2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
import sys
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
import traceback
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
import argparse
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
import time
import datetime
2018-07-28 05:14:58 +07:00
import codecs
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
from builtins import input
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
from zk import ZK, const
from zk.user import User
from zk.finger import Finger
2018-06-14 02:23:21 +07:00
from zk.attendance import Attendance
from zk.exception import ZKErrorResponse, ZKNetworkError
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
2018-07-25 06:49:18 +07:00
class BasicException(Exception):
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
conn = None
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ZK Basic Reading Tests')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--address',
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
help='ZK device Address []', default='')
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int,
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
help='ZK device port [4370]', default=4370)
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-T', '--timeout', type=int,
2018-08-31 03:31:49 +07:00
help='Default [10] seconds (0: disable timeout)', default=10)
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-P', '--password', type=int,
help='Device code/password', default=0)
2018-07-25 06:49:18 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-b', '--basic', action="store_true",
2018-07-28 05:14:58 +07:00
help='get Basic Information only. (no bulk read, ie: users)')
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force-udp', action="store_true",
help='Force UDP communication')
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true",
help='Print debug information')
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-t', '--templates', action="store_true",
2018-07-28 05:14:58 +07:00
help='Get templates / fingers (compare bulk and single read)')
parser.add_argument('-tr', '--templates-raw', action="store_true",
help='Get raw templates (dump templates)')
2018-09-13 02:21:07 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-ti', '--templates-index', type=int,
help='Get specific template', default=0)
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-r', '--records', action="store_true",
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
help='Get attendance records')
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-u', '--updatetime', action="store_true",
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
help='Update Date/Time')
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-l', '--live-capture', action="store_true",
help='Live Event Capture')
2018-06-07 02:10:18 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-o', '--open-door', action="store_true",
help='Open door')
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-D', '--deleteuser', type=int,
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
help='Delete a User (uid)', default=0)
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-A', '--adduser', type=int,
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
help='Add a User (uid) (and enroll)', default=0)
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-E', '--enrolluser', type=int,
help='Enroll a User (uid)', default=0)
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
parser.add_argument('-F', '--finger', type=int,
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
help='Finger for enroll (fid=0)', default=0)
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
args = parser.parse_args()
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
zk = ZK(args.address, port=args.port, timeout=args.timeout, password=args.password, force_udp=args.force_udp, verbose=args.verbose)
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print('Connecting to device ...')
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
conn = zk.connect()
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print('SDK build=1 : %s' % conn.set_sdk_build_1()) # why?
print ('Disabling device ...')
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
2018-04-21 06:16:31 +07:00
fmt = conn.get_extend_fmt()
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('ExtendFmt : {}'.format(fmt))
2018-04-27 07:17:48 +07:00
fmt = conn.get_user_extend_fmt()
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('UsrExtFmt : {}'.format(fmt))
print ('Face FunOn : {}'.format(conn.get_face_fun_on()))
print ('Face Version : {}'.format(conn.get_face_version()))
print ('Finger Version : {}'.format(conn.get_fp_version()))
print ('Old Firm compat : {}'.format(conn.get_compat_old_firmware()))
2018-04-27 07:17:48 +07:00
net = conn.get_network_params()
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('IP:{} mask:{} gateway:{}'.format(net['ip'],net['mask'], net['gateway']))
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
now = datetime.datetime.today().replace(microsecond=0)
if args.updatetime:
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('--- Updating Time---')
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
zk_time = conn.get_time()
dif = abs(zk_time - now).total_seconds()
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('Time : {}'.format(zk_time))
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
if dif > 120:
2018-04-27 07:17:48 +07:00
print("WRN: TIME IS NOT SYNC!!!!!! (local: %s) use command -u to update" % now)
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('Firmware Version : {}'.format(conn.get_firmware_version()))
print ('Platform : %s' % conn.get_platform())
print ('DeviceName : %s' % conn.get_device_name())
print ('Pin Width : %i' % conn.get_pin_width())
print ('Serial Number : %s' % conn.get_serialnumber())
print ('MAC: %s' % conn.get_mac())
print ('')
print ('--- sizes & capacity ---')
2018-04-27 02:35:54 +07:00
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print (conn)
print ('')
2018-07-25 06:49:18 +07:00
if args.basic:
raise BasicException("Basic Info... Done!")
