import * as net from "net"; import { ActiveEval } from "@coder/protocol"; import { CallbackEmitter, ActiveEvalDuplex, createUniqueEval } from "./evaluation"; import { client } from "./client"; declare var __non_webpack_require__: typeof require; class Socket extends ActiveEvalDuplex implements net.Socket { private _connecting: boolean = false; private _destroyed: boolean = false; public constructor(options?: net.SocketConstructorOpts, ae?: ActiveEval) { super(ae ||, options) => { const net = __non_webpack_require__("net") as typeof import("net"); const { bindSocket } = __non_webpack_require__("@coder/ide/src/fill/evaluation") as typeof import("@coder/ide/src/fill/evaluation"); return bindSocket(ae, new net.Socket(options)); }, options));"connect", () => { this._connecting = false; this.emit("connect"); });"error", () => { this._connecting = false; this._destroyed = true; });"lookup", (error, address, family, host) => this.emit("lookup", error, address, family, host));"timeout", () => this.emit("timeout")); } public connect(options: net.SocketConnectOpts | number | string, host?: string | Function, connectionListener?: Function): this { // This is to get around type issues with socket.connect as well as extract // the function wherever it might be. switch (typeof options) { case "string": options = { path: options }; break; case "number": options = { port: options }; break; } switch (typeof host) { case "function": connectionListener = host; break; case "string": (options as net.TcpSocketConnectOpts).host = host; break; } this._connecting = true;"connect", options, this.storeCallback(connectionListener)); return this; } // tslint:disable-next-line no-any public write(data: any, encoding?: string | Function, fd?: string | Function): boolean { let callback: Function | undefined; if (typeof encoding === "function") { callback = encoding; encoding = undefined; } if (typeof fd === "function") { callback = fd; fd = undefined; }"write", data, encoding, fd, this.storeCallback(callback)); return true; // Always true since we can't get this synchronously. } public get connecting(): boolean { return this._connecting; } public get destroyed(): boolean { return this._destroyed; } public get bufferSize(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public get bytesRead(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public get bytesWritten(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public get localAddress(): string { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public get localPort(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public address(): net.AddressInfo | string { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public setTimeout(timeout: number, callback?: Function): this { return this.emitReturnThis("setTimeout", timeout, this.storeCallback(callback)); } public setNoDelay(noDelay?: boolean): this { return this.emitReturnThis("setNoDelay", noDelay); } public setKeepAlive(enable?: boolean, initialDelay?: number): this { return this.emitReturnThis("setKeepAlive", enable, initialDelay); } public unref(): void {"unref"); } public ref(): void {"ref"); } } class Server extends CallbackEmitter implements net.Server { private readonly sockets = new Map(); private _listening: boolean = false; public constructor(options?: { allowHalfOpen?: boolean, pauseOnConnect?: boolean } | ((socket: Socket) => void), connectionListener?: (socket: Socket) => void) { super(); if (typeof options === "function") { connectionListener = options; options = undefined; } =, options, callbackId) => { const net = __non_webpack_require__("net") as typeof import("net"); const { maybeCallback, bindSocket, createUniqueEval } = __non_webpack_require__("@coder/ide/src/fill/evaluation") as typeof import("@coder/ide/src/fill/evaluation"); let connectionId = 0; const sockets = new Map(); const storeSocket = (socket: net.Socket): number => { const socketId = connectionId++; sockets.set(socketId, socket); const disposer = bindSocket(createUniqueEval(ae, socketId), socket); socket.on("close", () => { disposer.dispose(); sockets.delete(socketId); }); return socketId; }; const callback = maybeCallback(ae, callbackId); let server = new net.Server(options, typeof callback !== "undefined" ? (socket): void => { callback(storeSocket(socket)); } : undefined); server.on("close", () => ae.emit("close")); server.on("connection", (socket) => ae.emit("connection", storeSocket(socket))); server.on("error", (error) => ae.emit("error", error)); server.on("listening", () => ae.emit("listening")); ae.on("close", (callbackId: number) => server.close(maybeCallback(ae, callbackId))); ae.on("listen", (handle?: net.ListenOptions | number | string) => server.listen(handle)); ae.on("ref", () => server.ref()); ae.on("unref", () => server.unref()); return { onDidDispose: (cb): net.Server => server.on("close", cb), dispose: (): void => { server.removeAllListeners(); server.close(); sockets.forEach((socket) => { socket.removeAllListeners(); socket.end(); socket.destroy(); socket.unref(); }); sockets.clear(); }, }; }, options || {}, this.storeCallback(connectionListener));"close", () => { this._listening = false; this.emit("close"); });"connection", (socketId) => { const socket = new Socket(undefined, createUniqueEval(, socketId)); this.sockets.set(socketId, socket); socket.on("close", () => this.sockets.delete(socketId)); if (connectionListener) { connectionListener(socket); } this.emit("connection", socket); });"error", (error) => { this._listening = false; this.emit("error", error); });"listening", () => { this._listening = true; this.emit("listening"); }); } public listen(handle?: net.ListenOptions | number | string, hostname?: string | number | Function, backlog?: number | Function, listeningListener?: Function): this { if (typeof handle === "undefined") { throw new Error("no handle"); } switch (typeof handle) { case "number": handle = { port: handle }; break; case "string": handle = { path: handle }; break; } switch (typeof hostname) { case "function": listeningListener = hostname; break; case "string": = hostname; break; case "number": handle.backlog = hostname; break; } switch (typeof backlog) { case "function": listeningListener = backlog; break; case "number": handle.backlog = backlog; break; } if (listeningListener) {"listening", () => { listeningListener!(); }); }"listen", handle); return this; } public close(callback?: Function): this { // close() doesn't fire the close event until all connections are also // closed, but it does prevent new connections. this._listening = false;"close", this.storeCallback(callback)); return this; } public get connections(): number { return this.sockets.size; } public get listening(): boolean { return this._listening; } public get maxConnections(): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public address(): net.AddressInfo | string { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public ref(): this { return this.emitReturnThis("ref"); } public unref(): this { return this.emitReturnThis("unref"); } public getConnections(cb: (error: Error | null, count: number) => void): void { cb(null, this.sockets.size); } // tslint:disable-next-line no-any private emitReturnThis(event: string, ...args: any[]): this {, ...args); return this; } } type NodeNet = typeof net; /** * Implementation of net for the browser. */ class Net implements NodeNet { // @ts-ignore this is because Socket is missing things from the Stream // namespace but I'm unsure how best to provide them (finished, // finished.__promisify__, pipeline, and some others) or if it even matters. public readonly Socket = Socket; public readonly Server = Server; public createConnection(target: string | number | net.NetConnectOpts, host?: string | Function, callback?: Function): net.Socket { const socket = new Socket(); socket.connect(target, host, callback); return socket; } public createServer( options?: { allowHalfOpen?: boolean, pauseOnConnect?: boolean } | ((socket: net.Socket) => void), connectionListener?: (socket: net.Socket) => void, ): net.Server { return new Server(options, connectionListener); } public connect(): net.Socket { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public isIP(_input: string): number { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public isIPv4(_input: string): boolean { throw new Error("not implemented"); } public isIPv6(_input: string): boolean { throw new Error("not implemented"); } } export = new Net();