/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as cp from 'child_process'; import * as path from 'path'; export interface TerminateResponse { success: boolean; error?: any; } export function terminateProcess(p: cp.ChildProcess, extensionPath: string): TerminateResponse { if (process.platform === 'win32') { try { const options: any = { stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'ignore'] }; cp.execFileSync('taskkill', ['/T', '/F', '/PID', p.pid.toString()], options); } catch (err) { return { success: false, error: err }; } } else if (process.platform === 'darwin' || process.platform === 'linux') { try { const cmd = path.join(extensionPath, 'scripts', 'terminateProcess.sh'); const result = cp.spawnSync(cmd, [process.pid.toString()]); if (result.error) { return { success: false, error: result.error }; } } catch (err) { return { success: false, error: err }; } } else { p.kill('SIGKILL'); } return { success: true }; }