package import import java.math.RoundingMode import java.text.NumberFormat /** * Money Formatter (Final class) * * @see MoneyConfig for format properties for each of value within currency * @see DecimalUtils for Utils formatter with number */ class MoneyFormatter( private var pattern: String? = null, private var precision: Int? = null, private var roundingMode: RoundingMode? = null, ) : Serializable, StdMoneyFormation, MoneyFormatProvider { fun setPattern(pattern: String?) = apply { this.pattern = pattern } fun setPrecision(precision: Int?) = apply { this.precision = precision } fun setRoundingMode(roundingMode: RoundingMode?) = apply { this.roundingMode = roundingMode } fun setProvider(provider: MoneyFormatProvider?) = apply { if (provider != null) { this.pattern = provider.getPattern() this.precision = provider.getPrecision() this.roundingMode = provider.getRoundingMode() } } // allow to force the auto format from money config private var disableAutoFormat: Boolean = true fun setDisableAutoFormat(disabled: Boolean) = apply { this.disableAutoFormat = disabled } // when want to format the value for each of them, need to parse the money value here private var value: StdMoney? = null fun setValue(value: StdMoney?) = apply { this.value = value } constructor(value: StdMoney?) : this() { this.value = value } override fun getPattern() = pattern?.trim() override fun getPrecision() = precision ?: -1 override fun getRoundingMode() = roundingMode override fun format(): String { value?.getValue() ?: return "" var autoFormat = if (disableAutoFormat) { null } else { autoFormatValueFromConfig(force = false) } if (!autoFormat.isNullOrEmpty()) { return autoFormat } // if don't have the pattern, precision and rounding, will able to use system auto format enabled if (getPattern() == null && getPrecision() < 0 && getRoundingMode() == null) { autoFormat = autoFormatValueFromConfig(force = true) return if (autoFormat.isNullOrEmpty()) { value?.getValue().toString() } else { autoFormat } } if (getPrecision() > -1) { return DecimalUtils.toDecimalPrecision(value?.getValue() ?: 0, getPrecision(), getRoundingMode()) ?: "" } return DecimalUtils.toStringDecimal(value?.getValue() ?: 0, getPattern(), getRoundingMode()) } override fun toMoneyString(overrideSymbol: Char?): String { return value?.asMoneyString(overrideSymbol) ?: "" } private fun autoFormatValueFromConfig(force: Boolean): String? { if (force || MoneyConfig.isAutoLocaleFormatterEnabled()) { val systemCurrency = if (MoneyConfig.isAutoCurrencyFormatterEnabled()) { MoneyConfig.getCurrency() } else { value?.getCurrency()?.findCurrency() } if (systemCurrency != null) { val numberFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(MoneyConfig.getLocale()) if (getRoundingMode() != null) { numberFormatter.roundingMode = getRoundingMode() } numberFormatter.currency = systemCurrency return numberFormatter.format(value?.getValue()) } } return null } companion object { const val DEFAULT_FORMATTER = "defaultFormatter" const val DEFAULT_LOCALE = "defaultLocale" const val DEFAULT_CURRENCY = "defaultCurrency" } }