import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as stream from "stream"; import { Client, IEncodingOptions, IEncodingOptionsCallback } from "@coder/protocol"; import { client } from "./client"; import { promisify } from "util"; declare var __non_webpack_require__: typeof require; declare var _Buffer: typeof Buffer; /** * Implements the native fs module * Doesn't use `implements typeof import("fs")` to remove need for __promisify__ impls * * TODO: For now we can't use async in the evaluate calls because they get * transpiled to TypeScript's helpers. tslib is included but we also need to set * _this somehow which the __awaiter helper uses. */ class FS { public constructor( private readonly client: Client, ) { } public access = (path: fs.PathLike, mode: number | undefined | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void), callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { if (typeof mode === "function") { callback = mode; mode = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, mode) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.access)(path, mode); }, path, mode).then(() => { callback!(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex); }); } // tslint:disable-next-line no-any public appendFile = (file: fs.PathLike | number, data: any, options: IEncodingOptionsCallback, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, data, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.appendFile)(path, data, options); }, file, data, options).then(() => { callback!(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex); }); } public chmod = (path: fs.PathLike, mode: string | number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, mode) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.chmod)(path, mode); }, path, mode).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public chown = (path: fs.PathLike, uid: number, gid: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, uid, gid) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.chown)(path, uid, gid); }, path, uid, gid).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public close = (fd: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.close)(fd); }, fd).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public copyFile = (src: fs.PathLike, dest: fs.PathLike, flags: number | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void), callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { if (typeof flags === "function") { callback = flags; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, src, dest, flags) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.copyFile)(src, dest, flags); }, src, dest, typeof flags !== "function" ? flags : undefined).then(() => { callback!(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex); }); } // tslint:disable-next-line no-any public createWriteStream = (path: fs.PathLike, options?: any): fs.WriteStream => { const ae =, path, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const str = fs.createWriteStream(path, options); ae.on("write", (d: string) => str.write(_Buffer.from(d, "utf8"))); ae.on("close", () => str.close()); ae.on("destroy", () => str.destroy()); str.on("close", () => ae.emit("close")); str.on("open", (fd) => ae.emit("open", fd)); str.on("error", (err) => ae.emit(err)); return { onDidDispose: (cb): fs.WriteStream => str.on("close", cb), dispose: (): void => str.close(), }; }, path, options); return new (class WriteStream extends stream.Writable implements fs.WriteStream { private _bytesWritten: number = 0; public constructor() { super({ write: (data, encoding, cb): void => { this._bytesWritten += data.length; ae.emit("write", Buffer.from(data, encoding), encoding); cb(); }, }); ae.on("open", (fd: number) => this.emit("open", fd)); ae.on("close", () => this.emit("close")); } public get bytesWritten(): number { return this._bytesWritten; } public get path(): string | Buffer { return ""; } public close(): void { ae.emit("close"); } public destroy(): void { ae.emit("destroy"); } }) as fs.WriteStream; } public exists = (path: fs.PathLike, callback: (exists: boolean) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.exists)(path); }, path).then((r) => { callback(r); }).catch(() => { callback(false); }); } public fchmod = (fd: number, mode: string | number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd, mode) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.fchmod)(fd, mode); }, fd, mode).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public fchown = (fd: number, uid: number, gid: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd, uid, gid) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.fchown)(fd, uid, gid); }, fd, uid, gid).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public fdatasync = (fd: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.fdatasync)(fd); }, fd).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public fstat = (fd: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, stats: fs.Stats) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); const tslib = __non_webpack_require__("tslib") as typeof import("tslib"); return util.promisify(fs.fstat)(fd).then((stats) => { return tslib.