# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime from socket import AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, socket from struct import pack, unpack from zk import const from zk.attendance import Attendance from zk.exception import ZKErrorResponse, ZKNetworkError from zk.user import User def make_commkey(key, session_id, ticks=50): """take a password and session_id and scramble them to send to the time clock. copied from commpro.c - MakeKey""" key = int(key) session_id = int(session_id) k = 0 for i in range(32): if (key & (1 << i)): k = (k << 1 | 1) else: k = k << 1 k += session_id k = pack(b'I', k) k = unpack(b'BBBB', k) k = pack( b'BBBB', k[0] ^ ord('Z'), k[1] ^ ord('K'), k[2] ^ ord('S'), k[3] ^ ord('O')) k = unpack(b'HH', k) k = pack(b'HH', k[1], k[0]) B = 0xff & ticks k = unpack(b'BBBB', k) k = pack( b'BBBB', k[0] ^ B, k[1] ^ B, B, k[3] ^ B) return k class ZK(object): is_connect = False __data_recv = None __sesion_id = 0 __reply_id = 0 def __init__(self, ip, port=4370, timeout=60, password=0): self.is_connect = False self.__address = (ip, port) self.__sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) self.__sock.settimeout(timeout) self.__password = password # passint def __create_header(self, command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id): ''' Puts a the parts that make up a packet together and packs them into a byte string ''' buf = pack('HHHH', command, checksum, session_id, reply_id) + command_string buf = unpack('8B' + '%sB' % len(command_string), buf) checksum = unpack('H', self.__create_checksum(buf))[0] reply_id += 1 if reply_id >= const.USHRT_MAX: reply_id -= const.USHRT_MAX buf = pack('HHHH', command, checksum, session_id, reply_id) return buf + command_string def __create_checksum(self, p): ''' Calculates the checksum of the packet to be sent to the time clock Copied from zkemsdk.c ''' l = len(p) checksum = 0 while l > 1: checksum += unpack('H', pack('BB', p[0], p[1]))[0] p = p[2:] if checksum > const.USHRT_MAX: checksum -= const.USHRT_MAX l -= 2 if l: checksum = checksum + p[-1] while checksum > const.USHRT_MAX: checksum -= const.USHRT_MAX checksum = ~checksum while checksum < 0: checksum += const.USHRT_MAX return pack('H', checksum) def __send_command(self, command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size): ''' send command to the terminal ''' buf = self.__create_header(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id) try: self.__sock.sendto(buf, self.__address) self.__data_recv = self.__sock.recv(response_size) except Exception, e: raise ZKNetworkError(str(e)) self.__response = unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[0] self.__reply_id = unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[3] if self.__response in [const.CMD_ACK_OK, const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA]: return { 'status': True, 'code': self.__response } else: return { 'status': False, 'code': self.__response } def __get_data_size(self): """Checks a returned packet to see if it returned CMD_PREPARE_DATA, indicating that data packets are to be sent Returns the amount of bytes that are going to be sent""" response = self.__response if response == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA: size = unpack('I', self.__data_recv[8:12])[0] return size else: return 0 def __reverse_hex(self, hex): data = '' for i in reversed(xrange(len(hex) / 2)): data += hex[i * 2:(i * 2) + 2] return data def __decode_time(self, t): """Decode a timestamp retrieved from the timeclock copied from zkemsdk.c - DecodeTime""" t = t.encode('hex') t = int(self.__reverse_hex(t), 16) #print "decode from %s "% format(t, '04x') second = t % 60 t = t / 60 minute = t % 60 t = t / 60 hour = t % 24 t = t / 24 day = t % 31 + 1 t = t / 31 month = t % 12 + 1 t = t / 12 year = t + 2000 d = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) return d def __encode_time(self, t): """Encode a timestamp so that it can be read on the timeclock """ # formula taken from zkemsdk.c - EncodeTime # can also be found in the technical manual d = ( ((t.year % 100) * 12 * 31 + ((t.month - 1) * 31) + t.day - 1) * (24 * 60 * 60) + (t.hour * 60 + t.minute) * 60 + t.second ) return d def connect(self): ''' connect to the device ''' command = const.CMD_CONNECT command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = 0 reply_id = const.USHRT_MAX - 1 response_size = 8 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) self.__sesion_id = unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[2] if cmd_response.get('code')==const.CMD_ACK_UNAUTH: #print "try auth" command_string = make_commkey(self.__password,self.__sesion_id) cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_AUTH, command_string , checksum, self.__sesion_id, self.__reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): self.is_connect = True # set the session id return self else: print "connect err {} ".format(cmd_response["code"]) raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def disconnect(self): ''' diconnect from the connected device ''' command = const.CMD_EXIT command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 8 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): self.is_connect = False return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def disable_device(self): ''' disable (lock) device, ensure no activity when process run ''' command = const.CMD_DISABLEDEVICE command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 8 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def enable_device(self): ''' re-enable the connected device ''' command = const.CMD_ENABLEDEVICE command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 8 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def get_firmware_version(self): ''' return the firmware version ''' command = const.CMD_GET_VERSION command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1024 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): firmware_version = self.__data_recv[8:].split('\x00')[0] return firmware_version else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def get_serialnumber(self): ''' return the serial number ''' command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ command_string = '~SerialNumber' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1024 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): serialnumber = self.