1567 lines
62 KiB
1567 lines
62 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
#from builtins import str
from datetime import datetime
from socket import AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM, socket, timeout
from struct import pack, unpack
import codecs
from zk import const
from zk.attendance import Attendance
from zk.exception import ZKErrorResponse, ZKNetworkError
from zk.user import User
from zk.finger import Finger
def safe_cast(val, to_type, default=None):
return to_type(val)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return default
def make_commkey(key, session_id, ticks=50):
"""take a password and session_id and scramble them to send to the time
copied from commpro.c - MakeKey"""
key = int(key)
session_id = int(session_id)
k = 0
for i in range(32):
if (key & (1 << i)):
k = (k << 1 | 1)
k = k << 1
k += session_id
k = pack(b'I', k)
k = unpack(b'BBBB', k)
k = pack(
k[0] ^ ord('Z'),
k[1] ^ ord('K'),
k[2] ^ ord('S'),
k[3] ^ ord('O'))
k = unpack(b'HH', k)
k = pack(b'HH', k[1], k[0])
B = 0xff & ticks
k = unpack(b'BBBB', k)
k = pack(
k[0] ^ B,
k[1] ^ B,
k[3] ^ B)
return k
class ZK_helper(object):
""" helper class """
def __init__(self, ip, port=4370):
self.address = (ip, port)
self.ip = ip
self.port = port
#self.timeout = timeout
#self.password = password # passint
#self.firmware = int(firmware) #TODO check minor version?
#self.tcp = tcp
def test_ping(self):
Returns True if host responds to a ping request
import subprocess, platform
# Ping parameters as function of OS
ping_str = "-n 1" if platform.system().lower()=="windows" else "-c 1 -W 5"
args = "ping " + " " + ping_str + " " + self.ip
need_sh = False if platform.system().lower()=="windows" else True
# Ping
return subprocess.call(args,
shell=need_sh) == 0
def test_tcp(self):
self.client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
self.client.settimeout(10) # fixed test
res = self.client.connect_ex(self.address)
return res
def test_udp(self): # WIP:
self.client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
self.client.settimeout(10) # fixed test
class ZK(object):
""" Clase ZK """
def __init__(self, ip, port=4370, timeout=60, password=0, force_udp=False, ommit_ping=False, verbose=False, encoding='UTF-8'):
""" initialize instance """
self.is_connect = False
self.is_enabled = True #let's asume
self.helper = ZK_helper(ip, port)
self.__address = (ip, port)
self.__sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
self.__timeout = timeout
self.__password = password # passint
#self.firmware = int(firmware) #dummy
self.force_udp = force_udp
self.ommit_ping = ommit_ping
self.verbose = verbose
self.encoding = encoding
User.encoding = encoding
self.tcp = False
self.users = 0
self.fingers = 0
self.records = 0
self.dummy = 0
self.cards = 0
self.fingers_cap = 0
self.users_cap = 0
self.rec_cap = 0
self.faces = 0
self.faces_cap = 0
self.fingers_av = 0
self.users_av = 0
self.rec_av = 0
self.next_uid = 1
self.user_packet_size = 28 # default zk6
self.end_live_capture = False
self.__session_id = 0
self.__reply_id = const.USHRT_MAX-1
self.__data_recv = None
self.__data = None
def __nonzero__(self):
""" for boolean test"""
return self.is_connect
def __create_socket(self):
""" based on self.tcp"""
if self.tcp:
self.__sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
self.__sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
def __create_tcp_top(self, packet):
""" witch the complete packet set top header """
length = len(packet)
top = pack('<HHI', const.MACHINE_PREPARE_DATA_1, const.MACHINE_PREPARE_DATA_2, length)
return top + packet
def __create_header(self, command, command_string, session_id, reply_id):
Puts a the parts that make up a packet together and packs them into a byte string
MODIFIED now, without initial checksum
#checksum = 0 always? for calculating
buf = pack('<4H', command, 0, session_id, reply_id) + command_string
buf = unpack('8B' + '%sB' % len(command_string), buf)
checksum = unpack('H', self.__create_checksum(buf))[0]
reply_id += 1
if reply_id >= const.USHRT_MAX:
reply_id -= const.USHRT_MAX
buf = pack('<4H', command, checksum, session_id, reply_id)
return buf + command_string
def __create_checksum(self, p):
Calculates the checksum of the packet to be sent to the time clock
Copied from zkemsdk.c
l = len(p)
checksum = 0
while l > 1:
checksum += unpack('H', pack('BB', p[0], p[1]))[0]
p = p[2:]
if checksum > const.USHRT_MAX:
checksum -= const.USHRT_MAX
l -= 2
if l:
checksum = checksum + p[-1]
while checksum > const.USHRT_MAX:
checksum -= const.USHRT_MAX
checksum = ~checksum
while checksum < 0:
checksum += const.USHRT_MAX
return pack('H', checksum)
def __test_tcp_top(self, packet):
""" return size!"""
