/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'mocha'; import { GitStatusParser, parseGitCommits, parseGitmodules, parseLsTree, parseLsFiles } from '../git'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { splitInChunks } from '../util'; suite('git', () => { suite('GitStatusParser', () => { test('empty parser', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, []); }); test('empty parser 2', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update(''); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, []); }); test('simple', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('?? file.txt\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('simple 2', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('?? file.txt\0'); parser.update('?? file2.txt\0'); parser.update('?? file3.txt\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('empty lines', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update(''); parser.update('?? file.txt\0'); parser.update(''); parser.update(''); parser.update('?? file2.txt\0'); parser.update(''); parser.update('?? file3.txt\0'); parser.update(''); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('combined', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('?? file.txt\0?? file2.txt\0?? file3.txt\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('split 1', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('?? file.txt\0?? file2'); parser.update('.txt\0?? file3.txt\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('split 2', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('?? file.txt'); parser.update('\0?? file2.txt\0?? file3.txt\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('split 3', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('?? file.txt\0?? file2.txt\0?? file3.txt'); parser.update('\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('rename', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('R newfile.txt\0file.txt\0?? file2.txt\0?? file3.txt\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: 'newfile.txt', x: 'R', y: ' ' }, { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('rename split', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('R newfile.txt\0fil'); parser.update('e.txt\0?? file2.txt\0?? file3.txt\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file.txt', rename: 'newfile.txt', x: 'R', y: ' ' }, { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); test('rename split 3', () => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); parser.update('?? file2.txt\0R new'); parser.update('file.txt\0fil'); parser.update('e.txt\0?? file3.txt\0'); assert.deepEqual(parser.status, [ { path: 'file2.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' }, { path: 'file.txt', rename: 'newfile.txt', x: 'R', y: ' ' }, { path: 'file3.txt', rename: undefined, x: '?', y: '?' } ]); }); }); suite('parseGitmodules', () => { test('empty', () => { assert.deepEqual(parseGitmodules(''), []); }); test('sample', () => { const sample = `[submodule "deps/spdlog"] path = deps/spdlog url = https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git `; assert.deepEqual(parseGitmodules(sample), [ { name: 'deps/spdlog', path: 'deps/spdlog', url: 'https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git' } ]); }); test('big', () => { const sample = `[submodule "deps/spdlog"] path = deps/spdlog url = https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git [submodule "deps/spdlog2"] path = deps/spdlog2 url = https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git [submodule "deps/spdlog3"] path = deps/spdlog3 url = https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git [submodule "deps/spdlog4"] path = deps/spdlog4 url = https://github.com/gabime/spdlog4.git `; assert.deepEqual(parseGitmodules(sample), [ { name: 'deps/spdlog', path: 'deps/spdlog', url: 'https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git' }, { name: 'deps/spdlog2', path: 'deps/spdlog2', url: 'https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git' }, { name: 'deps/spdlog3', path: 'deps/spdlog3', url: 'https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git' }, { name: 'deps/spdlog4', path: 'deps/spdlog4', url: 'https://github.com/gabime/spdlog4.git' } ]); }); test('whitespace #74844', () => { const sample = `[submodule "deps/spdlog"] path = deps/spdlog url = https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git `; assert.deepEqual(parseGitmodules(sample), [ { name: 'deps/spdlog', path: 