# pyzk pyzk is unofficial library of zksoftware the fingerprint attendance machine. # Ussage The usage is very simple, just Create new ZK instance and you will ready to call api. * Basic Ussage ``` import zk zk = zk.ZK(ip='', port=4370, timeout=5) try: zk.connect() # disable (lock) the device, make sure not activity when process run zk.disable_device() # Do another task here firmware = zk.get_firmware_version() print 'Firmware Version: : {}'.format(firmware.get('data')) users = zk.get_users() if users.get('status'): for user in users.get('data'): privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_ADMIN: privilege = 'Admin' print '- UID #{}'.format(user.uid) print ' Name : {}'.format(user.name) print ' Privilege : {}'.format(privilege) print ' Password : {}'.format(user.password) print ' Group ID : {}'.format(user.group_id) print ' User ID : {}'.format(user.user_id) # don't forget to re-enable device zk.enable_device() except Exception, e: print "Process terminate : {}".format(e) finally: if zk.is_connect: zk.disconnect() ``` * Ger Firmware Version ``` zk.get_firmware_version() ``` * Create User ``` zk.set_user(uid=1, name='Fanani M. Ihsan', privilege=const.USER_ADMIN, password='12345678', group_id='', user_id='123') ``` * Get User ``` users = zk.get_users() ``` * Test voice ``` zk.test_voice() ``` * Shutdown Device ``` zk.power_off() ``` * Restart ``` zk.restart() ``` # Todo * Clear user * Finger template downloader & uploader * Clear attendance record * Get attendance record record * HTTP Rest api * and much more