import * as JSZip from "jszip"; import * as path from "path"; import * as resolve from "resolve"; import { Tar } from "./tarReader"; const textDecoder = new (typeof TextDecoder === "undefined" ? require("text-encoding").TextDecoder : TextDecoder)(); export interface IFileReader { exists(path: string): boolean; read(path: string): Uint8Array; } /** * RequireFS allows users to require from a file system. */ export class RequireFS { private readonly reader: IFileReader; private readonly customModules: Map; private readonly requireCache: Map; private baseDir: string | undefined; public constructor(reader: IFileReader) { this.reader = reader; this.customModules = new Map(); this.requireCache = new Map(); } /** * Add a base-directory to nest from. */ public basedir(path: string): void { this.baseDir = path; } /** * Provide custom modules to the require instance. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any public provide(module: string, value: any): void { if (this.customModules.has(module)) { throw new Error("custom module has already been registered with this name"); } this.customModules.set(module, value); } public readFile(target: string, type?: "string"): string; public readFile(target: string, type?: "buffer"): Buffer; /** * Read a file and returns its contents. */ public readFile(target: string, type?: "string" | "buffer"): string | Buffer { target = path.normalize(target); const read =; return type === "string" ? textDecoder.decode(read) : Buffer.from(read); } /** * Require a path from a file system. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any public require(target: string): any { target = path.normalize(target); return this.doRequire([target], `./${path.basename(target)}`); } /** * Do require for a caller. Needed for resolving relative paths. */ private doRequire(callers: string[], resolvePath: string): object { if (this.customModules.has(resolvePath)) { return this.customModules.get(resolvePath)!.exports; } const caller = callers[callers.length - 1]; const reader = this.reader; const newRelative = this.realizePath(caller, resolvePath); if (this.requireCache.has(newRelative)) { return this.requireCache.get(newRelative)!.exports; } const module = { exports: {}, }; this.requireCache.set(newRelative, module); const content = textDecoder.decode(; if (newRelative.endsWith(".json")) { module.exports = JSON.parse(content); } else { eval("'use strict'; " + content); } return module.exports; } /** * Attempts to find a module from a path */ private realizePath(caller: string, fullRelative: string): string { const stripPrefix = (path: string): string => { if (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substr(1); } if (path.endsWith("/")) { path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1); } return path; }; const callerDirname = path.dirname(caller); const resolvedPath = resolve.sync(fullRelative, { basedir: this.baseDir ? callerDirname.startsWith(this.baseDir) ? callerDirname : path.join(this.baseDir, callerDirname) : callerDirname, extensions: [".js"], readFileSync: (file: string): string => { return this.readFile(stripPrefix(file)); }, isFile: (file: string): boolean => { return this.reader.exists(stripPrefix(file)); }, }); return stripPrefix(resolvedPath); } } export const fromTar = (content: Uint8Array): RequireFS => { const tar = Tar.fromUint8Array(content); return new RequireFS({ exists: (path: string): boolean => { return tar.files.has(path); }, read: (path: string): Uint8Array => { const file = tar.files.get(path); if (!file) { throw new Error(`file "${path}" not found`); } return; }, }); }; export const fromZip = (content: Uint8Array): RequireFS => { const zip = new JSZip(content); return new RequireFS({ exists: (fsPath: string): boolean => { const file = zip.file(fsPath); return typeof file !== "undefined" && file !== null; }, read: (fsPath: string): Uint8Array => { const file = zip.file(fsPath); if (!file) { throw new Error(`file "${fsPath}" not found`); } // TODO: Should refactor to allow a promise. // tslint:disable-next-line no-any return zip.file(fsPath).async("uint8array") as any; }, }); };