import { mkdirp } from "fs-extra"; import * as os from "os"; import { field, logger} from "@coder/logger"; import { ReadWriteConnection } from "../common/connection"; import { Module, ServerProxy } from "../common/proxy"; import { isPromise, isProxy, moduleToProto, parse, platformToProto, protoToModule, stringify } from "../common/util"; import { CallbackMessage, ClientMessage, EventMessage, FailMessage, MethodMessage, NamedCallbackMessage, NamedEventMessage, NumberedCallbackMessage, NumberedEventMessage, Pong, ServerMessage, SuccessMessage, WorkingInitMessage } from "../proto"; import { ChildProcessModuleProxy, ForkProvider, FsModuleProxy, NetModuleProxy, NodePtyModuleProxy, SpdlogModuleProxy, TrashModuleProxy } from "./modules"; // tslint:disable no-any export interface ServerOptions { readonly workingDirectory: string; readonly dataDirectory: string; readonly cacheDirectory: string; readonly builtInExtensionsDirectory: string; readonly fork?: ForkProvider; } interface ProxyData { disposeTimeout?: number | NodeJS.Timer; instance: any; } export class Server { private proxyId = 0; private readonly proxies = new Map(); private disconnected: boolean = false; private responseTimeout = 10000; public constructor( private readonly connection: ReadWriteConnection, private readonly options?: ServerOptions, ) { connection.onMessage(async (data) => { try { await this.handleMessage(ClientMessage.deserializeBinary(data)); } catch (ex) { logger.error( "Failed to handle client message", field("length", data.byteLength), field("exception", { message: ex.message, stack: ex.stack, }), ); } }); connection.onClose(() => { this.disconnected = true; logger.trace(() => [ "disconnected from client", field("proxies", this.proxies.size), ]); this.proxies.forEach((proxy, proxyId) => { if (isProxy(proxy.instance)) { proxy.instance.dispose(); } this.removeProxy(proxyId); }); }); this.storeProxy(new ChildProcessModuleProxy(this.options ? this.options.fork : undefined), Module.ChildProcess); this.storeProxy(new FsModuleProxy(), Module.Fs); this.storeProxy(new NetModuleProxy(), Module.Net); this.storeProxy(new NodePtyModuleProxy(), Module.NodePty); this.storeProxy(new SpdlogModuleProxy(), Module.Spdlog); this.storeProxy(new TrashModuleProxy(), Module.Trash); if (!this.options) { logger.warn("No server options provided. InitMessage will not be sent."); return; } Promise.all([ mkdirp(this.options.cacheDirectory), mkdirp(this.options.dataDirectory), mkdirp(this.options.workingDirectory), ]).catch((error) => { logger.error(error.message, field("error", error)); }); const initMsg = new WorkingInitMessage(); initMsg.setDataDirectory(this.options.dataDirectory); initMsg.setWorkingDirectory(this.options.workingDirectory); initMsg.setBuiltinExtensionsDir(this.options.builtInExtensionsDirectory); initMsg.setHomeDirectory(os.homedir()); initMsg.setTmpDirectory(os.tmpdir()); initMsg.setOperatingSystem(platformToProto(os.platform())); initMsg.setShell(os.userInfo().shell || global.process.env.SHELL); const srvMsg = new ServerMessage(); srvMsg.setInit(initMsg); connection.send(srvMsg.serializeBinary()); } /** * Handle all messages from the client. */ private async handleMessage(message: ClientMessage): Promise { if (message.hasMethod()) { await this.runMethod(message.getMethod()!); } else if (message.hasPing()) { logger.trace("ping"); const srvMsg = new ServerMessage(); srvMsg.setPong(new Pong()); this.connection.send(srvMsg.serializeBinary()); } else { throw new Error("unknown message type"); } } /** * Run a method on a proxy. */ private async runMethod(message: MethodMessage): Promise { const proxyMessage = message.getNamedProxy()! || message.getNumberedProxy()!; const id = proxyMessage.getId(); const proxyId = message.hasNamedProxy() ? protoToModule(message.getNamedProxy()!.getModule()) : message.getNumberedProxy()!.getProxyId(); const method = proxyMessage.getMethod(); const args = proxyMessage.getArgsList().map((a) => parse( a, (id, args) => this.sendCallback(proxyId, id, args), )); logger.trace(() => [ "received", field("id", id), field("proxyId", proxyId), field("method", method), field("args", proxyMessage.getArgsList()), ]); let response: any; try { const proxy = this.getProxy(proxyId); if (typeof proxy.instance[method] !