# code-server · [![MIT license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://github.com/cdr/code-server/blob/master/LICENSE) [!["Latest Release"](https://img.shields.io/github/release/cdr/code-server.svg)](https://github.com/cdr/code-server/releases/latest) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/com/cdr/code-server/master)](https://github.com/cdr/code-server) `code-server` is [VS Code](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode) running on a remote server, accessible through the browser. Try it out: ```bash docker run -it -p -v "$PWD:/home/coder/project" codercom/code-server ``` - **Consistent environment:** Code on your Chromebook, tablet, and laptop with a consistent dev environment. Develop more easily for Linux if you have a Windows or Mac and pick up where you left off when switching workstations. - **Server-powered:** Take advantage of large cloud servers to speed up tests, compilations, downloads, and more. Preserve battery life when you're on the go since all intensive computation runs on your server. ![Screenshot](/doc/assets/ide.gif) ## VS Code - See [our VS Code readme](./src/vscode) for more information about how code-server and VS Code work together. ## Getting Started ### Requirements - 64-bit host. - At least 1GB of RAM. - 2 cores or more are recommended (1 core works but not optimally). - Secure connection over HTTPS or localhost (required for service workers and clipboard support). - For Linux: GLIBC 2.17 or later and GLIBCXX 3.4.15 or later. - Docker (for Docker versions of `code-server`). ### Run over SSH Use [sshcode](https://github.com/codercom/sshcode) for a simple setup. ### Docker See the Docker one-liner mentioned above. Dockerfile is at [/Dockerfile](/Dockerfile). ### Digital Ocean [![Create a Droplet](./doc/assets/droplet.svg)](https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/code-server?action=deploy) ### Binaries 1. [Download a binary](https://github.com/cdr/code-server/releases). (Linux and OS X supported. Windows coming soon) 2. Unpack the downloaded file then run the binary. 3. In your browser navigate to `localhost:8080`. - For self-hosting and other information see [doc/quickstart.md](doc/quickstart.md). - For hosting on cloud platforms see [doc/deploy.md](doc/deploy.md). ### Build - [VS Code prerequisites](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites) ```shell yarn yarn build node build/out/entry.js # You can run the built JavaScript with Node. yarn binary # Or you can package it into a binary. ``` If changes are made to the patch and you've built previously you must manually reset VS Code then run `yarn patch:apply`. ## Security ### Authentication By default `code-server` enables password authentication using a randomly generated password. You can set the `PASSWORD` environment variable to use your own instead or use `--auth none` to disable password authentication. Do not expose `code-server` to the open internet without some form of authentication. ### Encrypting traffic with HTTPS If you aren't doing SSL termination elsewhere you can directly give `code-server` a certificate with `code-server --cert` followed by the path to your certificate. Additionally, you can use certificate keys with `--cert-key` followed by the path to your key. If you pass `--cert` without any path `code-server` will generate a self-signed certificate. If `code-server` has been passed a certificate it will also respond to HTTPS requests and will redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. Otherwise it will respond only to HTTP requests. You can use [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) to get an SSL certificate for free. Do not expose `code-server` to the open internet without SSL, whether built-in or through a proxy. ## Future - **Stay up to date!** Get notified about new releases of `code-server`. ![Screenshot](/doc/assets/release.gif) - Electron and Chrome OS applications to bridge the gap between local<->remote. ## Telemetry Use the `--disable-telemetry` flag to completely disable telemetry. We use the data collected to improve code-server. ## Contributing ### Development - [VS Code prerequisites](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites) ```shell yarn yarn watch # Visit http://localhost:8080 once completed. ``` If you run into issues about a different version of Node being used, try running `npm rebuild` in the VS Code directory. If changes are made to the patch and you've built previously you must manually reset VS Code then run `yarn patch:apply`. ## License [MIT](LICENSE) ## Enterprise Visit [our enterprise page](https://coder.com) for more information about our enterprise offering. ## Commercialization If you would like to commercialize code-server, please contact contact@coder.com.