/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as assert from 'assert'; import { workspace, window, commands, ViewColumn, TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent, Uri, Selection, Position, CancellationTokenSource, TextEditorSelectionChangeKind, QuickPickItem, TextEditor } from 'vscode'; import { join } from 'path'; import { closeAllEditors, pathEquals, createRandomFile, assertNoRpc } from '../utils'; suite('vscode API - window', () => { teardown(async function () { assertNoRpc(); await closeAllEditors(); }); test('editor, active text editor', async () => { const doc = await workspace.openTextDocument(join(workspace.rootPath || '', './far.js')); await window.showTextDocument(doc); const active = window.activeTextEditor; assert.ok(active); assert.ok(pathEquals(active!.document.uri.fsPath, doc.uri.fsPath)); }); test('editor, opened via resource', () => { const uri = Uri.file(join(workspace.rootPath || '', './far.js')); return window.showTextDocument(uri).then((_editor) => { const active = window.activeTextEditor; assert.ok(active); assert.ok(pathEquals(active!.document.uri.fsPath, uri.fsPath)); }); }); // test('editor, UN-active text editor', () => { // assert.equal(window.visibleTextEditors.length, 0); // assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor === undefined); // }); test('editor, assign and check view columns', async () => { const doc = await workspace.openTextDocument(join(workspace.rootPath || '', './far.js')); let p1 = window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One).then(editor => { assert.equal(editor.viewColumn, ViewColumn.One); }); let p2 = window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Two).then(editor_1 => { assert.equal(editor_1.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Two); }); let p3 = window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Three).then(editor_2 => { assert.equal(editor_2.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Three); }); return Promise.all([p1, p2, p3]); }); test('editor, onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors', async () => { let eventCounter = 0; let reg = window.onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors(_editor => { eventCounter += 1; }); const doc = await workspace.openTextDocument(join(workspace.rootPath || '', './far.js')); await window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); assert.equal(eventCounter, 1); await window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Two); assert.equal(eventCounter, 2); await window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Three); assert.equal(eventCounter, 3); reg.dispose(); }); test('editor, onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn (close editor)', () => { let actualEvent: TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent; let registration1 = workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider('bikes', { provideTextDocumentContent() { return 'mountainbiking,roadcycling'; } }); return Promise.all([ workspace.openTextDocument(Uri.parse('bikes://testing/one')).then(doc => window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One)), workspace.openTextDocument(Uri.parse('bikes://testing/two')).then(doc => window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Two)) ]).then(async editors => { let [one, two] = editors; await new Promise<void>(resolve => { let registration2 = window.onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn(event => { actualEvent = event; registration2.dispose(); resolve(); }); // close editor 1, wait a little for the event to bubble one.hide(); }); assert.ok(actualEvent); assert.ok(actualEvent.textEditor === two); assert.ok(actualEvent.viewColumn === two.viewColumn); registration1.dispose(); }); }); test('editor, onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn (move editor group)', () => { let actualEvents: TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent[] = []; let registration1 = workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider('bikes', { provideTextDocumentContent() { return 'mountainbiking,roadcycling'; } }); return Promise.all([ workspace.openTextDocument(Uri.parse('bikes://testing/one')).then(doc => window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One)), workspace.openTextDocument(Uri.parse('bikes://testing/two')).then(doc => window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Two)) ]).then(editors => { let [, two] = editors; two.show(); return new Promise<void>(resolve => { let registration2 = window.onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn(event => { actualEvents.push(event); if (actualEvents.length === 2) { registration2.dispose(); resolve(); } }); // move active editor group left return commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.moveActiveEditorGroupLeft'); }).then(() => { assert.equal(actualEvents.length, 2); for (const event of actualEvents) { assert.equal(event.viewColumn, event.textEditor.viewColumn); } registration1.dispose(); }); }); }); test('active editor not always correct... #49125', async function () { if (!window.state.focused) { // no focus! this.skip(); return; } if (process.env['BUILD_SOURCEVERSION']) { this.skip(); return; } function assertActiveEditor(editor: TextEditor) { if (window.activeTextEditor === editor) { assert.ok(true); return; } function printEditor(editor: