/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import 'mocha'; import { InMemoryDocument } from './inMemoryDocument'; import { createNewMarkdownEngine } from './engine'; const testFileName = vscode.Uri.file('test.md'); suite('markdown.engine', () => { suite('rendering', () => { const input = '# hello\n\nworld!'; const output = '


\n' + '


\n'; test('Renders a document', async () => { const doc = new InMemoryDocument(testFileName, input); const engine = createNewMarkdownEngine(); assert.strictEqual((await engine.render(doc)).html, output); }); test('Renders a string', async () => { const engine = createNewMarkdownEngine(); assert.strictEqual((await engine.render(input)).html, output); }); }); suite('image-caching', () => { const input = '![](img.png) [](no-img.png) ![](http://example.org/img.png) ![](img.png) ![](./img2.png)'; test('Extracts all images', async () => { const engine = createNewMarkdownEngine(); assert.deepStrictEqual((await engine.render(input)), { html: '

' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '

\n' , containingImages: [{ src: 'img.png' }, { src: 'http://example.org/img.png' }, { src: 'img.png' }, { src: './img2.png' }], }); }); }); });