/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { getDeepestFlatNode, findNextWord, findPrevWord, getHtmlFlatNode, offsetRangeToSelection } from './util'; import { HtmlNode } from 'EmmetFlatNode'; export function nextItemHTML(document: vscode.TextDocument, selectionStart: vscode.Position, selectionEnd: vscode.Position, rootNode: HtmlNode): vscode.Selection | undefined { const selectionEndOffset = document.offsetAt(selectionEnd); let currentNode = getHtmlFlatNode(document.getText(), rootNode, selectionEndOffset, false); let nextNode: HtmlNode | undefined = undefined; if (!currentNode) { return; } if (currentNode.type !== 'comment') { // If cursor is in the tag name, select tag if (currentNode.open && selectionEndOffset < currentNode.open.start + currentNode.name.length) { return getSelectionFromNode(document, currentNode); } // If cursor is in the open tag, look for attributes if (currentNode.open && selectionEndOffset < currentNode.open.end) { const selectionStartOffset = document.offsetAt(selectionStart); const attrSelection = getNextAttribute(document, selectionStartOffset, selectionEndOffset, currentNode); if (attrSelection) { return attrSelection; } } // Get the first child of current node which is right after the cursor and is not a comment nextNode = currentNode.firstChild; while (nextNode && (selectionEndOffset >= nextNode.end || nextNode.type === 'comment')) { nextNode = nextNode.nextSibling; } } // Get next sibling of current node which is not a comment. If none is found try the same on the parent while (!nextNode && currentNode) { if (currentNode.nextSibling) { if (currentNode.nextSibling.type !== 'comment') { nextNode = currentNode.nextSibling; } else { currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling; } } else { currentNode = currentNode.parent; } } return nextNode && getSelectionFromNode(document, nextNode); } export function prevItemHTML(document: vscode.TextDocument, selectionStart: vscode.Position, selectionEnd: vscode.Position, rootNode: HtmlNode): vscode.Selection | undefined { const selectionStartOffset = document.offsetAt(selectionStart); let currentNode = getHtmlFlatNode(document.getText(), rootNode, selectionStartOffset, false); let prevNode: HtmlNode | undefined = undefined; if (!currentNode) { return; } const selectionEndOffset = document.offsetAt(selectionEnd); if (currentNode.open && currentNode.type !== 'comment' && selectionStartOffset - 1 > currentNode.open.start) { if (selectionStartOffset < currentNode.open.end || !currentNode.firstChild || selectionEndOffset <= currentNode.firstChild.start) { prevNode = currentNode; } else { // Select the child that appears just before the cursor and is not a comment prevNode = currentNode.firstChild; let oldOption: HtmlNode | undefined = undefined; while (prevNode.nextSibling && selectionStartOffset >= prevNode.nextSibling.end) { if (prevNode && prevNode.type !== 'comment') { oldOption = prevNode; } prevNode = prevNode.nextSibling; } prevNode = getDeepestFlatNode((prevNode && prevNode.type !== 'comment') ? prevNode : oldOption); } } // Select previous sibling which is not a comment. If none found, then select parent while (!prevNode && currentNode) { if (currentNode.previousSibling) { if (currentNode.previousSibling.type !== 'comment') { prevNode = getDeepestFlatNode(currentNode.previousSibling); } else { currentNode = currentNode.previousSibling; } } else { prevNode = currentNode.parent; } } if (!prevNode) { return undefined; } const attrSelection = getPrevAttribute(document, selectionStartOffset, selectionEndOffset, prevNode); return attrSelection ? attrSelection : getSelectionFromNode(document, prevNode); } function getSelectionFromNode(document: vscode.TextDocument, node: HtmlNode): vscode.Selection | undefined { if (node && node.open) { const selectionStart = node.open.start + 1; const selectionEnd = selectionStart + node.name.length; return offsetRangeToSelection(document, selectionStart, selectionEnd); } return undefined; } function getNextAttribute(document: vscode.TextDocument, selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, node: HtmlNode): vscode.Selection | undefined { if (!node.attributes || node.attributes.length === 0 || node.type === 'comment') { return; } for (const attr of node.attributes) { if (selectionEnd < attr.start) { // select full attr return offsetRangeToSelection(document, attr.start, attr.end); } if (!attr.value || attr.value.start === attr.value.end) { // No attr value to select continue; } if ((selectionStart === attr.start && selectionEnd === attr.end) || selectionEnd < attr.value.start) { // cursor is in attr name, so select full attr value return offsetRangeToSelection(document, attr.value.start, attr.value.end); } // Fetch the next word in the attr value if (attr.value.toString().indexOf(' ') === -1) { // attr value does not have space, so no next word to find continue; } let pos: number | undefined = undefined; if (selectionStart === attr.value.start && selectionEnd === attr.value.end) { pos = -1; } if (pos === undefined && selectionEnd < attr.end) { const selectionEndCharacter = document.positionAt(selectionEnd).character; const attrValueStartCharacter = document.positionAt(attr.value.start).character; pos = selectionEndCharacter - attrValueStartCharacter - 1; } if (pos !== undefined) { const [newSelectionStartOffset, newSelectionEndOffset] = findNextWord(attr.value.toString(), pos); if (newSelectionStartOffset === undefined || newSelectionEndOffset === undefined) { return; } if (newSelectionStartOffset >= 0 && newSelectionEndOffset >= 0) { const newSelectionStart = attr.value.start + newSelectionStartOffset; const newSelectionEnd = attr.value.start + newSelectionEndOffset; return offsetRangeToSelection(document, newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd); } } } return; } function getPrevAttribute(document: vscode.TextDocument, selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, node: HtmlNode): vscode.Selection | undefined { if (!node.attributes || node.attributes.length === 0 || node.type === 'comment') { return; } for (let i = node.attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const attr = node.attributes[i]; if (selectionStart <= attr.start) { continue; } if (!attr.value || attr.value.start === attr.value.end || selectionStart < attr.value.start) { // select full attr return offsetRangeToSelection(document, attr.start, attr.end); } if (selectionStart === attr.value.start) { if (selectionEnd >= attr.value.end) { // select full attr return offsetRangeToSelection(document, attr.start, attr.end); } // select attr value return offsetRangeToSelection(document, attr.value.start, attr.value.end); } // Fetch the prev word in the attr value const selectionStartCharacter = document.positionAt(selectionStart).character; const attrValueStartCharacter = document.positionAt(attr.value.start).character; const pos = selectionStart > attr.value.end ? attr.value.toString().length : selectionStartCharacter - attrValueStartCharacter; const [newSelectionStartOffset, newSelectionEndOffset] = findPrevWord(attr.value.toString(), pos); if (newSelectionStartOffset === undefined || newSelectionEndOffset === undefined) { return; } if (newSelectionStartOffset >= 0 && newSelectionEndOffset >= 0) { const newSelectionStart = attr.value.start + newSelectionStartOffset; const newSelectionEnd = attr.value.start + newSelectionEndOffset; return offsetRangeToSelection(document, newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd); } } return; }