import * as cp from "child_process"; import * as net from "net"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } from "text-encoding"; import { createClient } from "./helpers"; import { ChildProcess } from "../src/browser/command"; (global as any).TextDecoder = TextDecoder; // tslint:disable-line no-any (global as any).TextEncoder = TextEncoder; // tslint:disable-line no-any describe("spawn", () => { const client = createClient({ dataDirectory: "", workingDirectory: "", builtInExtensionsDirectory: "", forkProvider: (msg): cp.ChildProcess => { return cp.spawn(msg.getCommand(), msg.getArgsList(), { stdio: [null, null, null, "ipc"], }); }, }); /** * Returns a function that when called returns a promise that resolves with * the next chunk of data from the process. */ const promisifyData = (proc: ChildProcess): (() => Promise) => { // Use a persistent callback instead of creating it in the promise since // otherwise we could lose data that comes in while no promise is listening. let onData: (() => void) | undefined; let buffer: string | undefined; proc.stdout.on("data", (data) => { // Remove everything that isn't a letter, number, or $ to avoid issues // with ANSI escape codes printing inside the test output. buffer = (buffer || "") + data.toString().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9$]/g, ""); if (onData) { onData(); } }); return (): Promise => new Promise((resolve): void => { onData = (): void => { if (typeof buffer !== "undefined") { const data = buffer; buffer = undefined; onData = undefined; resolve(data); } }; onData(); }); }; it("should execute command and return output", (done) => { const proc = client.spawn("echo", ["test"]); proc.stdout.on("data", (data) => { expect(data).toEqual("test\n"); }); proc.on("exit", (): void => { done(); }); }); it("should create shell", async () => { // Setting the config file to something that shouldn't exist so the test // isn't affected by custom configuration. const proc = client.spawn("/bin/bash", ["--rcfile", "/tmp/test/nope/should/not/exist"], { tty: { columns: 100, rows: 10, }, }); const getData = promisifyData(proc); // First it outputs @hostname:cwd expect((await getData()).length).toBeGreaterThan(1); // Then it seems to overwrite that with a shorter prompt in the format of // [hostname@user]$ expect((await getData())).toContain("$"); proc.kill(); await new Promise((resolve): void => { proc.on("exit", resolve); }); }); it("should cat", (done) => { const proc = client.spawn("cat", []); expect(; proc.stdout.on("data", (data) => { expect(data).toEqual("banana"); expect(; proc.kill(); }); proc.on("exit", () => done()); proc.send("banana"); proc.stdin.end(); }); it("should print env variable", (done) => { const proc = client.spawn("env", [], { env: { hi: "donkey" }, }); proc.stdout.on("data", (data) => { expect(data).toEqual("hi=donkey\n"); done(); }); }); it("should resize", async () => { // Requires the `tput lines` cmd to be available. // Setting the config file to something that shouldn't exist so the test // isn't affected by custom configuration. const proc = client.spawn("/bin/bash", ["--rcfile", "/tmp/test/nope/should/not/exist"], { tty: { columns: 10, rows: 10, }, }); const getData = promisifyData(proc); // We've already tested these first two bits of output; see shell test. await getData(); await getData(); proc.send("tput lines\n"); expect(await getData()).toContain("tput"); expect((await getData()).trim()).toContain("10"); proc.resize!({ columns: 10, rows: 50, }); // The prompt again. await getData(); await getData(); proc.send("tput lines\n"); expect(await getData()).toContain("tput"); expect((await getData())).toContain("50"); proc.kill(); expect(proc.killed).toBeTruthy(); await new Promise((resolve): void => { proc.on("exit", resolve); }); }); it("should fork and echo messages", (done) => { const proc = client.fork(path.join(__dirname, "forker.js")); proc.on("message", (msg) => { expect(msg.bananas).toBeTruthy(); proc.kill(); }); proc.send({ bananas: true }, undefined, true); proc.on("exit", () => done()); }); }); describe("createConnection", () => { const client = createClient(); const tmpPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), Math.random().toString()); let server: net.Server; beforeAll(async () => { await new Promise((r): void => { server = net.createServer().listen(tmpPath, () => { r(); }); }); }); afterAll(() => { server.close(); }); it("should connect to socket", async () => { await new Promise((resolve): void => { const socket = client.createConnection(tmpPath, () => { socket.end(); socket.addListener("close", () => { resolve(); }); }); }); await new Promise((resolve): void => { const socket = new client.Socket(); socket.connect(tmpPath, () => { socket.end(); socket.addListener("close", () => { resolve(); }); }); }); }); it("should get data from server", (done) => { server.once("connection", (socket: net.Socket) => { socket.write("hi how r u"); }); const socket = client.createConnection(tmpPath); socket.addListener("data", (data) => { expect(data.toString()).toEqual("hi how r u"); socket.end(); socket.addListener("close", () => { done(); }); }); }); it("should send data to server", (done) => { const clientSocket = client.createConnection(tmpPath); clientSocket.write(Buffer.from("bananas")); server.once("connection", (socket: net.Socket) => { socket.addListener("data", (data) => { expect(data.toString()).toEqual("bananas"); socket.end(); clientSocket.addListener("end", () => { done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe("createServer", () => { const client = createClient(); const tmpPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), Math.random().toString()); it("should connect to server", (done) => { const s = client.createServer(() => { s.close(); }); s.on("close", () => { done(); }); s.listen(tmpPath); }); it("should connect to server and get socket connection", (done) => { const s = client.createServer(); s.listen(tmpPath, () => { net.createConnection(tmpPath, () => { checks++; s.close(); }); }); let checks = 0; s.on("connection", (con) => { expect(checks).toEqual(1); con.end(); checks++; }); s.on("close", () => { expect(checks).toEqual(2); done(); }); }); });