import * as cp from "child_process"; import { getPathFromAmdModule } from "vs/base/common/amd"; import { VSBuffer } from "vs/base/common/buffer"; import { Emitter } from "vs/base/common/event"; import { ISocket } from "vs/base/parts/ipc/common/"; import { NodeSocket } from "vs/base/parts/ipc/node/"; import { ILogService } from "vs/platform/log/common/log"; import { IExtHostReadyMessage } from "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostProtocol"; import { Protocol } from "vs/server/src/protocol"; import { uriTransformerPath } from "vs/server/src/util"; export abstract class Connection { protected readonly _onClose = new Emitter(); public readonly onClose = this._onClose.event; protected disposed: boolean = false; public constructor(protected protocol: Protocol) {} /** * Set up the connection on a new socket. */ public abstract reconnect(socket: ISocket, buffer: VSBuffer): void; protected abstract dispose(): void; } /** * Used for all the IPC channels. */ export class ManagementConnection extends Connection { private timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; private readonly wait = 1000 * 60; public constructor(protocol: Protocol) { super(protocol); protocol.onClose(() => this.dispose()); protocol.onSocketClose(() => { this.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.dispose(), this.wait); }); } public reconnect(socket: ISocket, buffer: VSBuffer): void { clearTimeout(this.timeout as any); // Not sure why the type doesn't work. this.protocol.beginAcceptReconnection(socket, buffer); this.protocol.endAcceptReconnection(); } protected dispose(): void { if (!this.disposed) { clearTimeout(this.timeout as any); // Not sure why the type doesn't work. this.disposed = true; this.protocol.sendDisconnect(); this.protocol.dispose(); this.protocol.getSocket().end();; } } } export class ExtensionHostConnection extends Connection { private process: cp.ChildProcess; public constructor(protocol: Protocol, buffer: VSBuffer, private readonly log: ILogService) { super(protocol); protocol.dispose(); this.process = this.spawn(buffer); } protected dispose(): void { if (!this.disposed) { this.disposed = true; this.process.kill(); this.protocol.getSocket().end();; } } public reconnect(socket: ISocket, buffer: VSBuffer): void { // This is just to set the new socket. this.protocol.beginAcceptReconnection(socket, null); this.protocol.dispose(); this.sendInitMessage(buffer); } private sendInitMessage(buffer: VSBuffer): void { const socket = this.protocol.getUnderlyingSocket(); socket.pause(); this.process.send({ type: "VSCODE_EXTHOST_IPC_SOCKET", initialDataChunk: (buffer.buffer as Buffer).toString("base64"), skipWebSocketFrames: this.protocol.getSocket() instanceof NodeSocket, }, socket); } private spawn(buffer: VSBuffer): cp.ChildProcess { const proc = cp.fork( getPathFromAmdModule(require, "bootstrap-fork"), [ "--type=extensionHost", `--uriTransformerPath=${uriTransformerPath}` ], { env: { ...process.env, AMD_ENTRYPOINT: "vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess", PIPE_LOGGING: "true", VERBOSE_LOGGING: "true", VSCODE_EXTHOST_WILL_SEND_SOCKET: "true", VSCODE_HANDLES_UNCAUGHT_ERRORS: "true", VSCODE_LOG_STACK: "false", }, silent: true, }, ); proc.on("error", () => this.dispose()); proc.on("exit", () => this.dispose()); proc.stdout.setEncoding("utf8").on("data", (d) =>"Extension host stdout", d)); proc.stderr.setEncoding("utf8").on("data", (d) => this.log.error("Extension host stderr", d)); proc.on("message", (event) => { if (event && event.type === "__$console") { const severity = this.log[event.severity] ? event.severity : "info"; this.log[severity]("Extension host", event.arguments); } }); const listen = (message: IExtHostReadyMessage) => { if (message.type === "VSCODE_EXTHOST_IPC_READY") { proc.removeListener("message", listen); this.sendInitMessage(buffer); } }; return proc.on("message", listen); } }