2022-05-17 08:37:44 +07:00
import * as path from "node:path";
2022-05-17 08:17:39 +07:00
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";
2022-05-17 08:37:44 +07:00
import dts from 'vite-plugin-dts';
2022-05-17 08:17:39 +07:00
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
build: {
lib: {
2022-05-17 08:37:44 +07:00
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, "src/lib/index.ts"),
2022-05-17 08:44:41 +07:00
name: "muui",
2022-05-17 08:37:44 +07:00
formats: ['es', 'umd'],
2022-05-17 08:44:41 +07:00
fileName: (format) => `muui.${format}.js`,
2022-05-17 08:17:39 +07:00
rollupOptions: {
// externalize deps that shouldn't be bundled
2022-05-17 08:44:41 +07:00
external: ["react", "react-dom", "@emotion/react", "@emotion/styled", "@mui/icons-material", "@mui/material"],
2022-05-17 08:17:39 +07:00
output: {
// Provide global variables to use in the UMD build for externalized deps
globals: {
react: "React",
2022-05-17 08:37:44 +07:00
plugins: [react(),dts({
insertTypesEntry: true
2022-05-17 08:17:39 +07:00