if len(packet)<=8:
return 0 # invalid packet
tcp_header = unpack('<HHI', packet[:8])
if tcp_header[0] == const.MACHINE_PREPARE_DATA_1 and tcp_header[1] == const.MACHINE_PREPARE_DATA_2:
return tcp_header[2]
return 0 #never everis 0!
def __send_command(self, command, command_string=b'', response_size=8):
send command to the terminal
buf = self.__create_header(command, command_string, self.__session_id, self.__reply_id)
if self.tcp:
top = self.__create_tcp_top(buf)
self.__tcp_data_recv = self.__sock.recv(response_size + 8)
self.__tcp_length = self.__test_tcp_top(self.__tcp_data_recv)
if self.__tcp_length == 0:
raise ZKNetworkError("TCP packet invalid")
self.__header = unpack('<4H', self.__tcp_data_recv[8:16])
self.__data_recv = self.__tcp_data_recv[8:] # dirty hack
self.__sock.sendto(buf, self.__address)
self.__data_recv = self.__sock.recv(response_size)
self.__header = unpack('<4H', self.__data_recv[:8])
except Exception as e:
raise ZKNetworkError(str(e))
self.__response = self.__header[0]
self.__reply_id = self.__header[3]
self.__data = self.__data_recv[8:] #could be empty
if self.__response in [const.CMD_ACK_OK, const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA, const.CMD_DATA]:
return {
'status': True,
'code': self.__response
return {
'status': False,
'code': self.__response
def __ack_ok(self):
""" event ack ok """
buf = self.__create_header(const.CMD_ACK_OK, b'', self.__session_id, const.USHRT_MAX - 1)
if self.tcp:
top = self.__create_tcp_top(buf)
self.__sock.sendto(buf, self.__address)
except Exception as e:
raise ZKNetworkError(str(e))
def __get_data_size(self):
"""Checks a returned packet to see if it returned CMD_PREPARE_DATA,
indicating that data packets are to be sent
Returns the amount of bytes that are going to be sent"""
response = self.__response
if response == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA:
size = unpack('I', self.__data[:4])[0]
return size
return 0
def __reverse_hex(self, hex):
data = ''
for i in reversed(xrange(len(hex) / 2)):
data += hex[i * 2:(i * 2) + 2]
return data
def __decode_time(self, t):
"""Decode a timestamp retrieved from the timeclock
copied from zkemsdk.c - DecodeTime"""
t = t.encode('hex')
t = int(self.__reverse_hex(t), 16)
if self.verbose: print ("decode from %s "% format(t, '04x'))
t = unpack("<I", t)[0]
second = t % 60
t = t // 60
minute = t % 60
t = t // 60
hour = t % 24
t = t // 24
day = t % 31 + 1
t = t // 31
month = t % 12 + 1
t = t // 12
year = t + 2000
d = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
return d
def __decode_timehex(self, timehex):
"""timehex string of six bytes"""
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = unpack("6B", timehex)
year += 2000
d = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
return d
def __encode_time(self, t):
"""Encode a timestamp so that it can be read on the timeclock
# formula taken from zkemsdk.c - EncodeTime
# can also be found in the technical manual
d = (
((t.year % 100) * 12 * 31 + ((t.month - 1) * 31) + t.day - 1) *
(24 * 60 * 60) + (t.hour * 60 + t.minute) * 60 + t.second
return d
def connect(self):
connect to the device
self.end_live_capture = False # jic
if not self.ommit_ping and not self.helper.test_ping():
raise ZKNetworkError("can't reach device (ping %s)" % self.__address[0])
if not self.force_udp and self.helper.test_tcp() == 0: #ok
self.tcp = True
self.user_packet_size = 72 # default zk8
self.__create_socket()# tcp based
self.__session_id = 0
self.__reply_id = const.USHRT_MAX - 1
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_CONNECT)
self.__session_id = self.__header[2]
if cmd_response.get('code') == const.CMD_ACK_UNAUTH:
if self.verbose: print ("try auth")
command_string = make_commkey(self.__password, self.__session_id)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_AUTH, command_string)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
self.is_connect = True
# set the session id
return self
if cmd_response["code"] == const.CMD_ACK_UNAUTH:
raise ZKErrorResponse("Unauthenticated")
if self.verbose: print ("connect err response {} ".format(cmd_response["code"]))
raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response: Can't connect")
def disconnect(self):
diconnect from the connected device
self.is_connect = False
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_EXIT)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
if self.__sock:
self.__sock.close() #leave to GC
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't disconnect")
def disable_device(self):
disable (lock) device, ensure no activity when process run
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_DISABLEDEVICE)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
self.is_enabled = False
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't Disable")
def enable_device(self):
re-enable the connected device
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_ENABLEDEVICE)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
self.is_enabled = True
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't enable device")
def get_firmware_version(self):
return the firmware version
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_GET_VERSION,b'', 1024)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
firmware_version = self.__data.split(b'\x00')[0]
return firmware_version.decode()
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't read frimware version")
def get_serialnumber(self):
return the serial number
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'~SerialNumber\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
serialnumber = self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0]
serialnumber = serialnumber.replace(b'=', b'')
return serialnumber.decode() # string?
