add function

This commit is contained in:
Fanani M. Ihsan 2016-05-23 19:49:36 +07:00
parent 36f8643651
commit ded0d7bfd7
2 changed files with 71 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,15 @@ zk = zk.ZK('')
status, message = zk.connect()
if status:
print 'Firmware Version: : {}'.format(zk.get_firmware_version())
users = zk.get_users()
if users:
for uid in users:
if users[uid][2] == 14:
level = 'Admin'
level = 'User'
print "[UID %d]: ID: %s, Name: %s, Level: %s, Password: %s" % ( uid, users[uid][0], users[uid][1], level, users[uid][3] )
print zk.disconnect()
print message

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@ -133,6 +133,68 @@ class ZK(object):
except Exception, e:
return (False, e)
def __get_size_user(self):
"""Checks a returned packet to see if it returned CMD_PREPARE_DATA,
indicating that data packets are to be sent
Returns the amount of bytes that are going to be sent"""
response = self.__response
if response == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA:
size = unpack('I', self.__data_recv[8:12])[0]
return size
return 0
def get_users(self):
"""Start a connection with the time clock"""
command = const.CMD_USERTEMP_RRQ
command_string = '\x05'
chksum = 0
buf = self.__create_header(command=command, chksum=chksum, session_id=self.__sesion_id, reply_id=self.__reply_id, command_string=command_string)
bytes = self.__get_size_user()
userdata = []
while bytes > 0:
data_recv, addr = self.__sock.recvfrom(1032)
bytes -= 1024
users = {}
if len(userdata) > 0:
# The first 4 bytes don't seem to be related to the user
for x in xrange(len(userdata)):
if x > 0:
userdata[x] = userdata[x][8:]
userdata = ''.join(userdata)
userdata = userdata[11:]
while len(userdata) > 72:
uid, role, password, name, userid = unpack( '2s2s8s28sx31s', userdata.ljust(72)[:72])
uid = int( uid.encode("hex"), 16)
# Clean up some messy characters from the user name
password = password.split('\x00', 1)[0]
password = unicode(password.strip('\x00|\x01\x10x'), errors='ignore')
userid = unicode(userid.strip('\x00|\x01\x10x'), errors='ignore')
name = name.split('\x00', 1)[0]
if not name:
name = uid
users[uid] = (userid, name, int( role.encode("hex"), 16 ), password)
userdata = userdata[72:]
return users
except Exception, e:
return (False, e)
def power_off(self):