== "function") { throw new Error(`"${method}" is not a function`); } response = proxy.instance[method](...args); // We wait for the client to call "dispose" instead of doing it onDone to // ensure all the messages it sent get processed before we get rid of it. if (method === "dispose") { this.removeProxy(proxyId); } // Proxies must always return promises. if (!isPromise(response)) { throw new Error('"${method}" must return a promise'); } } catch (error) { logger.error( error.message, field("type", typeof response), field("proxyId", proxyId), ); this.sendException(id, error); } try { this.sendResponse(id, await response); } catch (error) { this.sendException(id, error); } } /** * Send a callback to the client. */ private sendCallback(proxyId: number | Module, callbackId: number, args: any[]): void { const stringifiedArgs = => this.stringify(a)); logger.trace(() => [ "sending callback", field("proxyId", proxyId), field("callbackId", callbackId), field("args", stringifiedArgs), ]); const message = new CallbackMessage(); let callbackMessage: NamedCallbackMessage | NumberedCallbackMessage; if (typeof proxyId === "string") { callbackMessage = new NamedCallbackMessage(); callbackMessage.setModule(moduleToProto(proxyId)); message.setNamedCallback(callbackMessage); } else { callbackMessage = new NumberedCallbackMessage(); callbackMessage.setProxyId(proxyId); message.setNumberedCallback(callbackMessage); } callbackMessage.setCallbackId(callbackId); callbackMessage.setArgsList(stringifiedArgs); const serverMessage = new ServerMessage(); serverMessage.setCallback(message); this.connection.send(serverMessage.serializeBinary()); } /** * Store a proxy and bind events to send them back to the client. */ private storeProxy(instance: ServerProxy): number; private storeProxy(instance: any, moduleProxyId: Module): Module; private storeProxy(instance: ServerProxy | any, moduleProxyId?: Module): number | Module { // In case we disposed while waiting for a function to return. if (this.disconnected) { if (isProxy(instance)) { instance.dispose(); } throw new Error("disposed"); } const proxyId = moduleProxyId || this.proxyId++; logger.trace(() => [ "storing proxy", field("proxyId", proxyId), ]); this.proxies.set(proxyId, { instance }); if (isProxy(instance)) { instance.onEvent((event, ...args) => this.sendEvent(proxyId, event, ...args)); instance.onDone(() => { // It might have finished because we disposed it due to a disconnect. if (!this.disconnected) { this.sendEvent(proxyId, "done"); this.getProxy(proxyId).disposeTimeout = setTimeout(() => { instance.dispose(); this.removeProxy(proxyId); }, this.responseTimeout); } }); } return proxyId; } /** * Send an event to the client. */ private sendEvent(proxyId: number | Module, event: string, ...args: any[]): void { const stringifiedArgs = => this.stringify(a)); logger.trace(() => [ "sending event", field("proxyId", proxyId), field("event", event), field("args", stringifiedArgs), ]); const message = new EventMessage(); let eventMessage: NamedEventMessage | NumberedEventMessage; if (typeof proxyId === "string") { eventMessage = new NamedEventMessage(); eventMessage.setModule(moduleToProto(proxyId)); message.setNamedEvent(eventMessage); } else { eventMessage = new NumberedEventMessage(); eventMessage.setProxyId(proxyId); message.setNumberedEvent(eventMessage); } eventMessage.setEvent(event); eventMessage.setArgsList(stringifiedArgs); const serverMessage = new ServerMessage(); serverMessage.setEvent(message); this.connection.send(serverMessage.serializeBinary()); } /** * Send a response back to the client. */ private sendResponse(id: number, response: any): void { const stringifiedResponse = this.stringify(response); logger.trace(() => [ "sending resolve", field("id", id), field("response", stringifiedResponse), ]); const successMessage = new SuccessMessage(); successMessage.setId(id); successMessage.setResponse(stringifiedResponse); const serverMessage = new ServerMessage(); serverMessage.setSuccess(successMessage); this.connection.send(serverMessage.serializeBinary()); } /** * Send an exception back to the client. */ private sendException(id: number, error: Error): void { const stringifiedError = stringify(error); logger.trace(() => [ "sending reject", field("id", id) , field("response", stringifiedError), ]); const failedMessage = new FailMessage(); failedMessage.setId(id); failedMessage.setResponse(stringifiedError); const serverMessage = new ServerMessage(); serverMessage.setFail(failedMessage); this.connection.send(serverMessage.serializeBinary()); } /** * Call after disposing a proxy. */ private removeProxy(proxyId: number | Module): void { clearTimeout(this.getProxy(proxyId).disposeTimeout as any); this.proxies.delete(proxyId); logger.trace(() => [ "disposed and removed proxy", field("proxyId", proxyId), field("proxies", this.proxies.size), ]); } private stringify(value: any): string { return stringify(value, undefined, (p) => this.storeProxy(p)); } private getProxy(proxyId: number | Module): ProxyData { if (!this.proxies.has(proxyId)) { throw new Error(`proxy ${proxyId} disposed too early`); } return this.proxies.get(proxyId)!; } }