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't read serial number")
def get_platform(self):
return the platform name
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'~Platform\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
platform = self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0]
platform = platform.replace(b'=', b'')
return platform.decode()
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't get platform")
def get_mac(self):
return the mac
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'MAC\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
mac = self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0]
return mac.decode()
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't get mac")
def get_device_name(self):
return the device name
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'~DeviceName\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
device = self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0]
return device.decode()
return "" #no name
#raise ZKErrorResponse("can't read device name")
def get_face_version(self):
return the face version
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'ZKFaceVersion\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
response = self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0]
return safe_cast(response, int, 0) if response else 0
return None
def get_fp_version(self):
return the fingerprint version
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'~ZKFPVersion\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
response = self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0]
response = response.replace(b'=', b'')
return safe_cast(response, int, 0) if response else 0
return None
def _clear_error(self, command_string=b''):
""" clear ACK_error """
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_ACK_ERROR, command_string, 1024)
# cmd_response['code'] shuld be CMD_ACK_UNKNOWN
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_ACK_UNKNOWN, command_string, 1024)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_ACK_UNKNOWN, command_string, 1024)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_ACK_UNKNOWN, command_string, 1024)
def get_extend_fmt(self):
determine extend fmt
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'~ExtendFmt\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
fmt = (self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0])
#definitivo? seleccionar firmware aqui?
return safe_cast(fmt, int, 0) if fmt else 0
return None
#raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't read extend fmt")
def get_user_extend_fmt(self):
determine user extend fmt
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'~UserExtFmt\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
fmt = (self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0])
#definitivo? seleccionar firmware aqui?
return safe_cast(fmt, int, 0) if fmt else 0
return None
def get_face_fun_on(self):
determine extend fmt
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'FaceFunOn\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
response = (self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0])
#definitivo? seleccionar firmware aqui?
return safe_cast(response, int ,0) if response else 0
return None
def get_compat_old_firmware(self):
determine old firmware
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ
command_string = b'CompatOldFirmware\x00'
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
response = (self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0])
#definitivo? seleccionar firmware aqui?
return safe_cast(response, int, 0) if response else 0
return None
def get_network_params(self):
ip = self.__address[0]
mask = b''
gate = b''
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, b'IPAddress\x00', 1024)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
ip = (self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0])
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, b'NetMask\x00', 1024)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
mask = (self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0])
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, b'GATEIPAddress\x00', 1024)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
gate = (self.__data.split(b'=', 1)[-1].split(b'\x00')[0])
return {'ip': ip.decode(), 'mask': mask.decode(), 'gateway': gate.decode()}
def get_pin_width(self):
return the serial number
command = const.CMD_GET_PINWIDTH
command_string = b' P'
response_size = 9
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
width = self.__data.split(b'\x00')[0]
return bytearray(width)[0]
raise ZKErrorResponse("can0t get pin width")
def free_data(self):
""" clear buffer"""
command = const.CMD_FREE_DATA
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't free data")
def read_sizes(self):
""" read sizes """
command = const.CMD_GET_FREE_SIZES
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command,b'', response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
if self.verbose: print(codecs.encode(self.__data,'hex'))
size = len(self.__data)
if len(self.__data) >= 80:
fields = unpack('20i', self.__data[:80])
self.users = fields[4]
self.fingers = fields[6]
self.records = fields[8]
self.dummy = fields[10] #???