__assign(stats, { _isBlockDevice: stats.isBlockDevice ? stats.isBlockDevice() : false, _isCharacterDevice: stats.isCharacterDevice ? stats.isCharacterDevice() : false, _isDirectory: stats.isDirectory(), _isFIFO: stats.isFIFO ? stats.isFIFO() : false, _isFile: stats.isFile(), _isSocket: stats.isSocket ? stats.isSocket() : false, _isSymbolicLink: stats.isSymbolicLink ? stats.isSymbolicLink() : false, }); }); }, fd).then((stats) => { callback(undefined!, new Stats(stats)); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex, undefined!); }); } public fsync = (fd: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.fsync)(fd); }, fd).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public ftruncate = (fd: number, len: number | undefined | null | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void), callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { if (typeof len === "function") { callback = len; len = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd, len) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.ftruncate)(fd, len); }, fd, len).then(() => { callback!(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex); }); } public futimes = (fd: number, atime: string | number | Date, mtime: string | number | Date, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd, atime, mtime) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.futimes)(fd, atime, mtime); }, fd, atime, mtime).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public lchmod = (path: fs.PathLike, mode: string | number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, mode) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.lchmod)(path, mode); }, path, mode).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public lchown = (path: fs.PathLike, uid: number, gid: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, uid, gid) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.lchown)(path, uid, gid); }, path, uid, gid).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public link = (existingPath: fs.PathLike, newPath: fs.PathLike, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, existingPath, newPath) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(, newPath); }, existingPath, newPath).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public lstat = (path: fs.PathLike, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, stats: fs.Stats) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); const tslib = __non_webpack_require__("tslib") as typeof import("tslib"); return util.promisify(fs.lstat)(path).then((stats) => { return tslib.__assign(stats, { _isBlockDevice: stats.isBlockDevice ? stats.isBlockDevice() : false, _isCharacterDevice: stats.isCharacterDevice ? stats.isCharacterDevice() : false, _isDirectory: stats.isDirectory(), _isFIFO: stats.isFIFO ? stats.isFIFO() : false, _isFile: stats.isFile(), _isSocket: stats.isSocket ? stats.isSocket() : false, _isSymbolicLink: stats.isSymbolicLink ? stats.isSymbolicLink() : false, }); }); }, path).then((stats) => { callback(undefined!, new Stats(stats)); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex, undefined!); }); } public mkdir = (path: fs.PathLike, mode: number | string | fs.MakeDirectoryOptions | undefined | null | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void), callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { if (typeof mode === "function") { callback = mode; mode = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, mode) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.mkdir)(path, mode); }, path, mode).then(() => { callback!(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex); }); } public mkdtemp = (prefix: string, options: IEncodingOptionsCallback, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, folder: string | Buffer) => void): void => { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, prefix, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.mkdtemp)(prefix, options); }, prefix, options).then((folder) => { callback!(undefined!, folder); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex, undefined!); }); } public open = (path: fs.PathLike, flags: string | number, mode: string | number | undefined | null | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fd: number) => void), callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fd: number) => void): void => { if (typeof mode === "function") { callback = mode; mode = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, flags, mode) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(, flags, mode); }, path, flags, mode).then((fd) => { callback!(undefined!, fd); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex, undefined!); }); } public read = (fd: number, buffer: TBuffer, offset: number, length: number, position: number | null, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, bytesRead: number, buffer: TBuffer) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd, length, position) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); const buffer = new _Buffer(length); return util.promisify(, buffer, 0, length, position).then((resp) => { return { bytesRead: resp.bytesRead, content: resp.bytesRead < buffer.length ? buffer.slice(0, resp.bytesRead) : buffer, }; }); }, fd, length, position).then((resp) => { buffer.set(resp.content, offset); callback(undefined!, resp.bytesRead, resp.content as TBuffer); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex, undefined!, undefined!); }); } public readFile = (path: fs.PathLike | number, options: IEncodingOptionsCallback, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: string | Buffer) => void): void => { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.readFile)(path, options).then((value) => value.toString()); }, path, options).then((buffer) => { callback!