import { Emitter } from "@coder/events"; import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger"; import { Client, ReadWriteConnection } from "@coder/protocol"; import { retry } from "../retry"; /** * A connection based on a web socket. Automatically reconnects and buffers * messages during connection. */ class Connection implements ReadWriteConnection { private activeSocket: WebSocket | undefined; private readonly messageEmitter: Emitter = new Emitter(); private readonly closeEmitter: Emitter = new Emitter(); private readonly upEmitter: Emitter = new Emitter(); private readonly downEmitter: Emitter = new Emitter(); private readonly messageBuffer: Uint8Array[] = []; private socketTimeoutDelay = 60 * 1000; private retryName = "Web socket"; private isUp: boolean = false; private closed: boolean = false; public constructor() { retry.register(this.retryName, () => this.connect()); retry.block(this.retryName);; } /** * Register a function to be called when the connection goes up. */ public onUp(cb: () => void): void { this.upEmitter.event(cb); } /** * Register a function to be called when the connection goes down. */ public onDown(cb: () => void): void { this.downEmitter.event(cb); } public send(data: Buffer | Uint8Array): void { if (this.closed) { throw new Error("web socket is closed"); } if (!this.activeSocket || this.activeSocket.readyState !== this.activeSocket.OPEN) { this.messageBuffer.push(data); } else { this.activeSocket.send(data); } } public onMessage(cb: (data: Uint8Array | Buffer) => void): void { this.messageEmitter.event(cb); } public onClose(cb: () => void): void { this.closeEmitter.event(cb); } public close(): void { this.closed = true; this.dispose(); this.closeEmitter.emit(); } /** * Connect to the server. */ private async connect(): Promise { const socket = await this.openSocket(); socket.addEventListener("message", (event: MessageEvent) => { this.messageEmitter.emit(; }); socket.addEventListener("close", (event) => { if (this.isUp) { this.isUp = false; this.downEmitter.emit(undefined); } logger.warn( "Web socket closed", field("code", event.code), field("reason", event.reason), field("wasClean", event.wasClean), ); if (!this.closed) { retry.block(this.retryName);; } }); // Send any messages that were queued while we were waiting to connect. while (this.messageBuffer.length > 0) { socket.send(this.messageBuffer.shift()!); } if (!this.isUp) { this.isUp = true; this.upEmitter.emit(undefined); } } /** * Open a web socket, disposing the previous connection if any. */ private async openSocket(): Promise { this.dispose(); const socket = new WebSocket( `${location.protocol === "https" ? "wss" : "ws"}://${}`, ); socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; this.activeSocket = socket; const socketWaitTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { socket.close(); }, this.socketTimeoutDelay); await new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { const onClose = (): void => { clearTimeout(socketWaitTimeout); socket.removeEventListener("close", onClose); reject(); }; socket.addEventListener("close", onClose); socket.addEventListener("open", async () => { clearTimeout(socketWaitTimeout); resolve(); }); }); return socket; } /** * Dispose the current connection. */ private dispose(): void { if (this.activeSocket) { this.activeSocket.close(); } } } // Global instance so all fills can use the same client. export const client = new Client(new Connection());