self.cards = fields[12]
self.fingers_cap = fields[14]
self.users_cap = fields[15]
self.rec_cap = fields[16]
self.fingers_av = fields[17]
self.users_av = fields[18]
self.rec_av = fields[19]
self.__data = self.__data[80:]
if len(self.__data) >= 12: #face info
fields = unpack('3i', self.__data[:12]) #dirty hack! we need more information
self.faces = fields[0]
self.faces_cap = fields[2]
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't read sizes")
def unlock(self, time=3):
:param time: define time in seconds
thanks to https://github.com/SoftwareHouseMerida/pyzk/
command = const.CMD_UNLOCK
command_string = pack("I",int(time)*10)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't open door")
def __str__(self):
""" for debug"""
return "ZK %s://%s:%s users[%i]:%i/%i fingers:%i/%i, records:%i/%i faces:%i/%i" % (
"tcp" if self.tcp else "udp", self.__address[0], self.__address[1],
self.user_packet_size, self.users, self.users_cap,
self.fingers, self.fingers_cap,
self.records, self.rec_cap,
self.faces, self.faces_cap
def restart(self):
restart the device
command = const.CMD_RESTART
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't restart device")
def get_time(self):
"""get Device Time"""
command = const.CMD_GET_TIME
response_size = 1032
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, b'', response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return self.__decode_time(self.__data[:4])
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't get time")
def set_time(self, timestamp):
""" set Device time (pass datetime object)"""
command = const.CMD_SET_TIME
command_string = pack(b'I', self.__encode_time(timestamp))
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't set time")
def poweroff(self):
shutdown the device
command = const.CMD_POWEROFF
command_string = b''
response_size = 1032
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't poweroff")
def refresh_data(self):
shutdown the device
command = const.CMD_REFRESHDATA
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't refresh data")
def test_voice(self, index=0):
play test voice
0 acceso correcto / acceso correcto
1 password incorrecto / clave incorrecta
2 la memoria del terminal está llena / acceso denegado
3 usuario invalido /codigo no valido
4 intente de nuevo por favor / intente de nuevo por favor *
5 reintroduszca codigo de usuario /reintroduszca codigo
6 memoria del terminal llena /-
7 memoria de alm fich llena /-
8 huella duplicada / huella duplicada
9 acceso denegado / ya ha sido registrado
10 *beep* / beep kuko
11 el sistema vuelve al modo de verificacion / beep siren
12 por favor coloque su dedo o acerque tarjeta /-
13 acerca su tarjeta de nuevo /beep bell
14 excedido tiempo p esta operacion /-
15 coloque su dedo de nuevo /-
16 coloque su dedo por ultima vez /-
17 ATN numero de tarjeta está repetida /-
18 proceso de registro correcto * /-
19 borrado correcto /-
20 Numero de usuario / ponga la caja de ojos
21 ATN se ha llegado al max num usuarios /-
22 verificacion de usuarios /-
23 usuario no registrado /-
24 ATN se ha llegado al num max de registros /-
25 ATN la puerta no esta cerrada /-
26 registro de usuarios /-
27 borrado de usuarios /-
28 coloque su dedo /-
29 registre la tarjeta de administrador /-
30 0 /-
31 1 /-
32 2 /-
33 3 /-
34 4 /-
35 5 /-
36 6 /-
37 7 /-
38 8 /-
39 9 /-
40 PFV seleccione numero de usuario /-
41 registrar /-
42 operacion correcta /-
43 PFV acerque su tarjeta /-
43 la tarjeta ha sido registrada /-
45 error en operacion /-
46 PFV acerque tarjeta de administracion, p confirmacion /-
47 descarga de fichajes /-
48 descarga de usuarios /-
49 carga de usuarios /-
50 actualizan de firmware /-
51 ejeuctar ficheros de configuracion /-
52 confirmación de clave de acceso correcta /-
53 error en operacion de tclado /-
54 borrar todos los usuarios /-
55 restaurar terminal con configuracion por defecto /-
56 introduzca numero de usuario /-
57 teclado bloqueado /-
58 error en la gestión de la tarjeta /-
59 establezca una clave de acceso /-
60 pulse el teclado /-
61 zona de accceso invalida /-
62 acceso combinado invĺlido /-
63 verificación multiusuario /-
64 modo de verificación inválido /-
65 - /-
command = const.CMD_TESTVOICE
command_string = pack("I", index)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
return False #some devices doesn't support sound
#raise ZKErrorResponse("can't test voice")
def set_user(self, uid=None, name='', privilege=0, password='', group_id='', user_id='', card=0):
create or update user by uid
command = const.CMD_USER_WRQ
if uid is None:
uid = self.next_uid # keeps uid=0
if not user_id:
user_id = self.next_user_id # else...
