# pyzk pyzk is an unofficial library of zksoftware (zkteco family) the fingerprint attendance machine. # Installation [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/fananimi/pyzk.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/fananimi/pyzk) ```sh pip install -U pyzk ``` or clone and execute: ```sh python setup.py install ``` or in your project, append the path of this project ```python import sys import os sys.path.insert(1,os.path.abspath("./pyzk")) from zk import ZK, const ``` # Documentation Complete documentation can be found at [Readthedocs](http://pyzk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ "pyzk's readthedocs") . # API Usage Create the ZK object and you will be ready to call api. * Basic Usage ```python from zk import ZK, const conn = None zk = ZK('', port=4370, timeout=5, password=0, force_udp=False, ommit_ping=False) try: print ('Connecting to device ...') conn = zk.connect() print ('Disabling device ...') conn.disable_device() print ('Firmware Version: : {}'.format(conn.get_firmware_version())) # print '--- Get User ---' users = conn.get_users() for user in users: privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_ADMIN: privilege = 'Admin' print ('- UID #{}'.format(user.uid)) print (' Name : {}'.format(user.name)) print (' Privilege : {}'.format(privilege)) print (' Password : {}'.format(user.password)) print (' Group ID : {}'.format(user.group_id)) print (' User ID : {}'.format(user.user_id)) print ("Voice Test ...") conn.test_voice() print ('Enabling device ...') conn.enable_device() except Exception as e: print ("Process terminate : {}".format(e)) finally: if conn: conn.disconnect() ``` * Connect/Disconnect ```python conn = zk.connect() conn.disconnect() ``` * Disable/Enable Connected Device ```python # disable (lock) device, ensure no activity while some process run conn.disable_device() # re-enable the connected device conn.enable_device() ``` * Get and Set Time ```python from datetime import datetime # get current machine's time zktime = conn.get_time() print zktime # update new time to machine newtime = datetime.today() conn.set_time(newtime) ``` * Ger Firmware Version and extra information ```python conn.get_firmware_version() conn.get_serialnumber() conn.get_platform() conn.get_device_name() conn.get_face_version() conn.get_fp_version() conn.get_extend_fmt() conn.get_user_extend_fmt() conn.get_face_fun_on() conn.get_compat_old_firmware() conn.get_network_params() conn.get_mac() conn.get_pin_width() ``` * Get Device use and free Space ```python conn.read_sizes() print(conn) #also: conn.users conn.fingers conn.records conn.users_cap conn.fingers_cap # TODO: add records_cap counter # conn.records_cap ``` * User Operation ```python # Create user conn.set_user(uid=1, name='Fanani M. Ihsan', privilege=const.USER_ADMIN, password='12345678', group_id='', user_id='123', card=0) # Get all users (will return list of User object) users = conn.get_users() # Delete User conn.delete_user(uid=1) ``` * Fingerprints ```python # Get a single Fingerprint (will return a Finger object) template = conn.get_user_template(uid=1, temp_id=0) #temp_id is the finger to read 0~9 # Get all fingers from DB (will return a list of Finger objects) fingers = conn.get_templates() # to restore a finger, we need to assemble with the corresponding user # pass a User object and a list of finger (max 10) to save conn.save_user_template(user, [fing1 ,fing2]) ``` * Remote Fingerprint Enrollment ```python zk.enroll_user('1') # but it doesn't work with some tcp ZK8 devices ``` * Attendance Record ```python # Get attendances (will return list of Attendance object) attendances = conn.get_attendance() # Clear attendances record conn.clear_attendance() ``` * Test voice ```python """ play test voice: 0 Thank You 1 Incorrect Password 2 Access Denied 3 Invalid ID 4 Please try again 5 Re-enter ID 6 The clock is full 7 The clock is full 8 Duplicate finger 9 Accepted. Thank you 10 beep kuko 11 beep siren 12 - 13 beep bell /* ** *** HELP! TRANSLATE TO ENGLISH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS *** ** * */ 14 excedido tiempo p esta operacion /- 15 coloque su dedo de nuevo /- 16 coloque su dedo por ultima vez /- 17 ATN numero de tarjeta está repetida /- 18 proceso de registro correcto * /- 19 borrado correcto /- 20 Numero de usuario / ponga la caja de ojos 21 ATN se ha llegado al max num usuarios /- 22 verificacion de usuarios /- 23 usuario no registrado /- 24 ATN se ha llegado al num max de registros /- 25 ATN la puerta no esta cerrada /- 26 registro de usuarios /- 27 borrado de usuarios /- 28 coloque su dedo /- 29 registre la tarjeta de administrador /- 30 0 /- 31 1 /- 32 2 /- 33 3 /- 34 4 /- 35 5 /- 36 6 /- 37 7 /- 38 8 /- 39 9 /- 40 PFV seleccione numero de usuario /- 41 registrar /- 42 operacion correcta /- 43 PFV acerque su tarjeta /- 43 la tarjeta ha sido registrada /- 45 error en operacion /- 46 PFV acerque tarjeta de administracion, p confirmacion /- 47 descarga de fichajes /- 48 descarga de usuarios /- 49 carga de usuarios /- 50 actualizan de firmware /- 51 ejeuctar ficheros de configuracion /- 52 confirmación de clave de acceso correcta /- 53 error en operacion de tclado /- 54 borrar todos los usuarios /- 55 restaurar terminal con configuracion por defecto /- 56 introduzca numero de usuario /- 57 teclado bloqueado /- 58 error en la gestión de la tarjeta /- 59 establezca una clave de acceso /- 60 pulse el teclado /- 61 zona de accceso invalida /- 62 acceso combinado invĺlido /- 63 verificación multiusuario /- 64 