(undefined!, buffer); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex, undefined!); }); } public readdir = (path: fs.PathLike, options: IEncodingOptionsCallback, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, files: Buffer[] | fs.Dirent[] | string[]) => void): void => { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } // TODO: options can also take `withFileTypes` but the types aren't working. this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.readdir)(path, options); }, path, options).then((files) => { callback!(undefined!, files); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex, undefined!); }); } public readlink = (path: fs.PathLike, options: IEncodingOptionsCallback, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, linkString: string | Buffer) => void): void => { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.readlink)(path, options); }, path, options).then((linkString) => { callback!(undefined!, linkString); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex, undefined!); }); } public realpath = (path: fs.PathLike, options: IEncodingOptionsCallback, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, resolvedPath: string | Buffer) => void): void => { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.realpath)(path, options); }, path, options).then((resolvedPath) => { callback!(undefined!, resolvedPath); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex, undefined!); }); } public rename = (oldPath: fs.PathLike, newPath: fs.PathLike, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, oldPath, newPath) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.rename)(oldPath, newPath); }, oldPath, newPath).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public rmdir = (path: fs.PathLike, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.rmdir)(path); }, path).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public stat = (path: fs.PathLike, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, stats: fs.Stats) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); const tslib = __non_webpack_require__("tslib") as typeof import("tslib"); return util.promisify(fs.stat)(path).then((stats) => { return tslib.__assign(stats, { /** * We need to check if functions exist because nexe's implemented FS * lib doesnt implement fs.stats properly */ _isBlockDevice: stats.isBlockDevice ? stats.isBlockDevice() : false, _isCharacterDevice: stats.isCharacterDevice ? stats.isCharacterDevice() : false, _isDirectory: stats.isDirectory(), _isFIFO: stats.isFIFO ? stats.isFIFO() : false, _isFile: stats.isFile(), _isSocket: stats.isSocket ? stats.isSocket() : false, _isSymbolicLink: stats.isSymbolicLink ? stats.isSymbolicLink() : false, }); }); }, path).then((stats) => { callback(undefined!, new Stats(stats)); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex, undefined!); }); } public symlink = (target: fs.PathLike, path: fs.PathLike, type: fs.symlink.Type | undefined | null | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void), callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { if (typeof type === "function") { callback = type; type = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, target, path, type) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.symlink)(target, path, type); }, target, path, type).then(() => { callback!(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex); }); } public truncate = (path: fs.PathLike, len: number | undefined | null | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void), callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { if (typeof len === "function") { callback = len; len = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, len) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.truncate)(path, len); }, path, len).then(() => { callback!(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex); }); } public unlink = (path: fs.PathLike, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.unlink)(path); }, path).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public utimes = (path: fs.PathLike, atime: string | number | Date, mtime: string | number | Date, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, atime, mtime) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.utimes)(path, atime, mtime); }, path, atime, mtime).then(() => { callback(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback(ex); }); } public write = (fd: number, buffer: TBuffer, offset: number | undefined | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, buffer: TBuffer) => void), length: number | undefined | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, buffer: TBuffer) => void), position: number | undefined | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, buffer: TBuffer) => void), callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, buffer: TBuffer) => void): void => { if (typeof offset === "function") { callback = offset; offset = undefined; } if (typeof length === "function") { callback = length; length = undefined; } if (typeof position === "function") { callback = position; position = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, fd, buffer, offset, length, position) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.write)(fd, _Buffer.from(buffer, "utf8"), offset, length, position).then((resp) => { return { bytesWritten: resp.bytesWritten, content: resp.buffer.toString("utf8"), }; }); }, fd, buffer.toString(), offset, length, position).then((r) => { callback!