if not user_id:
user_id = str(uid) #ZK6 needs uid2 == uid
#TODO: check what happens if name is missing...
if privilege not in [const.USER_DEFAULT, const.USER_ADMIN]:
privilege = const.USER_DEFAULT
privilege = int(privilege)
if self.user_packet_size == 28: #self.firmware == 6:
if not group_id:
group_id = 0
command_string = pack('HB5s8sIxBHI', uid, privilege, password.encode(self.encoding, errors='ignore'), name.encode(self.encoding, errors='ignore'), card, int(group_id), 0, int(user_id))
except Exception as e:
if self.verbose: print("s_h Error pack: %s" % e)
if self.verbose: print("Error pack: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0])
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't pack user")
name_pad = name.encode(self.encoding, errors='ignore').ljust(24, b'\x00')[:24]
card_str = pack('i', int(card))[:4]
command_string = pack('HB8s24s4sx7sx24s', uid, privilege, password.encode(self.encoding, errors='ignore'), name_pad, card_str, group_id.encode(), user_id.encode())
response_size = 1024 #TODO check response?
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't set user")
if self.next_uid == uid:
self.next_uid += 1 # better recalculate again
if self.next_user_id == user_id:
self.next_user_id = str(self.next_uid)
def save_user_template(self, user, fingers=[]):
""" save user and template """
#TODO: grabado global
# armar paquete de huellas
if not isinstance(user, User):
#try uid
users = self.get_users()
tusers = list(filter(lambda x: x.uid==user, users))
if len(tusers) == 1:
user = tusers[0]
tusers = list(filter(lambda x: x.user_id==str(user), users))
if len(tusers) == 1:
user = tusers[0]
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't find user")
if isinstance(fingers, Finger):
fingers = [fingers]
fpack = b""
table = b""
fnum = 0x10 # possibly flag
tstart = 0
for finger in fingers:
tfp = finger.repack_only()
table += pack("<bHbI", 2, user.uid, fnum + finger.fid, tstart)
tstart += len(tfp)
fpack += tfp
if self.user_packet_size == 28: #self.firmware == 6:
upack = user.repack29()
else: # 72
upack = user.repack73()
head = pack("III", len(upack), len(table), len(fpack))
packet = head + upack + table + fpack
command = 110 # Unknown
command_string = pack('<IHH', 12,0,8) # ??? write? WRQ user data?
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't save utemp")
def _send_with_buffer(self, buffer):
MAX_CHUNK = 1024
size = len(buffer)
# send prepare_data
command = const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA
command_string = pack('I', size)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't prepare data")
remain = size % MAX_CHUNK
packets = (size - remain) // MAX_CHUNK
start = 0
for _wlk in range(packets):
start += MAX_CHUNK
if remain:
def __send_chunk(self, command_string):
command = const.CMD_DATA
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True #refres_data (1013)?
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't send chunk")
def delete_user_template(self, uid=0, temp_id=0, user_id=''):
Delete specific template
for tcp via user_id:
if self.tcp and user_id:
command = 134 # unknown?
command_string = pack('<24sB', str(user_id), temp_id)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
# users = list(filter(lambda x: x.uid==uid, users))
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True #refres_data (1013)?
return False # probably empty!
if not uid:
users = self.get_users()
users = list(filter(lambda x: x.user_id==str(user_id), users))
if not users:
return False
uid = users[0].uid
command = const.CMD_DELETE_USERTEMP
command_string = pack('hb', uid, temp_id)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
# users = list(filter(lambda x: x.uid==uid, users))
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True #refres_data (1013)?
return False # probably empty!
def delete_user(self, uid=0, user_id=''):
delete specific user by uid
"""if self.tcp: should work but not tested
if not user_id:
#we need user_id (uid2)
users = self.get_users()
if len(users) == 1:
user_id = users[0].user_id
else: #double? posibly empty
return False #can't enrool
command = 133 #const.CMD_DELETE_USER_2
command_string = pack('24s',str(user_id))
if not uid:
users = self.get_users()
users = list(filter(lambda x: x.user_id==str(user_id), users))
if not users:
return False
uid = users[0].uid
command = const.CMD_DELETE_USER
command_string = pack('h', uid)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't delete user")
if uid == (self.next_uid - 1):
self.next_uid = uid # quick undo
def get_user_template(self, uid, temp_id=0, user_id=''):
""" ZKFinger VX10.0
for tcp:
command = const.CMD_USERTEMP_RRQ (doesn't work always)
command_string = pack('hb', uid, temp_id)
if not uid:
users = self.get_users()
users = list(filter(lambda x: x.user_id==str(user_id), users))
if not users:
return False
uid = users[0].uid
for _retries in range(3):
command = 88 # comando secreto!!! GET_USER_TEMPLATE
command_string = pack('hb', uid, temp_id)
response_size = 1024 + 8
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
data = self.__recieve_chunk()
if data is not None:
resp = data[:-1] # 01, valid byte?
