import * as os from "os"; import * as cp from "child_process"; import * as path from "path"; import { mkdir, WriteStream } from "fs"; import { promisify } from "util"; import { TextDecoder } from "text-encoding"; import { logger, field } from "@coder/logger"; import { ClientMessage, WorkingInitMessage, ServerMessage, NewSessionMessage, WriteToSessionMessage } from "../proto"; import { evaluate } from "./evaluate"; import { ReadWriteConnection } from "../common/connection"; import { Process, handleNewSession, handleNewConnection, handleNewServer } from "./command"; import * as net from "net"; export interface ServerOptions { readonly workingDirectory: string; readonly dataDirectory: string; forkProvider?(message: NewSessionMessage): cp.ChildProcess; } export class Server { private readonly sessions: Map = new Map(); private readonly connections: Map = new Map(); private readonly servers: Map = new Map(); private connectionId: number = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; public constructor( private readonly connection: ReadWriteConnection, private readonly options?: ServerOptions, ) { connection.onMessage((data) => { try { this.handleMessage(ClientMessage.deserializeBinary(data)); } catch (ex) { logger.error("Failed to handle client message", field("length", data.byteLength), field("exception", ex)); } }); if (!options) { logger.warn("No server options provided. InitMessage will not be sent."); return; } // Ensure the data directory exists. const mkdirP = async (path: string): Promise => { const split = path.replace(/^\/*|\/*$/g, "").split("/"); let dir = ""; while (split.length > 0) { dir += "/" + split.shift(); try { await promisify(mkdir)(dir); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== "EEXIST") { throw error; } } } }; Promise.all([ mkdirP(path.join(options.dataDirectory, "User", "workspaceStorage")) ]).then(() => {"Created data directory"); }).catch((error) => { logger.error(error.message, field("error", error)); }); const initMsg = new WorkingInitMessage(); initMsg.setDataDirectory(options.dataDirectory); initMsg.setWorkingDirectory(options.workingDirectory); initMsg.setHomeDirectory(os.homedir()); initMsg.setTmpDirectory(os.tmpdir()); const platform = os.platform(); let operatingSystem: WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem; switch (platform) { case "win32": operatingSystem = WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS; break; case "linux": operatingSystem = WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.LINUX; break; case "darwin": operatingSystem = WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.MAC; break; default: throw new Error(`unrecognized platform "${platform}"`); } initMsg.setOperatingSystem(operatingSystem); const srvMsg = new ServerMessage(); srvMsg.setInit(initMsg); connection.send(srvMsg.serializeBinary()); } private handleMessage(message: ClientMessage): void { if (message.hasNewEval()) { evaluate(this.connection, message.getNewEval()!); } else if (message.hasNewSession()) { const session = handleNewSession(this.connection, message.getNewSession()!, this.options, () => { this.sessions.delete(message.getNewSession()!.getId()); }); this.sessions.set(message.getNewSession()!.getId(), session); } else if (message.hasCloseSessionInput()) { const s = this.getSession(message.getCloseSessionInput()!.getId()); if (!s || !s.stdin) { return; } s.stdin.end(); } else if (message.hasResizeSessionTty()) { const s = this.getSession(message.getResizeSessionTty()!.getId()); if (!s || !s.resize) { return; } const tty = message.getResizeSessionTty()!.getTtyDimensions()!; s.resize(tty.getWidth(), tty.getHeight()); } else if (message.hasShutdownSession()) { const s = this.getSession(message.getShutdownSession()!.getId()); if (!s) { return; } s.kill(message.getShutdownSession()!.getSignal()); } else if (message.hasWriteToSession()) { const s = this.getSession(message.getWriteToSession()!.getId()); if (!s) { return; } const data = new TextDecoder().decode(message.getWriteToSession()!.getData_asU8()); const source = message.getWriteToSession()!.getSource(); if (source === WriteToSessionMessage.Source.IPC) { if (!s.stdio || !s.stdio[3]) { throw new Error("Cannot send message via IPC to process without IPC"); } (s.stdio[3] as WriteStream).write(data); } else { s.write(data); } } else if (message.hasNewConnection()) { const socket = handleNewConnection(this.connection, message.getNewConnection()!, () => { this.connections.delete(message.getNewConnection()!.getId()); }); this.connections.set(message.getNewConnection()!.getId(), socket); } else if (message.hasConnectionOutput()) { const c = this.getConnection(message.getConnectionOutput()!.getId()); if (!c) { return; } c.write(Buffer.from(message.getConnectionOutput()!.getData_asU8())); } else if (message.hasConnectionClose()) { const c = this.getConnection(message.getConnectionClose()!.getId()); if (!c) { return; } c.end(); } else if (message.hasNewServer()) { const s = handleNewServer(this.connection, message.getNewServer()!, (socket) => { const id = this.connectionId--; this.connections.set(id, socket); return id; }, () => { this.connections.delete(message.getNewServer()!.getId()); }); this.servers.set(message.getNewServer()!.getId(), s); } else if (message.hasServerClose()) { const s = this.getServer(message.getServerClose()!.getId()); if (!s) { return; } s.close(); } } private getServer(id: number): net.Server | undefined { return this.servers.get(id); } private getConnection(id: number): net.Socket | undefined { return this.connections.get(id); } private getSession(id: number): Process | undefined { return this.sessions.get(id); } }