(undefined!, r.bytesWritten, Buffer.from(r.content, "utf8") as TBuffer); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex, undefined!, undefined!); }); } // tslint:disable-next-line no-any public writeFile = (path: fs.PathLike | number, data: any, options: IEncodingOptionsCallback, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void => { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = undefined; } this.client.evaluate((_helper, path, data, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import("fs"); const util = __non_webpack_require__("util") as typeof import("util"); return util.promisify(fs.writeFile)(path, data, options); }, path, data, options).then(() => { callback!(undefined!); }).catch((ex) => { callback!(ex); }); } public watch = (filename: fs.PathLike, options?: IEncodingOptions | ((event: string, filename: string | Buffer) => void), listener?: ((event: string, filename: string | Buffer) => void)): fs.FSWatcher => { if (typeof options === "function") { listener = options; options = undefined; } const ae =, filename, hasListener, options) => { const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs") as typeof import ("fs"); // tslint:disable-next-line no-any const watcher =, options as any, hasListener ? (event, filename): void => { ae.emit("listener", event, filename); } : undefined); watcher.on("change", (event, filename) => ae.emit("change", event, filename)); watcher.on("error", (error) => ae.emit("error", error)); ae.on("close", () => watcher.close()); return { onDidDispose: (cb): void => ae.on("close", cb), dispose: (): void => watcher.close(), }; }, filename.toString(), !!listener, options); return new class Watcher extends EventEmitter implements fs.FSWatcher { public constructor() { super(); ae.on("change", (event: string, filename: string) => this.emit("change", event, filename)); ae.on("error", (error: Error) => this.emit("error", error)); ae.on("listener", (event: string, filename: string) => listener && listener(event, filename)); } public close(): void { ae.emit("close"); } }; } } interface IStats { dev: number; ino: number; mode: number; nlink: number; uid: number; gid: number; rdev: number; size: number; blksize: number; blocks: number; atimeMs: number; mtimeMs: number; ctimeMs: number; birthtimeMs: number; atime: Date | string; mtime: Date | string; ctime: Date | string; birthtime: Date | string; _isFile: boolean; _isDirectory: boolean; _isBlockDevice: boolean; _isCharacterDevice: boolean; _isSymbolicLink: boolean; _isFIFO: boolean; _isSocket: boolean; } class Stats implements fs.Stats { public readonly atime: Date; public readonly mtime: Date; public readonly ctime: Date; public readonly birthtime: Date; public constructor(private readonly stats: IStats) { this.atime = new Date(stats.atime); this.mtime = new Date(stats.mtime); this.ctime = new Date(stats.ctime); this.birthtime = new Date(stats.birthtime); } public get dev(): number { return; } public get ino(): number { return this.stats.ino; } public get mode(): number { return this.stats.mode; } public get nlink(): number { return this.stats.nlink; } public get uid(): number { return this.stats.uid; } public get gid(): number { return this.stats.gid; } public get rdev(): number { return this.stats.rdev; } public get size(): number { return this.stats.size; } public get blksize(): number { return this.stats.blksize; } public get blocks(): number { return this.stats.blocks; } public get atimeMs(): number { return this.stats.atimeMs; } public get mtimeMs(): number { return this.stats.mtimeMs; } public get ctimeMs(): number { return this.stats.ctimeMs; } public get birthtimeMs(): number { return this.stats.birthtimeMs; } public isFile(): boolean { return this.stats._isFile; } public isDirectory(): boolean { return this.stats._isDirectory; } public isBlockDevice(): boolean { return this.stats._isBlockDevice; } public isCharacterDevice(): boolean { return this.stats._isCharacterDevice; } public isSymbolicLink(): boolean { return this.stats._isSymbolicLink; } public isFIFO(): boolean { return this.stats._isFIFO; } public isSocket(): boolean { return this.stats._isSocket; } public toObject(): object { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this)); } } const fillFs = new FS(client); // Methods that don't follow the standard callback pattern (an error followed // by a single result) need to provide a custom promisify function. Object.defineProperty(fillFs.exists, promisify.custom, { value: (path: fs.PathLike): Promise => new Promise((resolve): void => fillFs.exists(path, resolve)), }); export = fillFs;