if resp[-6:] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00': # padding? bug?
resp = resp[:-6]
return Finger(uid, temp_id, 1, resp)
if self.verbose: print ("retry get_user_template")
if self.verbose: print ("Can't read/find finger")
return None
def get_templates(self):
""" return array of all fingers """
self.read_sizes() # last update
if self.fingers == 0: #lazy
return []
templates = []
templatedata, size = self.read_with_buffer(const.CMD_DB_RRQ, const.FCT_FINGERTMP)
if size < 4:
if self.verbose: print("WRN: no user data") # debug
return []
total_size = unpack('i', templatedata[0:4])[0]
if self.verbose: print ("get template total size {}, size {} len {}".format(total_size, size, len(templatedata)))
templatedata = templatedata[4:] #total size not used
# ZKFinger VX10.0 the only finger firmware tested
while total_size:
#print ("total_size {}".format(total_size))
size, uid, fid, valid = unpack('HHbb',templatedata[:6])
template = unpack("%is" % (size-6), templatedata[6:size])[0]
finger = Finger(uid, fid, valid, template)
if self.verbose: print(finger) # test
templatedata = templatedata[size:]
total_size -= size
return templates
def get_users(self): #ALWAYS CALL TO GET correct user_packet_size
""" return all user """
self.read_sizes() # last update
if self.users == 0: #lazy
self.next_uid = 1
return []
users = []
max_uid = 0
userdata, size = self.read_with_buffer(const.CMD_USERTEMP_RRQ, const.FCT_USER)
if self.verbose: print("user size {} (= {})".format(size, len(userdata)))
if size <= 4:
print("WRN: missing user data")# debug
return []
total_size = unpack("I",userdata[:4])[0]
self.user_packet_size = total_size / self.users
if not self.user_packet_size in [28, 72]:
if self.verbose: print("WRN packet size would be %i" % self.user_packet_size)
userdata = userdata[4:]
if self.user_packet_size == 28:
while len(userdata) >= 28:
uid, privilege, password, name, card, group_id, timezone, user_id = unpack('<HB5s8sIxBhI',userdata.ljust(28, b'\x00')[:28])
if uid > max_uid: max_uid = uid
password = (password.split(b'\x00')[0]).decode(self.encoding, errors='ignore')
name = (name.split(b'\x00')[0]).decode(self.encoding, errors='ignore').strip()
#card = unpack('I', card)[0] #or hex value?
group_id = str(group_id)
user_id = str(user_id)
#TODO: check card value and find in ver8
if not name:
name = "NN-%s" % user_id
user = User(uid, name, privilege, password, group_id, user_id, card)
if self.verbose: print("[6]user:",uid, privilege, password, name, card, group_id, timezone, user_id)
userdata = userdata[28:]
while len(userdata) >= 72:
uid, privilege, password, name, card, group_id, user_id = unpack('<HB8s24sIx7sx24s', userdata.ljust(72, b'\x00')[:72])
#u1 = int(uid[0].encode("hex"), 16)
#u2 = int(uid[1].encode("hex"), 16)
#uid = u1 + (u2 * 256)
#privilege = int(privilege.encode("hex"), 16)
password = (password.split(b'\x00')[0]).decode(self.encoding, errors='ignore')
name = (name.split(b'\x00')[0]).decode(self.encoding, errors='ignore').strip()
group_id = (group_id.split(b'\x00')[0]).decode(self.encoding, errors='ignore').strip()
user_id = (user_id.split(b'\x00')[0]).decode(self.encoding, errors='ignore')
if uid > max_uid: max_uid = uid
#card = int(unpack('I', separator)[0])
if not name:
name = "NN-%s" % user_id
user = User(uid, name, privilege, password, group_id, user_id, card)
userdata = userdata[72:]
#get limits!
