2021-04-30 20:25:17 +05:30

553 lines
26 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import 'mocha';
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { Selection, workspace, CancellationTokenSource, CompletionTriggerKind, ConfigurationTarget } from 'vscode';
import { withRandomFileEditor, closeAllEditors } from './testUtils';
import { expandEmmetAbbreviation } from '../abbreviationActions';
import { DefaultCompletionItemProvider } from '../defaultCompletionProvider';
const completionProvider = new DefaultCompletionItemProvider();
const htmlContents = `
<body class="header">
<ul class="nav main">
<li class="item1">img</li>
<li class="item2">hithere</li>
<div i
.boo {
display: dn; m10
<script type="text/html">
<script type="text/javascript">
suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
const oldValueForExcludeLanguages = workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').inspect('excludeLanguages');
const oldValueForInlcudeLanguages = workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').inspect('includeLanguages');
test('Expand snippets (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(3, 23, 3, 23), 'img', '<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">');
test('Expand snippets in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(3, 23, 3, 23), 'img', '<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">');
test('Expand snippets when no parent node (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('img', 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 3, 0, 3);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), '<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">');
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand snippets when no parent node in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('img', 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 3, 0, 3);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
if (!completionPromise) {
assert.strictEqual(!completionPromise, false, `Got unexpected undefined instead of a completion promise`);
return Promise.resolve();
const completionList = await completionPromise;
assert.strictEqual(completionList && completionList.items && completionList.items.length > 0, true);
if (completionList) {
assert.strictEqual(completionList.items[0].label, 'img');
assert.strictEqual(((<string>completionList.items[0].documentation) || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), '<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">');
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand abbreviation (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(5, 25, 5, 25), 'ul>li', '<ul>\n\t\t\t<li></li>\n\t\t</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(5, 25, 5, 25), 'ul>li', '<ul>\n\t<li></li>\n</ul>');
test('Expand text that is neither an abbreviation nor a snippet to tags (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(4, 20, 4, 27), 'hithere', '<hithere></hithere>');
test('Do not Expand text that is neither an abbreviation nor a snippet to tags in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(4, 20, 4, 27), 'hithere', '<hithere></hithere>', true);
test('Expand abbreviation with repeaters (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(6, 27, 6, 27), 'ul>li*2', '<ul>\n\t\t\t<li></li>\n\t\t\t<li></li>\n\t\t</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with repeaters in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(6, 27, 6, 27), 'ul>li*2', '<ul>\n\t<li></li>\n\t<li></li>\n</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(7, 33, 7, 33), 'ul>li.item$*2', '<ul>\n\t\t\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t\t\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t\t</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(7, 33, 7, 33), 'ul>li.item$*2', '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters with offset (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(8, 36, 8, 36), 'ul>li.item$@44*2', '<ul>\n\t\t\t<li class="item44"></li>\n\t\t\t<li class="item45"></li>\n\t\t</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters with offset in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(8, 36, 8, 36), 'ul>li.item$@44*2', '<ul>\n\t<li class="item44"></li>\n\t<li class="item45"></li>\n</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters in groups (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(17, 16, 17, 16), '(ul>li.item$)*2', '<ul>\n\t\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t</ul>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters in groups in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(17, 16, 17, 16), '(ul>li.item$)*2', '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n</ul>\n<ul>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters in groups with sibling in the end (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(18, 21, 18, 21), '(ul>li.item$)*2+span', '<ul>\n\t\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t</ul>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class="item2"></li>\n\t</ul>\n\t<span></span>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters in groups with sibling in the end in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(18, 21, 18, 21), '(ul>li.item$)*2+span', '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n</ul>\n<ul>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>\n<span></span>');
test('Expand abbreviation with nested groups (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(19, 19, 19, 19), '(div>dl>(dt+dd)*2)', '<div>\n\t\t<dl>\n\t\t\t<dt></dt>\n\t\t\t<dd></dd>\n\t\t\t<dt></dt>\n\t\t\t<dd></dd>\n\t\t</dl>\n\t</div>');
test('Expand abbreviation with nested groups in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(19, 19, 19, 19), '(div>dl>(dt+dd)*2)', '<div>\n\t<dl>\n\t\t<dt></dt>\n\t\t<dd></dd>\n\t\t<dt></dt>\n\t\t<dd></dd>\n\t</dl>\n</div>');
test('Expand tag that is opened, but not closed (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(9, 6, 9, 6), '<div', '<div></div>');
test('Do not Expand tag that is opened, but not closed in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(9, 6, 9, 6), '<div', '<div></div>', true);
test('No expanding text inside open tag (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(2, 4, 2, 4);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(2, 4, 2, 4);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
assert.strictEqual(!completionPromise, true, `Got unexpected comapletion promise instead of undefined`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag when there is no closing tag (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(9, 8, 9, 8);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag when there is no closing tag in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(9, 8, 9, 8);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
assert.strictEqual(!completionPromise, true, `Got unexpected comapletion promise instead of undefined`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag when there is no closing tag when there is no parent node (HTML)', () => {
const fileContents = '<img s';
return withRandomFileEditor(fileContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), fileContents);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text in completion list inside open tag when there is no closing tag when there is no parent node (HTML)', () => {
const fileContents = '<img s';
