSON_KEY" | base64 --decode > ./ci/key.json deploy: - provider: releases edge: true draft: true overwrite: true tag_name: $TRAVIS_TAG target_commitish: $TRAVIS_COMMIT name: $TRAVIS_TAG file: - release-github/*.tar.gz - release-github/*.zip - release-github/*.deb - release-github/*.rpm on: tags: true - provider: gcs edge: true bucket: "" upload_dir: "releases" key_file: ./ci/key.json local_dir: ./release-gcp on: tags: true # TODO: The gcs provider fails to install on arm64. condition: $TRAVIS_CPU_ARCH == amd64 - provider: script edge: true # We do not use the travis npm deploy integration as it does not allow us to # deploy a subpath and and v2 which should, just errors out that the src does not exist script: ./ci/steps/ on: tags: true condition: $TRAVIS_CPU_ARCH == amd64 && $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == linux cache: timeout: 600 yarn: true directories: - .cache - out - dist - lib/vscode/.build/extensions