133 lines
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133 lines
4.9 KiB
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { debug, workspace, Disposable, commands, window } from 'vscode';
import { assertNoRpc, disposeAll } from '../utils';
import { basename } from 'path';
suite('vscode API - debug', function () {
test('breakpoints', async function () {
assert.equal(debug.breakpoints.length, 0);
let onDidChangeBreakpointsCounter = 0;
const toDispose: Disposable[] = [];
toDispose.push(debug.onDidChangeBreakpoints(() => {
debug.addBreakpoints([{ id: '1', enabled: true }, { id: '2', enabled: false, condition: '2 < 5' }]);
assert.equal(onDidChangeBreakpointsCounter, 1);
assert.equal(debug.breakpoints.length, 2);
assert.equal(debug.breakpoints[0].id, '1');
assert.equal(debug.breakpoints[1].id, '2');
assert.equal(debug.breakpoints[1].condition, '2 < 5');
debug.removeBreakpoints([{ id: '1', enabled: true }]);
assert.equal(onDidChangeBreakpointsCounter, 2);
assert.equal(debug.breakpoints.length, 1);
debug.removeBreakpoints([{ id: '2', enabled: false }]);
assert.equal(onDidChangeBreakpointsCounter, 3);
assert.equal(debug.breakpoints.length, 0);
test.skip('start debugging', async function () {
let stoppedEvents = 0;
let variablesReceived: () => void;
let initializedReceived: () => void;
let configurationDoneReceived: () => void;
const toDispose: Disposable[] = [];
if (debug.activeDebugSession) {
// We are re-running due to flakyness, make sure to clear out state
let sessionTerminatedRetry: () => void;
toDispose.push(debug.onDidTerminateDebugSession(() => {
const sessionTerminatedPromise = new Promise<void>(resolve => sessionTerminatedRetry = resolve);
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.debug.stop');
await sessionTerminatedPromise;
const firstVariablesRetrieved = new Promise<void>(resolve => variablesReceived = resolve);
toDispose.push(debug.registerDebugAdapterTrackerFactory('*', {
createDebugAdapterTracker: () => ({
onDidSendMessage: m => {
if (m.event === 'stopped') {
if (m.type === 'response' && m.command === 'variables') {
if (m.event === 'initialized') {
if (m.command === 'configurationDone') {
const initializedPromise = new Promise<void>(resolve => initializedReceived = resolve);
const configurationDonePromise = new Promise<void>(resolve => configurationDoneReceived = resolve);
const success = await debug.startDebugging(workspace.workspaceFolders![0], 'Launch debug.js');
assert.equal(success, true);
await initializedPromise;
await configurationDonePromise;
await firstVariablesRetrieved;
assert.notEqual(debug.activeDebugSession, undefined);
assert.equal(stoppedEvents, 1);
const secondVariablesRetrieved = new Promise<void>(resolve => variablesReceived = resolve);
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.debug.stepOver');
await secondVariablesRetrieved;
assert.equal(stoppedEvents, 2);
const editor = window.activeTextEditor;
assert.notEqual(editor, undefined);
assert.equal(basename(editor!.document.fileName), 'debug.js');
const thirdVariablesRetrieved = new Promise<void>(resolve => variablesReceived = resolve);
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.debug.stepOver');
await thirdVariablesRetrieved;
assert.equal(stoppedEvents, 3);
const fourthVariablesRetrieved = new Promise<void>(resolve => variablesReceived = resolve);
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.debug.stepInto');
await fourthVariablesRetrieved;
assert.equal(stoppedEvents, 4);
const fifthVariablesRetrieved = new Promise<void>(resolve => variablesReceived = resolve);
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.debug.stepOut');
await fifthVariablesRetrieved;
assert.equal(stoppedEvents, 5);
let sessionTerminated: () => void;
toDispose.push(debug.onDidTerminateDebugSession(() => {
const sessionTerminatedPromise = new Promise<void>(resolve => sessionTerminated = resolve);
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.debug.stop');
await sessionTerminatedPromise;
test('start debugging failure', async function () {
let errorCount = 0;
try {
await debug.startDebugging(workspace.workspaceFolders![0], 'non existent');
} catch (e) {
assert.equal(errorCount, 1);