return withRandomFileEditor(fileContents, 'html', (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
assert.strictEqual(!completionPromise, true, `Got unexpected comapletion promise instead of undefined`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand css when inside style tag (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(13, 16, 13, 19);
const expandPromise = expandEmmetAbbreviation({ language: 'css' });
if (!expandPromise) {
return Promise.resolve();
await expandPromise;
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents.replace('m10', 'margin: 10px;'));
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand css when inside style tag in completion list (HTML)', () => {
const abbreviation = 'm10';
const expandedText = 'margin: 10px;';
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(13, 16, 13, 19);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
if (!completionPromise) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding m10`);
return Promise.resolve();
const completionList = await completionPromise;
if (!completionList || !completionList.items || !completionList.items.length) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding m10`);
return Promise.resolve();
const emmetCompletionItem = completionList.items[0];
assert.strictEqual(emmetCompletionItem.label, expandedText, `Label of completion item doesnt match.`);
assert.strictEqual(((<string>emmetCompletionItem.documentation) || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), expandedText, `Docs of completion item doesnt match.`);
assert.strictEqual(emmetCompletionItem.filterText, abbreviation, `FilterText of completion item doesnt match.`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside style tag if position is not for property name (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(13, 14, 13, 14);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents);
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand css when inside style attribute (HTML)', () => {
const styleAttributeContent = '<div style="m10" class="hello"></div>';
return withRandomFileEditor(styleAttributeContent, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 15, 0, 15);
const expandPromise = expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
if (!expandPromise) {
return Promise.resolve();
await expandPromise;
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), styleAttributeContent.replace('m10', 'margin: 10px;'));
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand css when inside style attribute in completion list (HTML)', () => {
const abbreviation = 'm10';
const expandedText = 'margin: 10px;';
return withRandomFileEditor('<div style="m10" class="hello"></div>', 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 15, 0, 15);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
if (!completionPromise) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding m10`);
return Promise.resolve();
const completionList = await completionPromise;
if (!completionList || !completionList.items || !completionList.items.length) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding m10`);
return Promise.resolve();
const emmetCompletionItem = completionList.items[0];
assert.strictEqual(emmetCompletionItem.label, expandedText, `Label of completion item doesnt match.`);
assert.strictEqual(((<string>emmetCompletionItem.documentation) || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), expandedText, `Docs of completion item doesnt match.`);
assert.strictEqual(emmetCompletionItem.filterText, abbreviation, `FilterText of completion item doesnt match.`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand html when inside script tag with html type (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(21, 12, 21, 12);
const expandPromise = expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
if (!expandPromise) {
return Promise.resolve();
await expandPromise;
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents.replace('span.hello', '<span class="hello"></span>'));
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand html in completion list when inside script tag with html type (HTML)', () => {
const abbreviation = 'span.hello';
const expandedText = '<span class="hello"></span>';
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(21, 12, 21, 12);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
if (!completionPromise) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding span.hello`);
return Promise.resolve();
const completionList = await completionPromise;
if (!completionList || !completionList.items || !completionList.items.length) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding span.hello`);
return Promise.resolve();
const emmetCompletionItem = completionList.items[0];
assert.strictEqual(emmetCompletionItem.label, abbreviation, `Label of completion item doesnt match.`);
assert.strictEqual(((<string>emmetCompletionItem.documentation) || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), expandedText, `Docs of completion item doesnt match.`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside script tag with javascript type (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(24, 12, 24, 12);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text in completion list inside script tag with javascript type (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(24, 12, 24, 12);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
assert.strictEqual(!completionPromise, true, `Got unexpected comapletion promise instead of undefined`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand html when inside script tag with javascript type if js is mapped to html (HTML)', async () => {
await workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('includeLanguages', { 'javascript': 'html' }, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
await withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(24, 10, 24, 10);
const expandPromise = expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
if (!expandPromise) {
return Promise.resolve();
await expandPromise;
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents.replace('span.bye', '<span class="bye"></span>'));
return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('includeLanguages', oldValueForInlcudeLanguages || {}, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
test('Expand html in completion list when inside script tag with javascript type if js is mapped to html (HTML)', async () => {
const abbreviation = 'span.bye';
const expandedText = '<span class="bye"></span>';
await workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('includeLanguages', { 'javascript': 'html' }, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
await withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(24, 10, 24, 10);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
if (!completionPromise) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding span.bye`);
return Promise.resolve();
const completionList = await completionPromise;
if (!completionList || !completionList.items || !completionList.items.length) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding span.bye`);
return Promise.resolve();
const emmetCompletionItem = completionList.items[0];
assert.strictEqual(emmetCompletionItem.label, abbreviation, `Label of completion item (${emmetCompletionItem.label}) doesnt match.`);