'deps/spdlog', url: 'https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git' } ]); }); test('whitespace again #108371', () => { const sample = `[submodule "deps/spdlog"] path= deps/spdlog url=https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git `; assert.deepEqual(parseGitmodules(sample), [ { name: 'deps/spdlog', path: 'deps/spdlog', url: 'https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git' } ]); }); }); suite('parseGitCommit', () => { test('single parent commit', function () { const GIT_OUTPUT_SINGLE_PARENT = `52c293a05038d865604c2284aa8698bd087915a1 John Doe john.doe@mail.com 1580811030 1580811031 8e5a374372b8393906c7e380dbb09349c5385554 This is a commit message.\x00`; assert.deepEqual(parseGitCommits(GIT_OUTPUT_SINGLE_PARENT), [{ hash: '52c293a05038d865604c2284aa8698bd087915a1', message: 'This is a commit message.', parents: ['8e5a374372b8393906c7e380dbb09349c5385554'], authorDate: new Date(1580811030000), authorName: 'John Doe', authorEmail: 'john.doe@mail.com', commitDate: new Date(1580811031000), }]); }); test('multiple parent commits', function () { const GIT_OUTPUT_MULTIPLE_PARENTS = `52c293a05038d865604c2284aa8698bd087915a1 John Doe john.doe@mail.com 1580811030 1580811031 8e5a374372b8393906c7e380dbb09349c5385554 df27d8c75b129ab9b178b386077da2822101b217 This is a commit message.\x00`; assert.deepEqual(parseGitCommits(GIT_OUTPUT_MULTIPLE_PARENTS), [{ hash: '52c293a05038d865604c2284aa8698bd087915a1', message: 'This is a commit message.', parents: ['8e5a374372b8393906c7e380dbb09349c5385554', 'df27d8c75b129ab9b178b386077da2822101b217'], authorDate: new Date(1580811030000), authorName: 'John Doe', authorEmail: 'john.doe@mail.com', commitDate: new Date(1580811031000), }]); }); test('no parent commits', function () { const GIT_OUTPUT_NO_PARENTS = `52c293a05038d865604c2284aa8698bd087915a1 John Doe john.doe@mail.com 1580811030 1580811031 This is a commit message.\x00`; assert.deepEqual(parseGitCommits(GIT_OUTPUT_NO_PARENTS), [{ hash: '52c293a05038d865604c2284aa8698bd087915a1', message: 'This is a commit message.', parents: [], authorDate: new Date(1580811030000), authorName: 'John Doe', authorEmail: 'john.doe@mail.com', commitDate: new Date(1580811031000), }]); }); }); suite('parseLsTree', function () { test('sample', function () { const input = `040000 tree 0274a81f8ee9ca3669295dc40f510bd2021d0043 - .vscode 100644 blob 1d487c1817262e4f20efbfa1d04c18f51b0046f6 491570 Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at 14.48.05.png 100644 blob 686c16e4f019b734655a2576ce8b98749a9ffdb9 764420 Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 20.04.59.png 100644 blob 257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99 4 boom.txt 100644 blob 86dc360dd25f13fa50ffdc8259e9653921f4f2b7 11 boomcaboom.txt 100644 blob a68b14060589b16d7ac75f67b905c918c03c06eb 24 file.js 100644 blob f7bcfb05af46850d780f88c069edcd57481d822d 201 file.md 100644 blob ab8b86114a051f6490f1ec5e3141b9a632fb46b5 8 hello.js 100644 blob 257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99 4 what.js 100644 blob be859e3f412fa86513cd8bebe8189d1ea1a3e46d 24 what.txt 100644 blob 56ec42c9dc6fcf4534788f0fe34b36e09f37d085 261186 what.txt2`; const output = parseLsTree(input); assert.deepEqual(output, [ { mode: '040000', type: 'tree', object: '0274a81f8ee9ca3669295dc40f510bd2021d0043', size: '-', file: '.vscode' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: '1d487c1817262e4f20efbfa1d04c18f51b0046f6', size: '491570', file: 'Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at 14.48.05.png' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: '686c16e4f019b734655a2576ce8b98749a9ffdb9', size: '764420', file: 'Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 20.04.59.png' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: '257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99', size: '4', file: 'boom.txt' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: '86dc360dd25f13fa50ffdc8259e9653921f4f2b7', size: '11', file: 'boomcaboom.txt' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: 'a68b14060589b16d7ac75f67b905c918c03c06eb', size: '24', file: 'file.js' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: 'f7bcfb05af46850d780f88c069edcd57481d822d', size: '201', file: 'file.md' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: 'ab8b86114a051f6490f1ec5e3141b9a632fb46b5', size: '8', file: 'hello.js' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: '257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99', size: '4', file: 'what.js' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: 'be859e3f412fa86513cd8bebe8189d1ea1a3e46d', size: '24', file: 'what.txt' }, { mode: '100644', type: 'blob', object: '56ec42c9dc6fcf4534788f0fe34b36e09f37d085', size: '261186', file: 'what.txt2' } ]); }); }); suite('parseLsFiles', function () { test('sample', function () { const input = `100644 7a73a41bfdf76d6f793007240d80983a52f15f97 0 .vscode/settings.json 100644 1d487c1817262e4f20efbfa1d04c18f51b0046f6 0 Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at 14.48.05.png 100644 686c16e4f019b734655a2576ce8b98749a9ffdb9 0 Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 20.04.59.png 100644 257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99 0 boom.txt 100644 86dc360dd25f13fa50ffdc8259e9653921f4f2b7 0 boomcaboom.txt 100644 a68b14060589b16d7ac75f67b905c918c03c06eb 0 file.js 100644 f7bcfb05af46850d780f88c069edcd57481d822d 0 file.md 100644 ab8b86114a051f6490f1ec5e3141b9a632fb46b5 0 hello.js 100644 257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99 0 what.js 100644 be859e3f412fa86513cd8bebe8189d1ea1a3e46d 0 what.txt 100644 56ec42c9dc6fcf4534788f0fe34b36e09f37d085 0 what.txt2`; const output = parseLsFiles(input); assert.deepEqual(output, [ { mode: '100644', object: '7a73a41bfdf76d6f793007240d80983a52f15f97', stage: '0', file: '.vscode/settings.json' }, { mode: '100644', object: '1d487c1817262e4f20efbfa1d04c18f51b0046f6', stage: '0', file: 'Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at 14.48.05.png' }, { mode: '100644', object: '686c16e4f019b734655a2576ce8b98749a9ffdb9', stage: '0', file: 'Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 20.04.59.png' }, { mode: '100644', object: '257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99', stage: '0', file: 'boom.txt' }, { mode: '100644', object: '86dc360dd25f13fa50ffdc8259e9653921f4f2b7', stage: '0', file: 'boomcaboom.txt' }, { mode: '100644', object: 'a68b14060589b16d7ac75f67b905c918c03c06eb', stage: '0', file: 'file.js' }, { mode: '100644', object: 'f7bcfb05af46850d780f88c069edcd57481d822d', stage: '0', file: 'file.md' }, { mode: '100644', object: 'ab8b86114a051f6490f1ec5e3141b9a632fb46b5', stage: '0', file: 'hello.js' }, { mode: '100644', object: '257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99', stage: '0', file: 'what.js' }, { mode: '100644', object: 'be859e3f412fa86513cd8bebe8189d1ea1a3e46d', stage: '0', file: 'what.txt' }, { mode: '100644', object: '56ec42c9dc6fcf4534788f0fe34b36e09f37d085', stage: '0', file: 'what.txt2' }, ]); }); }); suite('splitInChunks', () => { test('unit tests', function () { assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['hello', 'there', 'cool', 'stuff'], 6)], [['hello'], ['there'], ['cool'], ['stuff']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['hello', 'there', 'cool', 'stuff'], 10)], [['hello', 'there'], ['cool', 'stuff']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['hello', 'there', 'cool', 'stuff'], 12)], [['hello', 'there'], ['cool', 'stuff']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['hello', 'there', 'cool', 'stuff'], 14)], [['hello', 'there', 'cool'], ['stuff']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['hello', 'there', 'cool', 'stuff'], 2000)], [['hello', 'there', 'cool', 'stuff']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 1)], [['0'], ['01'], ['012'], ['0'], ['01'], ['012'], ['0'], ['01'], ['012']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 2)], [['0'], ['01'], ['012'], ['0'], ['01'], ['012'], ['0'], ['01'], ['012']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 3)], [['0', '01'], ['012'], ['0', '01'], ['012'], ['0', '01'], ['012']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 4)], [['0', '01'], ['012', '0'], ['01'], ['012', '0'], ['01'], ['012']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 5)], [['0', '01'], ['012', '0'], ['01', '012'], ['0', '01'], ['012']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 6)], [['0', '01', '012'], ['0', '01', '012'], ['0', '01', '012']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 7)], [['0', '01', '012', '0'], ['01', '012', '0'], ['01', '012']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 8)], [['0', '01', '012', '0'], ['01', '012', '0', '01'], ['012']] ); assert.deepEqual( [...splitInChunks(['0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012', '0', '01', '012'], 9)], [['0', '01', '012', '0', '01'], ['012', '0', '01', '012']] ); }); }); });