__data_recv[8:].split('=')[-1].split('\x00')[0] return serialnumber else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def restart(self): ''' restart the device ''' command = const.CMD_RESTART command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 8 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def get_time(self): """obtener la hora del equipo""" command = const.CMD_GET_TIME command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1032 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return self.__decode_time(self.__data_recv[8:12]) else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def set_time(self, timestamp): """ colocar la hora del sistema al zk """ command = const.CMD_SET_TIME command_string = pack(b'I', self.__encode_time(timestamp)) checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 8 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def poweroff(self): ''' shutdown the device ''' command = const.CMD_POWEROFF command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1032 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def test_voice(self): ''' play test voice ''' command = const.CMD_TESTVOICE command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 8 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def set_user(self, uid, name, privilege, password='', group_id='', user_id=''): ''' create or update user by uid ''' command = const.CMD_USER_WRQ uid = chr(uid % 256) + chr(uid >> 8) if privilege not in [const.USER_DEFAULT, const.USER_ADMIN]: privilege = const.USER_DEFAULT privilege = chr(privilege) command_string = pack('2sc8s28sc7sx24s', uid, privilege, password, name, chr(0), group_id, user_id) checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1024 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def delete_user(self, uid): ''' delete specific user by uid ''' command = const.CMD_DELETE_USER uid = chr(uid % 256) + chr(uid >> 8) command_string = pack('2s', uid) checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1024 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def get_users(self): ''' return all user ''' command = const.CMD_USERTEMP_RRQ command_string = chr(const.FCT_USER) checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1024 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) users = [] if cmd_response.get('status'): if cmd_response.get('code') == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA: bytes = self.__get_data_size() print "user size is %s" % bytes userdata = [] while bytes > 0: data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032) response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[:8])[0] print "this packet response is: %s" % response userdata.append(data_recv) bytes -= 1024 print "user still needs %s" % bytes data_recv = self.__sock.recv(8) response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[:8])[0] if response == const.CMD_ACK_OK: if userdata: # The first 4 bytes don't seem to be related to the user for x in xrange(len(userdata)): if x > 0: userdata[x] = userdata[x][8:] userdata = ''.join(userdata) userdata = userdata[12:] while len(userdata) >= 72: uid, privilege, password, name, sparator, group_id, user_id = unpack('2sc8s28sc7sx24s', userdata.ljust(72)[:72]) u1 = int(uid[0].encode("hex"), 16) u2 = int(uid[1].encode("hex"), 16) uid = u1 + (u2 * 256) privilege = int(privilege.encode("hex"), 16) password = unicode(password.split('\x00')[0], errors='ignore') name = unicode(name.split('\x00')[0], errors='ignore') group_id = unicode(group_id.split('\x00')[0], errors='ignore') user_id = unicode(user_id.split('\x00')[0], errors='ignore') user = User(uid, name, privilege, password, group_id, user_id) users.append(user) userdata = userdata[72:] else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") return users def cancel_capture(self): ''' cancel capturing finger ''' command = const.CMD_CANCELCAPTURE cmd_response = self.__send_command(command=command) print cmd_response def verify_user(self): ''' verify finger ''' command = const.CMD_STARTVERIFY # uid = chr(uid % 256) + chr(uid >> 8) cmd_response = self.__send_command(command=command) print cmd_response def enroll_user(self, uid): ''' start enroll user ''' command = const.CMD_STARTENROLL uid = chr(uid % 256) + chr(uid >> 8) command_string = pack('2s', uid) cmd_response = self.__send_command(command=command, command_string=command_string) print cmd_response def clear_data(self): ''' clear all data (include: user, attendance report, finger database ) ''' command = const.CMD_CLEAR_DATA command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1024 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") def get_attendance(self): ''' return all attendance record ''' command = const.CMD_ATTLOG_RRQ command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1024 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) attendances = [] if cmd_response.get('status'): if cmd_response.get('code') == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA: bytes = self.__get_data_size() print "size is %s" % bytes attendance_data = [] pac = 1 while bytes > 0: data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032) response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[:8])[0] print "# %s packet response is: %s" % (pac, response) if response == const.CMD_ACK_OK: #truncado! continuar? print "broken!" break pac += 1 attendance_data.append(data_recv) bytes -= 1024 #print "still needs %s" % bytes data_recv = self.__sock.recv(8) response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[:8])[0] if response == const.CMD_ACK_OK: if attendance_data: # The first 4 bytes don't seem to be related to the user for x in xrange(len(attendance_data)): if x > 0: attendance_data[x] = attendance_data[x][8:] attendance_data = ''.join(attendance_data) attendance_data = attendance_data[14:] while len(attendance_data) >= 38: user_id, sparator, timestamp, status, space = unpack('24sc4sc10s', attendance_data.ljust(40)[:40]) user_id = user_id.split('\x00')[0] timestamp = self.__decode_time(timestamp) status = int(status.encode("hex"), 16) attendance = Attendance(user_id, timestamp, status) attendances.append(attendance) attendance_data = attendance_data[40:] else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response") return attendances def clear_attendance(self): ''' clear all attendance record ''' command = const.CMD_CLEAR_ATTLOG command_string = '' checksum = 0 session_id = self.__sesion_id reply_id = self.__reply_id response_size = 1024 cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, checksum, session_id, reply_id, response_size) if cmd_response.get('status'): return True else: raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response")