/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { MarkdownIt, Token } from 'markdown-it'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { MarkdownContributionProvider as MarkdownContributionProvider } from './markdownExtensions'; import { Slugifier } from './slugify'; import { SkinnyTextDocument } from './tableOfContentsProvider'; import { hash } from './util/hash'; import { isOfScheme, MarkdownFileExtensions, Schemes } from './util/links'; const UNICODE_NEWLINE_REGEX = /\u2028|\u2029/g; interface MarkdownItConfig { readonly breaks: boolean; readonly linkify: boolean; } class TokenCache { private cachedDocument?: { readonly uri: vscode.Uri; readonly version: number; readonly config: MarkdownItConfig; }; private tokens?: Token[]; public tryGetCached(document: SkinnyTextDocument, config: MarkdownItConfig): Token[] | undefined { if (this.cachedDocument && this.cachedDocument.uri.toString() === document.uri.toString() && this.cachedDocument.version === document.version && this.cachedDocument.config.breaks === config.breaks && this.cachedDocument.config.linkify === config.linkify ) { return this.tokens; } return undefined; } public update(document: SkinnyTextDocument, config: MarkdownItConfig, tokens: Token[]) { this.cachedDocument = { uri: document.uri, version: document.version, config, }; this.tokens = tokens; } public clean(): void { this.cachedDocument = undefined; this.tokens = undefined; } } export class MarkdownEngine { private md?: Promise; private currentDocument?: vscode.Uri; private _slugCount = new Map(); private _tokenCache = new TokenCache(); public constructor( private readonly contributionProvider: MarkdownContributionProvider, private readonly slugifier: Slugifier, ) { contributionProvider.onContributionsChanged(() => { // Markdown plugin contributions may have changed this.md = undefined; }); } private async getEngine(config: MarkdownItConfig): Promise { if (!this.md) { this.md = import('markdown-it').then(async markdownIt => { let md: MarkdownIt = markdownIt(await getMarkdownOptions(() => md)); for (const plugin of this.contributionProvider.contributions.markdownItPlugins.values()) { try { md = (await plugin)(md); } catch { // noop } } const frontMatterPlugin = require('markdown-it-front-matter'); // Extract rules from front matter plugin and apply at a lower precedence let fontMatterRule: any; frontMatterPlugin({ block: { ruler: { before: (_id: any, _id2: any, rule: any) => { fontMatterRule = rule; } } } }, () => { /* noop */ }); md.block.ruler.before('fence', 'front_matter', fontMatterRule, { alt: ['paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote', 'list'] }); for (const renderName of ['paragraph_open', 'heading_open', 'image', 'code_block', 'fence', 'blockquote_open', 'list_item_open']) { this.addLineNumberRenderer(md, renderName); } this.addImageStabilizer(md); this.addFencedRenderer(md); this.addLinkNormalizer(md); this.addLinkValidator(md); this.addNamedHeaders(md); this.addLinkRenderer(md); return md; }); } const md = await this.md!; md.set(config); return md; } private tokenizeDocument( document: SkinnyTextDocument, config: MarkdownItConfig, engine: MarkdownIt ): Token[] { const cached = this._tokenCache.tryGetCached(document, config); if (cached) { return cached; } this.currentDocument = document.uri; const tokens = this.tokenizeString(document.getText(), engine); this._tokenCache.update(document, config, tokens); return tokens; } private tokenizeString(text: string, engine: MarkdownIt) { this._slugCount = new Map(); return engine.parse(text.replace(UNICODE_NEWLINE_REGEX, ''), {}); } public async render(input: SkinnyTextDocument | string): Promise { const config = this.getConfig(typeof input === 'string' ? undefined : input.uri); const engine = await this.getEngine(config); const tokens = typeof input === 'string' ? this.tokenizeString(input, engine) : this.tokenizeDocument(input, config, engine); return engine.renderer.render(tokens, { ...(engine as any).options, ...config }, {}); } public async parse(document: SkinnyTextDocument): Promise { const config = this.getConfig(document.uri); const engine = await this.getEngine(config); return this.tokenizeDocument(document, config, engine); } public cleanCache(): void { this._tokenCache.clean(); } private getConfig(resource?: vscode.Uri): MarkdownItConfig { const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown', resource); return { breaks: config.get('preview.breaks', false), linkify: config.get('preview.linkify', true) }; } private addLineNumberRenderer(md: any, ruleName: string): void { const original = md.renderer.rules[ruleName]; md.renderer.rules[ruleName] = (tokens: any, idx: number, options: any, env: any, self: any) => { const token = tokens[idx]; if (token.map && token.map.length) { token.attrSet('data-line', token.map[0]); token.attrJoin('class', 'code-line'); } if (original) { return original(tokens, idx, options, env, self); } else { return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options, env, self); } }; } private addImageStabilizer(md: any): void { const original = md.renderer.rules.image; md.renderer.rules.image = (tokens: any, idx: number, options: any, env: any, self: any) => { const token = tokens[idx]; token.attrJoin('class', 'loading'); const src = token.attrGet('src'); if (src) { const imgHash = hash(src); token.attrSet('id', `image-hash-${imgHash}`); } if (original) { return original(tokens, idx, options, env, self); } else { return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options, env, self); } }; } private addFencedRenderer(md: any): void { const original = md.renderer.rules['fenced']; md.renderer.rules['fenced'] = (tokens: any, idx: number, options: any, env: any, self: any) => { const token = tokens[idx]; if (token.map && token.map.length) { token.attrJoin('class', 'hljs'); } return original(tokens, idx, options, env, self); }; } private addLinkNormalizer(md: any): void { const normalizeLink = md.normalizeLink; md.normalizeLink = (link: string) => { try { // Normalize VS Code schemes to target the current version if (isOfScheme(Schemes.vscode, link) || isOfScheme(Schemes['vscode-insiders'], link)) { return normalizeLink(vscode.Uri.parse(link).with({ scheme: vscode.env.uriScheme }).toString()); } // If original link doesn't look like a url with a scheme, assume it must be a link to a file in workspace if (!/^[a-z\-]+:/i.test(link)) { // Use a fake scheme for parsing let uri = vscode.Uri.parse('markdown-link:' + link); // Relative paths should be resolved correctly inside the preview but we need to // handle absolute paths specially (for images) to resolve them relative to the workspace root if (uri.path[0] === '/') { const root = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(this.currentDocument!); if (root) { const fileUri = vscode.Uri.joinPath(root.uri, uri.fsPath); uri = fileUri.with({ scheme: uri.scheme, fragment: uri.fragment, query: uri.query, }); } } const extname = path.extname(uri.fsPath); if (uri.fragment && (extname === '' || MarkdownFileExtensions.includes(extname))) { uri = uri.with({ fragment: this.slugifier.fromHeading(uri.fragment).value }); } return normalizeLink(uri.toString(true).replace(/^markdown-link:/, '')); } } catch (e) { // noop } return normalizeLink(link); }; } private addLinkValidator(md: any): void { const validateLink = md.validateLink; md.validateLink = (link: string) => { // support file:// links return validateLink(link) || isOfScheme(Schemes.file, link) || isOfScheme(Schemes.vscode, link) || isOfScheme(Schemes['vscode-insiders'], link) || /^data:image\/.*?;/.test(link); }; } private addNamedHeaders(md: any): void { const original = md.renderer.rules.heading_open; md.renderer.rules.heading_open = (tokens: any, idx: number, options: any, env: any, self: any) => { const title = tokens[idx + 1].children.reduce((acc: string, t: any) => acc + t.content, ''); let slug = this.slugifier.fromHeading(title); if (this._slugCount.has(slug.value)) { const count = this._slugCount.get(slug.value)!; this._slugCount.set(slug.value, count + 1); slug = this.slugifier.fromHeading(slug.value + '-' + (count + 1)); } else { this._slugCount.set(slug.value, 0); } tokens[idx].attrs = tokens[idx].attrs || []; tokens[idx].attrs.push(['id', slug.value]); if (original) { return original(tokens, idx, options, env, self); } else { return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options, env, self); } }; } private addLinkRenderer(md: any): void { const old_render = md.renderer.rules.link_open || ((tokens: any, idx: number, options: any, _env: any, self: any) => { return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options); }); md.renderer.rules.link_open = (tokens: any, idx: number, options: any, env: any, self: any) => { const token = tokens[idx]; const hrefIndex = token.attrIndex('href'); if (hrefIndex >= 0) { const href = token.attrs[hrefIndex][1]; token.attrPush(['data-href', href]); } return old_render(tokens, idx, options, env, self); }; } } async function getMarkdownOptions(md: () => MarkdownIt) { const hljs = await import('highlight.js'); return { html: true, highlight: (str: string, lang?: string) => { lang = normalizeHighlightLang(lang); if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) { try { return `
${hljs.highlight(lang, str, true).value}
`; } catch (error) { } } return `
`; } }; } function normalizeHighlightLang(lang: string | undefined) { switch (lang && lang.toLowerCase()) { case 'tsx': case 'typescriptreact': // Workaround for highlight not supporting tsx: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/issues/1155 return 'jsx'; case 'json5': case 'jsonc': return 'json'; case 'c#': case 'csharp': return 'cs'; default: return lang; } }