max_uid += 1
self.next_uid = max_uid
self.next_user_id = str(max_uid)
#re check
while True:
if any(u for u in users if u.user_id == self.next_user_id):
max_uid += 1
self.next_user_id = str(max_uid)
return users
def cancel_capture(self):
cancel capturing finger
command = const.CMD_CANCELCAPTURE
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command)
return bool(cmd_response.get('status'))
def verify_user(self):
start verify finger mode (after capture)
command = const.CMD_STARTVERIFY
# uid = chr(uid % 256) + chr(uid >> 8)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("Cant Verify")
def reg_event(self, flags):
""" reg events, """
command = const.CMD_REG_EVENT
command_string = pack ("I", flags)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("cant' reg events %i" % flags)
def set_sdk_build_1(self):
""" """
command = const.CMD_OPTIONS_WRQ
command_string = b"SDKBuild=1"
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
return False #raise ZKErrorResponse("can't set sdk build ")
return True
def enroll_user(self, uid=0, temp_id=0, user_id=''):
start enroll user
we need user_id (uid2)
command = const.CMD_STARTENROLL
done = False
if not user_id:
#we need user_id (uid2)
users = self.get_users()
users = list(filter(lambda x: x.uid==uid, users))
if len(users) >= 1:
user_id = users[0].user_id
else: #double? posibly empty
return False #can't enroll
if self.tcp:
command_string = pack('<24sbb',str(user_id).encode(), temp_id, 1) # el 1 es misterio
command_string = pack('<Ib', int(user_id), temp_id) #
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("Cant Enroll user #%i [%i]" %(uid, temp_id))
#retorna rapido toca esperar un reg event
self.__sock.settimeout(60)# default 1min for finger
attempts = 3
while attempts:
if self.verbose: print("A:%i esperando primer regevent" % attempts)
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032) # timeout? tarda bastante...
if self.verbose: print(codecs.encode(data_recv,'hex'))
if self.tcp:
if len(data_recv) > 16: #not empty
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(24,b"\x00")[16:18])[0]
if self.verbose: print("res %i" % res)
if res == 0 or res == 6 or res == 4:
# 6 timeout, 4 mismatch error, 0 can't start(why?)
if self.verbose: print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
if len(data_recv) > 8: #not empty
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,b"\x00")[8:10])[0]
if self.verbose: print("res %i" % res)
if res == 6 or res == 4:
if self.verbose: print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
if self.verbose: print ("A:%i esperando 2do regevent" % attempts)
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032) # timeout? tarda bastante...
if self.verbose: print (codecs.encode(data_recv, 'hex'))
if self.tcp:
if len(data_recv) > 8: #not empty
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(24,b"\x00")[16:18])[0]
if self.verbose: print("res %i" % res)
if res == 6 or res == 4:
if self.verbose: print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
elif res == 0x64:
if self.verbose: print ("ok, continue?")
attempts -= 1
if len(data_recv) > 8: #not empty
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,b"\x00")[8:10])[0]
if self.verbose: print("res %i" % res)
if res == 6 or res == 4:
if self.verbose: print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
elif res == 0x64:
if self.verbose: print ("ok, continue?")
attempts -= 1
if attempts == 0:
if self.verbose: print ("esperando 3er regevent")
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032) # timeout? tarda bastante...
if self.verbose: print (codecs.encode(data_recv, 'hex'))
if self.tcp:
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(24,b"\x00")[16:18])[0]
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,b"\x00")[8:10])[0]
if self.verbose: print("res %i" % res)
if res == 5:
if self.verbose: print ("huella duplicada")
if res == 6 or res == 4:
if self.verbose: print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
if res == 0:
size = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,b"\x00")[10:12])[0]
pos = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,b"\x00")[12:14])[0]
if self.verbose: print("enroll ok", size, pos)
done = True
self.reg_event(0) # TODO: test
return done
def live_capture(self, new_timeout=10):# generator!
""" try live capture of events"""
was_enabled = self.is_enabled
users = self.get_users()
if not self.is_enabled:
self.reg_event(const.EF_ATTLOG) #0xFFFF
self.__sock.settimeout(new_timeout) # default 1 minute test?
self.end_live_capture = False
while not self.end_live_capture:
if self.verbose: print ("esperando event")
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032)
if self.tcp:
size = unpack('<HHI', data_recv[:8])[2]
header = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[8:16])
data = data_recv[16:]
size = len(data_recv)
header = unpack('<4H', data_recv[:8])
data = data_recv[8:]
if not header[0] == const.CMD_REG_EVENT:
if self.verbose: print("not event!")
continue # or raise error?
