package object MoneyExchangeUtils { fun exchange(exchangeFrom: StdMoney, exchangeToCurrency: StdMoney.Currency): StdMoney { val rateFrom = MoneyConfig.getRate(exchangeFrom.getCurrency()) val rateTo = MoneyConfig.getRate(exchangeToCurrency) return Money(value = computeRate(rateFrom, rateTo, amountFrom = exchangeFrom.getValue()), currency = exchangeToCurrency) } private fun computeRate(rateFrom: Double, rateTo: Double, baseRate: Double = 1.0, amountFrom: Double = 1.0): Double { return amountFrom * ((baseRate / rateFrom) / (baseRate / rateTo)) } fun getBaseCurrency(): StdMoney.Currency { return StdMoney.USD } /** * Compute the Base Exchange Price / Converter to any Rates. * Multiple differentiate exchange relation computation. * Example: A -> B -> C meant You can with all variables, but must find the based MEANT of its. * * Sample Explanation: Matrix Multiply * 1 USD -> 0.90 EUR * 1 USD -> 4000 KHR * If I want to exchange from EUR to KHR, I need. * 1 EUR -> 1 * (1 / 0.90) / (1 / 4000) * * @author sombochea * @since 1.0 */ fun computeFromBaseRate(amountFrom: Double = 1.0, baseRate: Double = 1.0, rateFrom: Double, rateTo: Double): Double { // amount * ((baseRate / rateFrom) / (baseRate / rateTo)) return amountFrom.times((baseRate.div(rateFrom)).div(baseRate.div(rateTo))) } }