assert.strictEqual(((<string>emmetCompletionItem.documentation) || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), expandedText, `Docs of completion item doesnt match.`);
return Promise.resolve();
return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('includeLanguages', oldValueForInlcudeLanguages || {}, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
// test('No expanding when html is excluded in the settings', () => {
// return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('excludeLanguages', ['html'], ConfigurationTarget.Global).then(() => {
// return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(9, 6, 9, 6), '', '', true).then(() => {
// return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('excludeLanguages', oldValueForExcludeLanguages ? oldValueForExcludeLanguages.globalValue : undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
// });
// });
// });
test('No expanding when html is excluded in the settings in completion list', async () => {
await workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('excludeLanguages', ['html'], ConfigurationTarget.Global);
await testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(9, 6, 9, 6), '', '', true);
return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('excludeLanguages', oldValueForExcludeLanguages ? oldValueForExcludeLanguages.globalValue : undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
// test('No expanding when php (mapped syntax) is excluded in the settings', () => {
// return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('excludeLanguages', ['php'], ConfigurationTarget.Global).then(() => {
// return testExpandAbbreviation('php', new Selection(9, 6, 9, 6), '', '', true).then(() => {
// return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('excludeLanguages', oldValueForExcludeLanguages ? oldValueForExcludeLanguages.globalValue : undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
// });
// });
// });
suite('Tests for jsx, xml and xsl', () => {
const oldValueForSyntaxProfiles = workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').inspect('syntaxProfiles');
test('Expand abbreviation with className instead of class in jsx', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('ul.nav', 'javascriptreact', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation({ language: 'javascriptreact' });
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), '<ul className="nav"></ul>');
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand abbreviation with self closing tags for jsx', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('img', 'javascriptreact', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation({ language: 'javascriptreact' });
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), '<img src="" alt="" />');
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand abbreviation with single quotes for jsx', async () => {
await workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('syntaxProfiles', { jsx: { 'attr_quotes': 'single' } }, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
return withRandomFileEditor('img', 'javascriptreact', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation({ language: 'javascriptreact' });
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), '<img src=\'\' alt=\'\' />');
return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('syntaxProfiles', oldValueForSyntaxProfiles ? oldValueForSyntaxProfiles.globalValue : undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
test('Expand abbreviation with self closing tags for xml', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('img', 'xml', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation({ language: 'xml' });
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), '<img src="" alt=""/>');
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand abbreviation with no self closing tags for html', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('img', 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation({ language: 'html' });
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), '<img src="" alt="">');
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand abbreviation with condition containing less than sign for jsx', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('if (foo < 10) {', 'javascriptreact', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 27, 0, 27);
await expandEmmetAbbreviation({ language: 'javascriptreact' });
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), 'if (foo < 10) { <span className="bar"></span>');
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag in completion list (jsx)', () => {
return testNoCompletion('jsx', htmlContents, new Selection(2, 4, 2, 4));
test('No expanding tag that is opened, but not closed in completion list (jsx)', () => {
return testNoCompletion('jsx', htmlContents, new Selection(9, 6, 9, 6));
test('No expanding text inside open tag when there is no closing tag in completion list (jsx)', () => {
return testNoCompletion('jsx', htmlContents, new Selection(9, 8, 9, 8));
test('No expanding text in completion list inside open tag when there is no closing tag when there is no parent node (jsx)', () => {
return testNoCompletion('jsx', '<img s', new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6));
function testExpandAbbreviation(syntax: string, selection: Selection, abbreviation: string, expandedText: string, shouldFail?: boolean): Thenable<any> {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, syntax, async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = selection;
const expandPromise = expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
if (!expandPromise) {
if (!shouldFail) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding ${abbreviation} to ${expandedText}`);
return Promise.resolve();
await expandPromise;
assert.strictEqual(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents.replace(abbreviation, expandedText));
return Promise.resolve();
function testHtmlCompletionProvider(selection: Selection, abbreviation: string, expandedText: string, shouldFail?: boolean): Thenable<any> {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = selection;
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
if (!completionPromise) {
if (!shouldFail) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding ${abbreviation} to ${expandedText}`);
return Promise.resolve();
const completionList = await completionPromise;
if (!completionList || !completionList.items || !completionList.items.length) {
if (!shouldFail) {
assert.strictEqual(1, 2, `Problem with expanding ${abbreviation} to ${expandedText}`);
return Promise.resolve();
const emmetCompletionItem = completionList.items[0];
assert.strictEqual(emmetCompletionItem.label, abbreviation, `Label of completion item doesnt match.`);
assert.strictEqual(((<string>emmetCompletionItem.documentation) || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), expandedText, `Docs of completion item doesnt match.`);
return Promise.resolve();
function testNoCompletion(syntax: string, fileContents: string, selection: Selection): Thenable<any> {
return withRandomFileEditor(fileContents, syntax, (editor, _doc) => {
editor.selection = selection;
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document,, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
assert.strictEqual(!completionPromise, true, `Got unexpected comapletion promise instead of undefined`);
return Promise.resolve();