# pyzk pyzk is an unofficial library of zksoftware the fingerprint attendance machine. # Installation [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/fananimi/pyzk.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/fananimi/pyzk) `pip install pyzk` # Documentation Complete documentation can be found at [Readthedocs](http://pyzk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ "pyzk's readthedocs") . # Api Usage Just create a ZK object and you will ready to call api. * Basic Usage ``` from zk import ZK, const conn = None zk = ZK('', port=4370, timeout=5) try: print 'Connecting to device ...' conn = zk.connect() print 'Disabling device ...' conn.disable_device() print 'Firmware Version: : {}'.format(conn.get_firmware_version()) # print '--- Get User ---' users = conn.get_users() for user in users: privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_ADMIN: privilege = 'Admin' print '- UID #{}'.format(user.uid) print ' Name : {}'.format(user.name) print ' Privilege : {}'.format(privilege) print ' Password : {}'.format(user.password) print ' Group ID : {}'.format(user.group_id) print ' User ID : {}'.format(user.user_id) print "Voice Test ..." conn.test_voice() print 'Enabling device ...' conn.enable_device() except Exception, e: print "Process terminate : {}".format(e) finally: if conn: conn.disconnect() ``` * Connect/Disconnect ``` conn = zk.connect() conn.disconnect() ``` * Disable/Enable Connected Device ``` conn.disable_device() conn.enable_device() ``` * Get and Set Time ``` from datetime import datetime zktime = conn.get_time() print zktime newtime = datetime.today() conn.set_time(newtime) ``` * Ger Firmware Version and extra information ``` conn.get_firmware_version() conn.get_serialnumber() conn.get_platform() conn.get_device_name() conn.get_face_version() conn.get_fp_version() conn.get_extend_fmt() conn.get_user_extend_fmt() conn.get_face_fun_on() conn.get_compat_old_firmware() conn.get_network_params() conn.get_mac() conn.get_pin_width() ``` * Get Device use and free Space ``` conn.read_sizes() print(conn) #also: conn.users conn.fingers conn.records conn.users_cap conn.fingers_cap conn.records_cap ``` * User Operation ``` # Create user conn.set_user(uid=1, name='Fanani M. Ihsan', privilege=const.USER_ADMIN, password='12345678', group_id='', user_id='123', card=0) # Get all users (will return list of User object) users = conn.get_users() # Delete User conn.delete_user(uid=1) ``` there is also an enroll_user() (but it doesn't work with some tcp ZK8 devices) * Fingerprints ``` # Get a single Fingerprint (will return a Finger object) template = conn.get_user_template(uid=1, temp_id=0) #temp_id is the finger to read 0~9 # Get all fingers from DB (will return a list of Finger objects) fingers = conn.get_templates() # to restore a finger, we need to assemble with the corresponding user # pass a User object and a list of finger (max 10) to save conn.save_user_template(user, [fing1 ,fing2]) ``` * Attendance Record ``` # Get attendances (will return list of Attendance object) attendances = conn.get_attendance() # Clear attendances record conn.clear_attendance() ``` * Test voice ``` conn.test_voice(index=10) # beep or chirp ``` * Device Maintenance ``` # shutdown connected device conn.power_off() # restart connected device conn.restart() # clear buffer conn.free_data() ``` # Related Project * [zkcluster](https://github.com/fananimi/zkcluster/ "zkcluster project") is a django apps to manage multiple fingerprint devices. * [Driji](https://github.com/fananimi/driji/ "Driji project") is an attendance apps based fingerprint for school # Todo * Create better documentation * Finger template downloader & uploader * HTTP Rest api * Create real time api (if possible) * and much more ...