import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger"; import { ReadWriteConnection } from "@coder/protocol"; import { Server, ServerOptions } from "@coder/protocol/src/node/server"; import { TunnelCloseCode } from "@coder/tunnel/src/common"; import { handle as handleTunnel } from "@coder/tunnel/src/server"; import * as express from "express"; //@ts-ignore import * as expressStaticGzip from "express-static-gzip"; import * as fs from "fs"; import { mkdirp } from "fs-extra"; import * as http from "http"; //@ts-ignore import * as httpolyglot from "httpolyglot"; import * as https from "https"; import * as mime from "mime-types"; import * as net from "net"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import * as pem from "pem"; import * as util from "util"; import * as ws from "ws"; import { buildDir } from "./constants"; import { createPortScanner } from "./portScanner"; import safeCompare = require("safe-compare"); interface CreateAppOptions { registerMiddleware?: (app: express.Application) => void; serverOptions?: ServerOptions; password?: string; httpsOptions?: https.ServerOptions; allowHttp?: boolean; bypassAuth?: boolean; } export const createApp = async (options: CreateAppOptions): Promise<{ readonly express: express.Application; readonly server: http.Server; readonly wss: ws.Server; }> => { const parseCookies = (req: http.IncomingMessage): { [key: string]: string } => { const cookies: { [key: string]: string } = {}; const rc = req.headers.cookie; if (rc) { rc.split(";").forEach((cook) => { const parts = cook.split("="); cookies[parts.shift()!.trim()] = decodeURI(parts.join("=")); }); } return cookies; }; const ensureAuthed = (req: http.IncomingMessage, res: express.Response): boolean => { if (!isAuthed(req)) { res.status(401); res.end(); return false; } return true; }; const isAuthed = (req: http.IncomingMessage): boolean => { try { if (!options.password || options.bypassAuth) { return true; } // Try/catch placed here just in case const cookies = parseCookies(req); if (cookies.password && safeCompare(cookies.password, options.password)) { return true; } } catch (ex) { logger.error("Failed to parse cookies", field("error", ex)); } return false; }; const isEncrypted = (socket: net.Socket): boolean => { if (options.bypassAuth) { return true; } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any return (socket as any).encrypted; }; const app = express(); if (options.registerMiddleware) { options.registerMiddleware(app); } interface CertificateInfo { readonly key: string; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any readonly cert: any; } const certs = await new Promise(async (resolve, reject): Promise => { const selfSignedKeyPath = path.join(options.serverOptions!.dataDirectory, "self-signed.key"); const selfSignedCertPath = path.join(options.serverOptions!.dataDirectory, "self-signed.cert"); if (!fs.existsSync(selfSignedKeyPath) || !fs.existsSync(selfSignedCertPath)) { try { const certs = await new Promise((res, rej): void => { pem.createCertificate({ selfSigned: true, }, (err, result) => { if (err) { rej(err); return; } res(result); }); }); fs.writeFileSync(selfSignedKeyPath, certs.serviceKey); fs.writeFileSync(selfSignedCertPath, certs.certificate); } catch (ex) { return reject(ex); } } resolve({ cert: fs.readFileSync(selfSignedCertPath).toString(), key: fs.readFileSync(selfSignedKeyPath).toString(), }); }); const server = httpolyglot.createServer(options.bypassAuth ? {} : options.httpsOptions || certs, app) as http.Server; const wss = new ws.Server({ server }); wss.shouldHandle = (req): boolean => { return isAuthed(req); }; const portScanner = createPortScanner(); wss.on("connection", (ws, req) => { if (req.url && req.url.startsWith("/tunnel")) { try { const rawPort = req.url.split("/").pop(); const port = Number.parseInt(rawPort!, 10); handleTunnel(ws, port); } catch (ex) { ws.close(TunnelCloseCode.Error, ex.toString()); } return; } if (req.url && req.url.startsWith("/ports")) { const onAdded = portScanner.onAdded((added) => ws.send(JSON.stringify({ added }))); const onRemoved = portScanner.onRemoved((removed) => ws.send(JSON.stringify({ removed }))); ws.on("close", () => { onAdded.dispose(); onRemoved.dispose(); }); return ws.send(JSON.stringify({ ports: portScanner.ports })); } const connection: ReadWriteConnection = { onMessage: (cb): void => { ws.addEventListener("message", (event) => cb(; }, close: (): void => ws.close(), send: (data): void => { if (ws.readyState !== ws.OPEN) { return; } try { ws.send(data); } catch (error) { logger.error(error.message); } }, onUp: (): void => undefined, // This can't come back up. onDown: (cb): void => ws.addEventListener("close", () => cb()), onClose: (cb): void => ws.addEventListener("close", () => cb()), }; // tslint:disable-next-line no-unused-expression new Server(connection, options.serverOptions); }); const baseDir = buildDir || path.join(__dirname, ".."); const authStaticFunc = expressStaticGzip(path.join(baseDir, "build/web/auth")); const unauthStaticFunc = expressStaticGzip(path.join(baseDir, "build/web/unauth")); app.use((req, res, next) => { if (!isEncrypted(req.socket) && !options.allowHttp) { return res.redirect(301, `https://${!}${req.path}`); } if (isAuthed(req)) { // We can serve the actual VSCode bin authStaticFunc(req, res, next); } else { // Serve only the unauthed version unauthStaticFunc(req, res, next); } }); // @ts-ignore app.use((err, req, res, next) => { next(); }); app.get("/ping", (req, res) => { res.json({ hostname: os.hostname(), }); }); app.get("/resource/:url(*)", async (req, res) => { if (!ensureAuthed(req, res)) { return; } try { const fullPath = `/${req.params.url}`; // const relative = path.relative(options!.dataDirectory, fullPath); // if (relative.startsWith("..")) { // return res.status(403).end(); // } const exists = fs.existsSync(fullPath); if (!exists) { return res.status(404).end(); } const stat = await util.promisify(fs.stat)(fullPath); if (!stat.isFile()) { res.write("Resource must be a file."); res.status(422); return res.end(); } let mimeType = mime.lookup(fullPath); if (mimeType === false) { mimeType = "application/octet-stream"; } const content = await util.promisify(fs.readFile)(fullPath); res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": mimeType, "Content-Length": content.byteLength, }); res.write(content); res.end(); } catch (ex) { res.write(ex.toString()); res.status(500); res.end(); } });"/resource/:url(*)", async (req, res) => { if (!ensureAuthed(req, res)) { return; } try { const fullPath = `/${req.params.url}`; const data: string[] = []; req.setEncoding("utf8"); req.on("data", (chunk) => { data.push(chunk); }); req.on("end", async () => { const body = data.join(""); await mkdirp(path.dirname(fullPath)); fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, body);"Wrote resource", field("path", fullPath), field("content-length", body.length)); res.status(200); res.end(); }); } catch (ex) { res.write(ex.toString()); res.status(500); res.end(); } }); return { express: app, server, wss, }; };