# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from struct import pack, unpack from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM from zk import const class ZK(object): __data_recv = None def __init__(self, ip, port=4370, timeout=5): self.__address = (ip, port) self.__sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) self.__sock.settimeout(timeout) def __create_header(self, command, chksum=0, session_id=0, reply_id=65534, command_string=''): ''' Puts a the parts that make up a packet together and packs them into a byte string ''' buf = pack('HHHH', command, chksum, session_id, reply_id) + command_string buf = unpack('8B'+'%sB' % len(command_string), buf) chksum = unpack('H', self.__create_checksum(buf))[0] reply_id += 1 if reply_id >= const.USHRT_MAX: reply_id -= const.USHRT_MAX buf = pack('HHHH', command, chksum, session_id, reply_id) return buf + command_string def __create_checksum(self, p): ''' Calculates the chksum of the packet to be sent to the time clock Copied from zkemsdk.c ''' l = len(p) chksum = 0 while l > 1: chksum += unpack('H', pack('BB', p[0], p[1]))[0] p = p[2:] if chksum > const.USHRT_MAX: chksum -= const.USHRT_MAX l -= 2 if l: chksum = chksum + p[-1] while chksum > const.USHRT_MAX: chksum -= const.USHRT_MAX chksum = ~chksum while chksum < 0: chksum += const.USHRT_MAX return pack('H', chksum) def __sending_packet(self, buf): self.__sock.sendto(buf, self.__address) self.__data_recv, addr = self.__sock.recvfrom(1024) @property def __response(self): ''' Checks a returned packet to see if it returned `CMD_ACK_OK` indicating success ''' return unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[0] @property def __sesion_id(self): return unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[2] @property def __reply_id(self): return unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[3] def connect(self): ''' connect to device ''' command = const.CMD_CONNECT try: buf = self.__create_header(command=command) self.__sending_packet(buf) if self.__response == const.CMD_ACK_OK: return (True, self.__response) else: return (False, self.__response) except Exception, e: return (False, e) def disconnect(self): ''' diconnect from connected device ''' command = const.CMD_EXIT try: buf = self.__create_header(command=command, session_id=self.__sesion_id, reply_id=self.__reply_id) self.__sending_packet(buf) if self.__response == const.CMD_ACK_OK: return (True, self.__response) else: return (False, self.__response) except Exception, e: return (False, e) def get_firmware_version(self): command = const.CMD_GET_VERSION try: buf = self.__create_header(command=command, session_id=self.__sesion_id, reply_id=self.__reply_id) self.__sending_packet(buf) if self.__response == const.CMD_ACK_OK: return self.__data_recv[8:] else: return (False, self.__response) except Exception, e: return (False, e) def restart(self): ''' shutdown device ''' command = const.CMD_RESTART try: buf = self.__create_header(command=command, session_id=self.__sesion_id, reply_id=self.__reply_id) self.__sending_packet(buf) if self.__response == const.CMD_ACK_OK: return (True, self.__response) else: return (False, self.__response) except Exception, e: return (False, e) def __get_size_user(self): """Checks a returned packet to see if it returned CMD_PREPARE_DATA, indicating that data packets are to be sent Returns the amount of bytes that are going to be sent""" response = self.__response if response == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA: size = unpack('I', self.__data_recv[8:12])[0] return size else: return 0 def get_users(self): """Start a connection with the time clock""" command = const.CMD_USERTEMP_RRQ command_string = '\x05' chksum = 0 buf = self.__create_header(command=command, chksum=chksum, session_id=self.__sesion_id, reply_id=self.__reply_id, command_string=command_string) self.__sending_packet(buf) try: bytes = self.__get_size_user() userdata = [] while bytes > 0: data_recv, addr = self.__sock.recvfrom(1032) userdata.append(data_recv) bytes -= 1024 self.__sock.recvfrom(8) users = {} if len(userdata) > 0: # The first 4 bytes don't seem to be related to the user for x in xrange(len(userdata)): if x > 0: userdata[x] = userdata[x][8:] userdata = ''.join(userdata) userdata = userdata[11:] while len(userdata) > 72: uid, role, password, name, userid = unpack( '2s2s8s28sx31s', userdata.ljust(72)[:72]) uid = int( uid.encode("hex"), 16) # Clean up some messy characters from the user name password = password.split('\x00', 1)[0] password = unicode(password.strip('\x00|\x01\x10x'), errors='ignore') userid = unicode(userid.strip('\x00|\x01\x10x'), errors='ignore') name = name.split('\x00', 1)[0] if not name: name = uid users[uid] = (userid, name, int( role.encode("hex"), 16 ), password) userdata = userdata[72:] return users except Exception, e: return (False, e) def power_off(self): ''' shutdown device ''' command = const.CMD_POWEROFF try: buf = self.__create_header(command=command, session_id=self.__sesion_id, reply_id=self.__reply_id) self.__sending_packet(buf) if self.__response == const.CMD_ACK_OK: return (True, self.__response) else: return (False, self.__response) except Exception, e: return (False, e)