import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test" import * as fs from "fs" import { tmpdir } from "os" import * as path from "path" import util from "util" import * as cp from "child_process" import { STORAGE } from "../utils/constants" import { CodeServer } from "./models/CodeServer" test.describe("Integrated Terminal", () => { // Create a new context with the saved storage state // so we don't have to logged in const options: any = {} const testFileName = "pipe" const testString = "new string test from e2e test" let codeServer: CodeServer let tmpFolderPath: string = "" let tmpFile: string = "" // TODO@jsjoeio // Fix this once // is fixed if (STORAGE) { const storageState = JSON.parse(STORAGE) || {} options.contextOptions = { storageState, } } test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { codeServer = new CodeServer(page) await codeServer.setup() // NOTE@jsjoeio // We're not using tmpdir from src/node/constants // because Playwright doesn't fully support ES modules from // the erorrs I'm seeing tmpFolderPath = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(tmpdir(), "code-server-test")) tmpFile = path.join(tmpFolderPath, testFileName) }) test.afterEach(async () => { // Ensure directory was removed fs.rmdirSync(tmpFolderPath, { recursive: true }) }) test("should echo a string to a file", options, async ({ page }) => { const command = `mkfifo '${tmpFile}' && cat '${tmpFile}'` const exec = util.promisify(cp.exec) const output = exec(command, { encoding: "utf8" }) // Open terminal and type in value await codeServer.focusTerminal() await page.waitForLoadState("load") await page.keyboard.type(`echo '${testString}' > '${tmpFile}'`) await"Enter") const { stdout } = await output expect(stdout).toMatch(testString) // .access checks if the file exists without opening it // it doesn't return anything hence why we expect it to // resolve to undefined // If the promise rejects (i.e. the file doesn't exist) // then the assertion will fail await expect(fs.promises.access(tmpFile)).resolves.toBeUndefined() await fs.promises.rmdir(tmpFolderPath, { recursive: true }) // Make sure neither file nor folder exist // Note: We have to use ts-ignore because of an upstream typing error // See: /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */ // @ts-ignore expect(fs.promises.access(tmpFile)).rejects.toThrowError(/no such file or directory/) // @ts-ignore expect(fs.promises.access(tmpFolderPath)).rejects.toThrowError(/no such file or directory/) }) })