TextEditor): string { return `doc: ${editor.document.uri.toString()}, column: ${editor.viewColumn}, active: ${editor === window.activeTextEditor}`; } const visible = window.visibleTextEditors.map(editor => printEditor(editor)); assert.ok(false, `ACTIVE editor should be ${printEditor(editor)}, BUT HAVING ${visible.join(', ')}`); } const randomFile1 = await createRandomFile(); const randomFile2 = await createRandomFile(); const [docA, docB] = await Promise.all([ workspace.openTextDocument(randomFile1), workspace.openTextDocument(randomFile2) ]); for (let c = 0; c < 4; c++) { let editorA = await window.showTextDocument(docA, ViewColumn.One); assertActiveEditor(editorA); let editorB = await window.showTextDocument(docB, ViewColumn.Two); assertActiveEditor(editorB); } }); test('default column when opening a file', async () => { const [docA, docB, docC] = await Promise.all([ workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()) ]); await window.showTextDocument(docA, ViewColumn.One); await window.showTextDocument(docB, ViewColumn.Two); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor!.document === docB); assert.equal(window.activeTextEditor!.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Two); const editor = await window.showTextDocument(docC); assert.ok( window.activeTextEditor === editor, `wanted fileName:${editor.document.fileName}/viewColumn:${editor.viewColumn} but got fileName:${window.activeTextEditor!.document.fileName}/viewColumn:${window.activeTextEditor!.viewColumn}. a:${docA.fileName}, b:${docB.fileName}, c:${docC.fileName}` ); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor!.document === docC); assert.equal(window.activeTextEditor!.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Two); }); test('showTextDocument ViewColumn.BESIDE', async () => { const [docA, docB, docC] = await Promise.all([ workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()) ]); await window.showTextDocument(docA, ViewColumn.One); await window.showTextDocument(docB, ViewColumn.Beside); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor!.document === docB); assert.equal(window.activeTextEditor!.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Two); await window.showTextDocument(docC, ViewColumn.Beside); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor!.document === docC); assert.equal(window.activeTextEditor!.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Three); }); test('showTextDocument ViewColumn is always defined (even when opening > ViewColumn.Nine)', async () => { const [doc1, doc2, doc3, doc4, doc5, doc6, doc7, doc8, doc9, doc10] = await Promise.all([ workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()) ]); await window.showTextDocument(doc1, ViewColumn.One); await window.showTextDocument(doc2, ViewColumn.Two); await window.showTextDocument(doc3, ViewColumn.Three); await window.showTextDocument(doc4, ViewColumn.Four); await window.showTextDocument(doc5, ViewColumn.Five); await window.showTextDocument(doc6, ViewColumn.Six); await window.showTextDocument(doc7, ViewColumn.Seven); await window.showTextDocument(doc8, ViewColumn.Eight); await window.showTextDocument(doc9, ViewColumn.Nine); await window.showTextDocument(doc10, ViewColumn.Beside); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor!.document === doc10); assert.equal(window.activeTextEditor!.viewColumn, 10); }); test('issue #27408 - showTextDocument & vscode.diff always default to ViewColumn.One', async () => { const [docA, docB, docC] = await Promise.all([ workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()), workspace.openTextDocument(await createRandomFile()) ]); await window.showTextDocument(docA, ViewColumn.One); await window.showTextDocument(docB, ViewColumn.Two); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor!.document === docB); assert.equal(window.activeTextEditor!.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Two); await window.showTextDocument(docC, ViewColumn.Active); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor!.document === docC); assert.equal(window.activeTextEditor!.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Two); }); test('issue #5362 - Incorrect TextEditor passed by onDidChangeTextEditorSelection', (done) => { const file10Path = join(workspace.rootPath || '', './10linefile.ts'); const file30Path = join(workspace.rootPath || '', './30linefile.ts'); let finished = false; let failOncePlease = (err: Error) => { if (finished) { return; } finished = true; done(err); }; let passOncePlease = () => { if (finished) { return; } finished = true; done(null); }; let subscription = window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection((e) => { let lineCount = e.textEditor.document.lineCount; let pos1 = e.textEditor.selections[0].active.line; let pos2 = e.selections[0].active.line; if (pos1 !== pos2) { failOncePlease(new Error('received invalid selection changed event!')); return; } if (pos1 >= lineCount) { failOncePlease(new Error(`Cursor position (${pos1}) is not valid in the document ${e.textEditor.document.fileName} that has ${lineCount} lines.