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('--- Get User ---')
2018-05-26 03:44:38 +07:00
inicio = time.time()
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
users = conn.get_users()
2018-05-26 03:44:38 +07:00
final = time.time()
print (' took {:.3f}[s]'.format(final - inicio))
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
max_uid = 0
prev = None
if not args.deleteuser:
for user in users:
privilege = 'User'
if user.uid > max_uid:
max_uid = user.uid
privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_DEFAULT else 'Admin-%s' % user.privilege
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('-> UID #{:<5} Name : {:<27} Privilege : {}'.format(user.uid, user.name, privilege))
print (' Group ID : {:<8} User ID : {:<8} Password : {:<8} Card : {}'.format(user.group_id, user.user_id, user.password, user.card))
#print (len (user.repack73()), user.repack73().encode('hex'))
#print ('')
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
if args.adduser and user.uid == args.adduser:
prev = user
if args.deleteuser:
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('')
print ('-- Delete User UID#%s ---' % args.deleteuser)
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
#TODO implementar luego
users = conn.get_users() #update
for user in users:
if user.uid > max_uid:
max_uid = user.uid
privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_DEFAULT else 'Admin-%s' % user.privilege
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('-> UID #{:<5} Name : {:<27} Privilege : {}'.format(user.uid, user.name, privilege))
print (' Group ID : {:<8} User ID : {:<8} Password : {:<8} Card : {}'.format(user.group_id, user.user_id, user.password, user.card))
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
#print len (user.repack73()), user.repack73().encode('hex')
#print ''
if args.adduser and user.uid == args.adduser:
prev = user
2018-05-26 03:44:38 +07:00
print (' took {:.3f}[s]'.format(final - inicio))
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
if args.adduser:
uid = int(args.adduser)
if prev:
user = prev
privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_DEFAULT else 'Admin-%s' % user.privilege
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('')
print ('--- Modify User %i ---' % user.uid)
print ('-> UID #{:<5} Name : {:<27} Privilege : {}'.format(user.uid, user.name, privilege))
print (' Group ID : {:<8} User ID : {:<8} Password : {:<8} Card : {}'.format(user.group_id, user.user_id, user.password, user.card))
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
#discard prev
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('--- Add new User %i ---' % uid)
name = input('Name :')
admin = input('Admin (y/N):')
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
privilege = 14 if admin == 'y' else 0
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
password = input('Password :')
user_id = input('User ID2 :')
card = input('Card :')
card = int(card) if card else 0
2018-05-24 19:48:50 +07:00
#if prev:
# conn.delete_user(uid) #borrado previo
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
conn.set_user(uid, name, privilege, password, '', user_id, card)
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
args.enrolluser = uid
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
except ZKErrorResponse as e:
print ("error: %s" % e)
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
#try new format
zk_user = User(uid, name, privilege, password, '', user_id, card)
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
conn.save_user_template(zk_user)# forced creation
args.enrolluser = uid
2018-09-13 02:21:07 +07:00
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
if args.enrolluser:
uid = int(args.enrolluser)
print ('--- Enrolling User #{} ---'.format(uid))
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
conn.delete_user_template(uid, args.finger)
conn.reg_event(0xFFFF) #
if conn.enroll_user(uid, args.finger):
conn.test_voice(18) # register ok
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
tem = conn.get_user_template(uid, args.finger)
print (tem)
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
conn.test_voice(23) # not registered
2018-05-05 02:26:46 +07:00
#print ("Voice Test ...")
2018-09-13 02:21:07 +07:00
if args.templates_index:
print ("Read Single template... {}".format(args.templates_index))
inicio = time.time()
template = conn.get_user_template(args.templates_index, args.finger)
final = time.time()
print (' took {:.3f}[s]'.format(final - inicio))
print (" single! {}".format(template))
elif args.templates or args.templates_raw:
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ("Read Templates...")
2018-05-26 03:44:38 +07:00
inicio = time.time()
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
templates = conn.get_templates()
2018-05-26 03:44:38 +07:00
final = time.time()
print (' took {:.3f}[s]'.format(final - inicio))
2018-07-28 05:14:58 +07:00
if args.templates:
print ('now checking individually...')
i = 0
for tem in templates:
i += 1
tem2 =conn.get_user_template(tem.uid,tem.fid)
if tem2 is None:
print ("%i: bulk! %s" % (i, tem))
elif tem == tem2: # compare with alternative method
print ("%i: OK! %s" % (i, tem))
print ("%i: dif-1 %s" % (i, tem))
print ("%i: dif-2 %s" % (i, tem2))
print (' took {:.3f}[s]'.format(final - inicio))
print ('template dump')
i = 0
for tem in templates:
i += 1
print ("%i: %s" % (i, tem.dump()))
print (' took {:.3f}[s]'.format(final - inicio))
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
if args.records:
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ("Read Records...")
2018-05-26 03:44:38 +07:00
inicio = time.time()
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
attendance = conn.get_attendance()
2018-05-26 03:44:38 +07:00
final = time.time()
print (' took {:.3f}[s]'.format(final - inicio))
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
i = 0
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
for att in attendance:
2018-07-28 05:14:58 +07:00
i += 1
2018-06-12 05:28:52 +07:00
print ("ATT {:>6}: uid:{:>3}, user_id:{:>8} t: {}, s:{} p:{}".format(i, att.uid, att.user_id, att.timestamp, att.status, att.punch))
2018-05-26 03:44:38 +07:00
print (' took {:.3f}[s]'.format(final - inicio))
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('')
print ('--- sizes & capacity ---')
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print (conn)
2018-06-07 02:10:18 +07:00
if args.open_door:
print ('')
print ('--- Opening door 10s ---')
print (' -- done!---')
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
if args.live_capture:
print ('')
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
print ('--- Live Capture! (press ctrl+C to break) ---')
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
counter = 0
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
for att in conn.live_capture():# using a generator!
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
if att is None:
2018-05-04 02:58:52 +07:00
#counter += 1 #enable to implemet a poorman timeout
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
print ("timeout {}".format(counter))
2018-06-12 05:28:52 +07:00
print ("ATT {:>6}: uid:{:>3}, user_id:{:>8} t: {}, s:{} p:{}".format(counter, att.uid, att.user_id, att.timestamp, att.status, att.punch))
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
if counter >= 10:
conn.end_live_capture = True
print('--- capture End!---')
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('')
2018-07-25 06:49:18 +07:00
except BasicException as e:
print (e)
2018-08-31 03:31:49 +07:00
print ('')
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
except Exception as e:
print ("Process terminate : {}".format(e))
print ("Error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0])
print ('-'*60)
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('-'*60)
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
if conn:
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('Enabling device ...')
2018-04-26 07:42:04 +07:00
2018-04-20 07:23:23 +07:00
2018-05-03 02:12:08 +07:00
print ('ok bye!')
2018-04-28 07:00:13 +07:00
print ('')