import * as path from "path"; import { VSBuffer } from "vs/base/common/buffer"; import { Emitter, Event } from "vs/base/common/event"; import { IDisposable } from "vs/base/common/lifecycle"; import { OS } from "vs/base/common/platform"; import { URI, UriComponents } from "vs/base/common/uri"; import { transformOutgoingURIs } from "vs/base/common/uriIpc"; import { IServerChannel } from "vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc"; import { IDiagnosticInfo } from "vs/platform/diagnostics/common/diagnosticsService"; import { IEnvironmentService } from "vs/platform/environment/common/environment"; import { ExtensionIdentifier, IExtensionDescription } from "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions"; import { FileDeleteOptions, FileOpenOptions, FileOverwriteOptions, FileType, IStat, IWatchOptions } from "vs/platform/files/common/files"; import { DiskFileSystemProvider } from "vs/platform/files/node/diskFileSystemProvider"; import { ILogService } from "vs/platform/log/common/log"; import pkg from "vs/platform/product/node/package"; import product from "vs/platform/product/node/product"; import { IRemoteAgentEnvironment } from "vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAgentEnvironment"; import { ITelemetryService } from "vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry"; import { getTranslations } from "vs/server/src/nls"; import { getUriTransformer } from "vs/server/src/util"; import { ExtensionScanner, ExtensionScannerInput } from "vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionPoints"; /** * Extend the file provider to allow unwatching. */ class Watcher extends DiskFileSystemProvider { public readonly watches = new Map(); public dispose(): void { => w.dispose());; super.dispose(); } public _watch(req: number, resource: URI, opts: IWatchOptions): void {,, opts)); } public unwatch(req: number): void {!.dispose();; } } export class FileProviderChannel implements IServerChannel, IDisposable { private readonly provider: DiskFileSystemProvider; private readonly watchers = new Map(); public constructor( private readonly environmentService: IEnvironmentService, private readonly logService: ILogService, ) { this.provider = new DiskFileSystemProvider(this.logService); } public listen(context: any, event: string, args?: any): Event { switch (event) { // This is where the actual file changes are sent. The watch method just // adds things that will fire here. That means we have to split up // watchers based on the session otherwise sessions would get events for // other sessions. There is also no point in having the watcher unless // something is listening. I'm not sure there is a different way to // dispose, anyway. case "filechange": const session = args[0]; const emitter = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd: () => { const provider = new Watcher(this.logService); this.watchers.set(session, provider); const transformer = getUriTransformer(context.remoteAuthority); provider.onDidChangeFile((events) => { => ({ ...event, resource: transformer.transformOutgoing(event.resource), }))); }); provider.onDidErrorOccur((event) =>; }, onLastListenerRemove: () => { this.watchers.get(session)!.dispose(); this.watchers.delete(session); }, }); return emitter.event; } throw new Error(`Invalid listen "${event}"`); } public call(_: unknown, command: string, args?: any): Promise { switch (command) { case "stat": return this.stat(args[0]); case "open": return[0], args[1]); case "close": return this.close(args[0]); case "read": return[0], args[1], args[2]); case "write": return this.write(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); case "delete": return this.delete(args[0], args[1]); case "mkdir": return this.mkdir(args[0]); case "readdir": return this.readdir(args[0]); case "rename": return this.rename(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case "copy": return this.copy(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case "watch": return[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); case "unwatch": return this.unwatch(args[0], args[1]); } throw new Error(`Invalid call "${command}"`); } public dispose(): void { this.watchers.forEach((w) => w.dispose()); this.watchers.clear(); } private async stat(resource: UriComponents): Promise { return this.provider.stat(this.transform(resource)); } private async open(resource: UriComponents, opts: FileOpenOptions): Promise { return, opts); } private async close(fd: number): Promise { return this.provider.close(fd); } private async read(fd: number, pos: number, length: number): Promise<[VSBuffer, number]> { const buffer = VSBuffer.alloc(length); const bytesRead = await, pos, buffer.buffer, 0, length); return [buffer, bytesRead]; } private write(fd: