package import java.util.* infix fun StdMoney.exchangeTo(currency: StdMoney.Currency): StdMoney { return, currency) } infix fun StdMoney.exchangeTo(currency: String): StdMoney = this exchangeTo object : StdMoney.Currency { override fun getCurrency(): String { return currency.toUpperCase().trim() } } infix fun StdMoney.plusWith(other: StdMoney): StdMoney = this + other infix fun StdMoney.minusWith(other: StdMoney): StdMoney = this - other infix fun StdMoney.divideWith(other: StdMoney): StdMoney = this / other infix fun StdMoney.multiplyWith(other: StdMoney): StdMoney = this * other infix fun StdMoney.plusOf(value: Number): StdMoney = object : StdMoney { override fun getCurrency(): StdMoney.Currency { return this@plusOf.getCurrency() } override fun getValue(): Double { return this@plusOf.getValue() + value.toDouble() } } infix fun StdMoney.minusOf(value: Number): StdMoney = object : StdMoney { override fun getCurrency(): StdMoney.Currency { return this@minusOf.getCurrency() } override fun getValue(): Double { return this@minusOf.getValue() - value.toDouble() } } infix fun StdMoney.divideOf(value: Number): StdMoney = object : StdMoney { override fun getCurrency(): StdMoney.Currency { return this@divideOf.getCurrency() } override fun getValue(): Double { return this@divideOf.getValue() / value.toDouble() } } infix fun StdMoney.multiplyOf(value: Number): StdMoney = object : StdMoney { override fun getCurrency(): StdMoney.Currency { return this@multiplyOf.getCurrency() } override fun getValue(): Double { return this@multiplyOf.getValue() * value.toDouble() } } infix fun Number.withCurrency(currency: StdMoney.Currency): StdMoney = object : StdMoney { override fun getCurrency(): StdMoney.Currency { return currency } override fun getValue(): Double { return this@withCurrency.toDouble() } } infix fun Number.withCurrency(currency: String): StdMoney = this withCurrency object : StdMoney.Currency { override fun getCurrency(): String { return currency.toUpperCase().trim() } } // toString function for StdMoney interface fun StdMoney.asString(): String = "StdMoney(value=${getValue()}, currency=${getCurrency().getCurrency()})" fun StdMoney.asMoneyString(deli: Char? = ':'): String = "${getValue()}${deli ?: ':'}${getCurrency().getCurrency()}" fun String?.fromStringToMoney(): StdMoney { val values = this?.split(":") if (values.isNullOrEmpty()) { return StdMoney.ZERO } val currency = StdMoney.initCurrency(values.firstOrNull()) val value = values.lastOrNull()?.toDouble() ?: 0.0 return object : StdMoney { override fun getCurrency(): StdMoney.Currency { return currency } override fun getValue(): Double { return value } } } // check the money currency fun StdMoney.isMatchedCurrency(currency: StdMoney.Currency) = this.getCurrency().isEquals(currency) // transfer to any money mixin fun StdMoney.tryToCastToMixin(): MoneyMixin { return object : MoneyMixin { fun getValue(): Double { return this@tryToCastToMixin.getValue() } fun getCurrency(): String { return this@tryToCastToMixin.getCurrency().getCurrency() } } } // transfer std money to money view fun StdMoney.asMoneyView(): MoneyView { return MoneyView(this) } // transfer money view to std money fun MoneyView.asStdMoney(): StdMoney { return object : StdMoney { override fun getCurrency(): StdMoney.Currency { return StdMoney.initCurrency(this@asStdMoney.getCurrency()) } override fun getValue(): Double { return this@asStdMoney.getValue() } } } // detect currency symbol, if needed fun StdMoney.Currency.findCurrency(): Currency? { return Currency.getInstance(this.getCurrency()) }