modo de verificación inválido /- 65 - /- """ conn.test_voice(index=0) # will say 'Thank You' ``` * Device Maintenance ```python # DANGER!!! This command will be erase all data in the device (incude: user, attendance report, and finger database) conn.clear_data() # shutdown connected device conn.poweroff() # restart connected device conn.restart() # clear buffer conn.free_data() ``` * Live Capture! ```python # live capture! (timeout at 10s) for attendance in conn.live_capture(): if attendance is None: # implement here timeout logic pass else: print (attendance) # Attendance object #if you need to break gracefully just set # conn.end_live_capture = True # # On interactive mode, # use Ctrl+C to break gracefully # this way it restores timeout # and disables live capture ``` **Test Machine** ```sh usage: ./test_machine.py [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-T TIMEOUT] [-P PASSWORD] [-f] [-t] [-r] [-u] [-l] [-D DELETEUSER] [-A ADDUSER] [-E ENROLLUSER] [-F FINGER] ZK Basic Reading Tests optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS ZK device Address [] -p PORT, --port PORT ZK device port [4370] -T TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Default [10] seconds (0: disable timeout) -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Device code/password -b, --basic get Basic Information only. (no bulk read, ie: users) -f, --force-udp Force UDP communication -v, --verbose Print debug information -t, --templates Get templates / fingers (compare bulk and single read) -tr, --templates-raw Get raw templates (dump templates) -r, --records Get attendance records -u, --updatetime Update Date/Time -l, --live-capture Live Event Capture -o, --open-door Open door -D DELETEUSER, --deleteuser DELETEUSER Delete a User (uid) -A ADDUSER, --adduser ADDUSER Add a User (uid) (and enroll) -E ENROLLUSER, --enrolluser ENROLLUSER Enroll a User (uid) -F FINGER, --finger FINGER Finger for enroll (fid=0) ``` **Backup/Restore (Users and fingers only!!!)** *(WARNING! destructive test! do it at your own risk!)* ```sh usage: ./test_backup_restore.py [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-T TIMEOUT] [-P PASSWORD] [-f] [-v] [-r] [filename] ZK Basic Backup/Restore Tool positional arguments: filename backup filename (default [serialnumber].bak) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS ZK device Address [] -p PORT, --port PORT ZK device port [4370] -T TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Default [10] seconds (0: disable timeout) -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Device code/password -f, --force-udp Force UDP communication -v, --verbose Print debug information -E, --erase clean the device after writting backup! -r, --restore Restore from backup -c, --clear-attendance On Restore, also clears the attendance [default keep attendance] ``` To restore on a different device, make sure to specify the `filename`. on restoring, it asks for the serial number of the destination device (to make sure it was correct, as it deletes all data) WARNING. there is no way to restore attendance data, you can keep it or clear it, but once cleared, there is no way to restore it. # Compatible devices ``` Firmware Version : Ver 6.21 Nov 19 2008 Platform : ZEM500 DeviceName : U580 Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Apr 9 2010 Platform : ZEM510_TFT DeviceName : T4-C Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Dec 1 2010 Platform : ZEM510_TFT DeviceName : T4-C Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Mar 18 2011 Platform : ZEM600_TFT DeviceName : iClock260 Platform : ZEM560_TFT Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Feb 4 2012 DeviceName : Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Oct 29 2012 Platform : ZEM800_TFT DeviceName : iFace402/ID Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Mar 18 2013 Platform : ZEM560 DeviceName : MA300 Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Dec 27 2014 Platform : ZEM600_TFT DeviceName : iFace800/ID Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Nov 6 2017 (remote tested with correct results) Platform : ZMM220_TFT DeviceName : (unknown device) (broken info but at least the important data was read) Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Jun 9 2017 Platform : JZ4725_TFT DeviceName : K20 (latest checked correctly!) Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Aug 23 2014 Platform : ZEM600_TFT DeviceName : VF680 (face device only, but we read the user and attendance list!) ``` ### Latest tested (not really confirmed) ``` Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Jun 16 2015 Platform : JZ4725_TFT DeviceName : iClock260 Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Jun 16 2015 Platform : JZ4725_TFT DeviceName : K14 (not tested, but same behavior like the other one) Firmware Version : Ver 6.60 Jun 5 2015 Platform : ZMM200_TFT DeviceName : iClock3000/ID (Active testing! latest fix) Firmware Version : Ver 6.70 Jul 12 2013 Platform : ZEM600_TFT DeviceName : iClock880-H/ID (Active testing! latest fix) ``` ### Not Working (needs more tests, more information) ``` Firmware Version : Ver 6.4.1 (build 99) (display version 2012-08-31) Platform : DeviceName : iClock260 (no capture data - probably similar problem as the latest TESTED) ``` If you have another version tested and it worked, please inform me to update this list! # Todo * Create better documentation * ~~Finger template downloader & uploader~~ * HTTP Rest api * ~~Create real time api (if possible)~~ * and much more ...