import* import org.junit.Assert import org.junit.Test class MoneyTests { private fun initMoneyConfig() { applyMoneyConfig { setProperties(buildMoneyConfigProperties { setDeliEqual(':') setDeliSplit(',') }) fromJson(MyBatchRates.getJsonRates()) } } @Test fun exchange_2usd_to_khr_test() { initMoneyConfig() // applyMoneyConfig { // setProperties(buildMoneyConfigProperties { // setDeliEqual(':') // setDeliSplit(',') // }) // // parse("USD:1,KHR:4000") // // appendRate("usd", 1.0) // // appendRate("khr", 4000.0) // fromJson(MyBatchRates.getJsonRates()) // } // Is valid for money config? Assert.assertTrue(MoneyConfig.isValid()) // arithmetic operators calculation val moneyUsd = (2 withCurrency "usd") divideWith (2 withCurrency "usd") plusOf 1 minusOf 1 plusOf 1 multiplyOf 2 divideOf 2 divideWith (8000 withCurrency "khr") plusOf 1 val moneyKhr = moneyUsd exchangeTo "khr" // Is correct exchange? Assert.assertEquals(8000.0, moneyKhr.getMoneyValue(), 0.0) // complex operators and exchanging val sum = ((moneyUsd + moneyKhr) * Money.TEN) exchangeTo MoneyCurrency.KHR minusWith (Money.ONE exchangeTo MoneyCurrency.KHR) Assert.assertEquals(156000.0, sum.getMoneyValue(), 0.0) } object MyBatchRates { fun getJsonRates(): String { return """ {"USD": 1.0,"KHR": 4000.0, "eur": 0.5} """.trimIndent() } } @Test fun moneyGenerator() { initMoneyConfig() val moneyGen = MoneyObject( value = 1.0, currency = "usd", operator = MoneyObject.MoneyOperator.PLUS, with = MoneyObject( value = 8000.0, currency = "khr", operator = MoneyObject.MoneyOperator.MINUS, with = MoneyObject( value = 1000.0, currency = "khr", ) ) ) val result = moneyGen.compute() Assert.assertEquals(2.75, result.getMoneyValue(), 0.0) } @Test fun moneyGeneratorBuilder() { initMoneyConfig() val expected = 72000.0 val builder = MoneyObject.builder() .with(10.0, "usd", '+') .with(1.5, "eur", '+') .with(8000.0, "khr") .with(10000.0, "khr") .with(2000.0, "khr") .with(.5, "eur", '-') .with(1.0, "usd") .withCurrency("khr") .build() val result = builder.compute() println(result) Assert.assertEquals(expected, result.getMoneyValue(), 0.0) } }