`)); return; } }); // Open 10 line file, show it in slot 1, set cursor to line 10 // Open 30 line file, show it in slot 1, set cursor to line 30 // Open 10 line file, show it in slot 1 // Open 30 line file, show it in slot 1 workspace.openTextDocument(file10Path).then((doc) => { return window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); }).then((editor10line) => { editor10line.selection = new Selection(new Position(9, 0), new Position(9, 0)); }).then(() => { return workspace.openTextDocument(file30Path); }).then((doc) => { return window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); }).then((editor30line) => { editor30line.selection = new Selection(new Position(29, 0), new Position(29, 0)); }).then(() => { return workspace.openTextDocument(file10Path); }).then((doc) => { return window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); }).then(() => { return workspace.openTextDocument(file30Path); }).then((doc) => { return window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); }).then(() => { subscription.dispose(); }).then(passOncePlease, failOncePlease); }); test('#7013 - input without options', function () { const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); let p = window.showInputBox(undefined, source.token); assert.ok(typeof p === 'object'); source.dispose(); }); test('showInputBox - undefined on cancel', async function () { const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); const p = window.showInputBox(undefined, source.token); source.cancel(); const value = await p; assert.equal(value, undefined); }); test('showInputBox - cancel early', async function () { const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); source.cancel(); const p = window.showInputBox(undefined, source.token); const value = await p; assert.equal(value, undefined); }); test('showInputBox - \'\' on Enter', function () { const p = window.showInputBox(); return Promise.all<any>([ commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'), p.then(value => assert.equal(value, '')) ]); }); test('showInputBox - default value on Enter', function () { const p = window.showInputBox({ value: 'farboo' }); return Promise.all<any>([ p.then(value => assert.equal(value, 'farboo')), commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'), ]); }); test('showInputBox - `undefined` on Esc', function () { const p = window.showInputBox(); return Promise.all<any>([ commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.closeQuickOpen'), p.then(value => assert.equal(value, undefined)) ]); }); test('showInputBox - `undefined` on Esc (despite default)', function () { const p = window.showInputBox({ value: 'farboo' }); return Promise.all<any>([ commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.closeQuickOpen'), p.then(value => assert.equal(value, undefined)) ]); }); test('showInputBox - value not empty on second try', async function () { const one = window.showInputBox({ value: 'notempty' }); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); assert.equal(await one, 'notempty'); const two = window.showInputBox({ value: 'notempty' }); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); assert.equal(await two, 'notempty'); }); test('showQuickPick, accept first', async function () { const tracker = createQuickPickTracker<string>(); const first = tracker.nextItem(); const pick = window.showQuickPick(['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'], { onDidSelectItem: tracker.onDidSelectItem }); assert.equal(await first, 'eins'); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); assert.equal(await pick, 'eins'); return tracker.done(); }); test('showQuickPick, accept second', async function () { const tracker = createQuickPickTracker<string>(); const first = tracker.nextItem(); const pick = window.showQuickPick(['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'], { onDidSelectItem: tracker.onDidSelectItem }); assert.equal(await first, 'eins'); const second = tracker.nextItem(); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.quickOpenSelectNext'); assert.equal(await second, 'zwei'); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); assert.equal(await pick, 'zwei'); return tracker.done(); }); test('showQuickPick, select first two', async function () { // const label = 'showQuickPick, select first two'; // let i = 0; const resolves: ((value: string) => void)[] = []; let done: () => void; const unexpected = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { done = () => resolve(); resolves.push(reject); }); const picks = window.showQuickPick(['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'], { onDidSelectItem: item => resolves.pop()!(item as string), canPickMany: true }); const first = new Promise(resolve => resolves.push(resolve)); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); // Allow UI to update. // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.quickOpenSelectNext'); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); assert.equal(await first, 'eins'); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.quickPickManyToggle'); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); const second = new Promise(resolve => resolves.push(resolve)); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.quickOpenSelectNext'); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); assert.equal(await second, 'zwei'); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.quickPickManyToggle'); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); assert.deepStrictEqual(await picks, ['eins', 'zwei']); // console.log(`${label}: ${++i}`); done!