number, pos: number, buffer: VSBuffer, offset: number, length: number): Promise { return this.provider.write(fd, pos, buffer.buffer, offset, length); } private async delete(resource: UriComponents, opts: FileDeleteOptions): Promise { return this.provider.delete(this.transform(resource), opts); } private async mkdir(resource: UriComponents): Promise { return this.provider.mkdir(this.transform(resource)); } private async readdir(resource: UriComponents): Promise<[string, FileType][]> { return this.provider.readdir(this.transform(resource)); } private async rename(resource: UriComponents, target: UriComponents, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise { return this.provider.rename(this.transform(resource), URI.from(target), opts); } private copy(resource: UriComponents, target: UriComponents, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise { return this.provider.copy(this.transform(resource), URI.from(target), opts); } private async watch(session: string, req: number, resource: UriComponents, opts: IWatchOptions): Promise { this.watchers.get(session)!._watch(req, this.transform(resource), opts); } private async unwatch(session: string, req: number): Promise { this.watchers.get(session)!.unwatch(req); } private transform(resource: UriComponents): URI { // HACK: for now assume /out is relative to the build (used for the // walkthrough content). if (resource.path.indexOf("/out") === 0) { return URI.file(this.environmentService.appRoot + resource.path); // This is used by the webview service worker to load resources. } else if (resource.path === "/vscode-resource" && resource.query) { try { const query = JSON.parse(resource.query); if (query.requestResourcePath) { return URI.file(query.requestResourcePath); } } catch (error) { /* Carry on. */ } } return URI.from(resource); } } export class ExtensionEnvironmentChannel implements IServerChannel { public constructor( private readonly environment: IEnvironmentService, private readonly log: ILogService, private readonly telemetry: ITelemetryService, ) {} public listen(_: unknown, event: string): Event { throw new Error(`Invalid listen "${event}"`); } public async call(context: any, command: string, args?: any): Promise { switch (command) { case "getEnvironmentData": return transformOutgoingURIs( await this.getEnvironmentData(args.language), getUriTransformer(context.remoteAuthority), ); case "getDiagnosticInfo": return this.getDiagnosticInfo(); case "disableTelemetry": return this.disableTelemetry(); } throw new Error(`Invalid call "${command}"`); } private async getEnvironmentData(locale: string): Promise { return { pid:, appRoot: URI.file(this.environment.appRoot), appSettingsHome: this.environment.appSettingsHome, settingsPath: this.environment.machineSettingsHome, logsPath: URI.file(this.environment.logsPath), extensionsPath: URI.file(this.environment.extensionsPath!), extensionHostLogsPath: URI.file(path.join(this.environment.logsPath, "extension-host")), globalStorageHome: URI.file(this.environment.globalStorageHome), userHome: URI.file(this.environment.userHome), extensions: await this.scanExtensions(locale), os: OS, }; } private async scanExtensions(locale: string): Promise { const translations = await getTranslations(locale, this.environment.userDataPath); const scanMultiple = (isBuiltin: boolean, isUnderDevelopment: boolean, paths: string[]): Promise => { return Promise.all( => { return ExtensionScanner.scanExtensions(new ExtensionScannerInput( pkg.version, product.commit, locale, !!process.env.VSCODE_DEV, path, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment, translations, ), this.log); })); }; const scanBuiltin = async (): Promise => { return scanMultiple(true, false, [this.environment.builtinExtensionsPath, ...this.environment.extraBuiltinExtensionPaths]); }; const scanInstalled = async (): Promise => { return scanMultiple(false, true, [this.environment.extensionsPath!, ...this.environment.extraExtensionPaths]); }; return Promise.all([scanBuiltin(), scanInstalled()]).then((allExtensions) => { const uniqueExtensions = new Map(); allExtensions.forEach((multipleExtensions) => { multipleExtensions.forEach((extensions) => { extensions.forEach((extension) => { const id = ExtensionIdentifier.toKey(extension.identifier); if (uniqueExtensions.has(id)) { const oldPath = uniqueExtensions.get(id)!.extensionLocation.fsPath; const newPath = extension.extensionLocation.fsPath; this.log.warn(`${oldPath} has been overridden ${newPath}`); } uniqueExtensions.set(id, extension); }); }); }); return Array.from(uniqueExtensions.values()); }); } private getDiagnosticInfo(): Promise { throw new Error("not implemented"); } private async disableTelemetry(): Promise { this.telemetry.setEnabled(false); } }