(); return unexpected; }); test('showQuickPick, keep selection (microsoft/vscode-azure-account#67)', async function () { const picks = window.showQuickPick([ { label: 'eins' }, { label: 'zwei', picked: true }, { label: 'drei', picked: true } ], { canPickMany: true }); await new Promise<void>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100)); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); if (await Promise.race([picks, new Promise<boolean>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 100))]) === false) { await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); if (await Promise.race([picks, new Promise<boolean>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 1000))]) === false) { await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); if (await Promise.race([picks, new Promise<boolean>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 1000))]) === false) { assert.ok(false, 'Picks not resolved!'); } } } assert.deepStrictEqual((await picks)!.map(pick => pick.label), ['zwei', 'drei']); }); test('showQuickPick, undefined on cancel', function () { const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); const p = window.showQuickPick(['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'], undefined, source.token); source.cancel(); return p.then(value => { assert.equal(value, undefined); }); }); test('showQuickPick, cancel early', function () { const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); source.cancel(); const p = window.showQuickPick(['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'], undefined, source.token); return p.then(value => { assert.equal(value, undefined); }); }); test('showQuickPick, canceled by another picker', function () { const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); const result = window.showQuickPick(['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'], { ignoreFocusOut: true }).then(result => { source.cancel(); assert.equal(result, undefined); }); window.showQuickPick(['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'], undefined, source.token); return result; }); test('showQuickPick, canceled by input', function () { const result = window.showQuickPick(['eins', 'zwei', 'drei'], { ignoreFocusOut: true }).then(result => { assert.equal(result, undefined); }); const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); window.showInputBox(undefined, source.token); source.cancel(); return result; }); test('showQuickPick, native promise - #11754', async function () { const data = new Promise<string[]>(resolve => { resolve(['a', 'b', 'c']); }); const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); const result = window.showQuickPick(data, undefined, source.token); source.cancel(); const value_1 = await result; assert.equal(value_1, undefined); }); test('showQuickPick, never resolve promise and cancel - #22453', function () { const result = window.showQuickPick(new Promise<string[]>(_resolve => { })); const a = result.then(value => { assert.equal(value, undefined); }); const b = commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.closeQuickOpen'); return Promise.all([a, b]); }); test('showWorkspaceFolderPick', async function () { const p = window.showWorkspaceFolderPick(undefined); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10)); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); const r1 = await Promise.race([p, new Promise<boolean>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 100))]); if (r1 !== false) { return; } await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); const r2 = await Promise.race([p, new Promise<boolean>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 1000))]); if (r2 !== false) { return; } await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); const r3 = await Promise.race([p, new Promise<boolean>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 1000))]); assert.ok(r3 !== false); }); test('Default value for showInput Box not accepted when it fails validateInput, reversing #33691', async function () { const result = window.showInputBox({ validateInput: (value: string) => { if (!value || value.trim().length === 0) { return 'Cannot set empty description'; } return null; } }); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem'); await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.closeQuickOpen'); assert.equal(await result, undefined); }); function createQuickPickTracker<T extends string | QuickPickItem>() { const resolves: ((value: T) => void)[] = []; let done: () => void; const unexpected = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { done = () => resolve(); resolves.push(reject); }); return { onDidSelectItem: (item: T) => resolves.pop()!(item), nextItem: () => new Promise<T>(resolve => resolves.push(resolve)), done: () => { done!(); return unexpected; }, }; } test('editor, selection change kind', () => { return workspace.openTextDocument(join(workspace.rootPath || '', './far.js')).then(doc => window.showTextDocument(doc)).then(editor => { return new Promise<void>((resolve, _reject) => { let subscription = window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(e => { assert.ok(e.textEditor === editor); assert.equal(e.kind, TextEditorSelectionChangeKind.Command); subscription.dispose(); resolve(); }); editor.selection = new Selection(editor.selection.anchor, editor.selection.active.translate(2)); }); }); }); });