if not len(data):
if self.verbose: print ("empty")
"""if len (data) == 5:
if len(data) == 12: #class 1 attendance #TODO: RETEST ZK6
user_id, status, punch, timehex = unpack('<IBB6s', data)
user_id = str(user_id)
timestamp = self.__decode_timehex(timehex)
tuser = list(filter(lambda x: x.user_id == user_id, users))
if not tuser:
uid = int(user_id)
uid = tuser[0].uid
yield Attendance(user_id, timestamp, status, punch, uid)#punch test?
elif len(data) == 36: #class 2 attendance
user_id, status, punch, timehex, res = unpack('<24sBB6sI', data)
user_id = (user_id.split(b'\x00')[0]).decode(errors='ignore')
timestamp = self.__decode_timehex(timehex)
tuser = list(filter(lambda x: x.user_id == user_id, users))
if not tuser:
uid = int(user_id)
uid = tuser[0].uid
yield Attendance(user_id, timestamp, status, punch, uid)
if self.verbose: print (codecs.encode(data, 'hex')), len(data)
yield codecs.encode(data, 'hex')
except timeout:
if self.verbose: print ("time out")
yield None # return to keep watching
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
if self.verbose: print ("break")
if self.verbose: print ("exit gracefully")
self.reg_event(0) # TODO: test
if not was_enabled:
def clear_data(self, clear_type=5): # FCT_USER
clear all data (include: user, attendance report, finger database )
command = const.CMD_CLEAR_DATA
command_string = pack("B", clear_type)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't clear data")
def __recieve_tcp_data(self, data_recv, size):
""" data_recv, raw tcp packet
must analyze tcp_length
must return data, broken
data = []
tcp_length = self.__test_tcp_top(data_recv) # tcp header
if self.verbose: print ("tcp_length {}, size {}".format(tcp_length, size))
if tcp_length <= 0:
if self.verbose: print ("Incorrect tcp packet")
return None, b""
if (tcp_length - 8) < size: #broken on smaller DATAs
if self.verbose: print ("tcp length too small... retrying")
resp, bh = self.__recieve_tcp_data(data_recv, tcp_length - 8)
size -= len(resp)
if self.verbose: print ("new tcp DATA packet to fill misssing {}".format(size))
data_recv = bh + self.__sock.recv(size + 16 ) #ideal limit + header
if self.verbose: print ("new tcp DATA starting with {} bytes".format(len(data_recv)))
resp, bh = self.__recieve_tcp_data(data_recv, size)
if self.verbose: print ("for misssing {} recieved {} with extra {}".format(size, len(resp), len(bh)))
return b''.join(data), bh
recieved = len(data_recv)
if self.verbose: print ("recieved {}, size {}".format(recieved, size))
#if (tcp_length - 16) > (recieved - 16): #broken first DATA
# #reparse as more data packets?
# if self.verbose: print ("trying".format(recieved, size))
# _data, bh = self.__recieve_tcp_data(data_recv, tcp_length-16)
#analize first response
response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[8:16])[0]
if recieved >= (size + 32): #complete with ACK_OK included
if response == const.CMD_DATA:
resp = data_recv[16 : size + 16] # no ack?
if self.verbose: print ("resp complete len {}".format(len(resp)))
return resp, data_recv[size + 16:]
if self.verbose: print("incorrect response!!! {}".format(response))
return None, b"" #broken
else: # response DATA incomplete (or missing ACK_OK)
if self.verbose: print ("try DATA incomplete (actual valid {})".format(recieved-16))
data.append(data_recv[16 : size + 16 ]) # w/o DATA tcp and header
size -= recieved - 16 # w/o DATA tcp and header
broken_header = b""
if size < 0: #broken ack header?
broken_header = data_recv[size:]
if self.verbose: print ("broken", (broken_header).encode('hex')) #TODO python3
if size > 0: #need raw data to complete
data_recv = self.__recieve_raw_data(size)
data.append(data_recv) # w/o tcp and header
return b''.join(data), broken_header
#get cmd_ack_ok on __rchunk
def __recieve_raw_data(self, size):
""" partial data ? """
data = []
if self.verbose: print ("expecting {} bytes raw data".format(size))
while size > 0:
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(size) #ideal limit?
recieved = len(data_recv)
if self.verbose: print ("partial recv {}".format(recieved))
if recieved < 100 and self.verbose: print (" recv {}".format(codecs.encode(data_recv, 'hex')))
data.append(data_recv) # w/o tcp and header
size -= recieved
if self.verbose: print ("still need {}".format(size))
return b''.join(data)
def __recieve_chunk(self):
""" recieve a chunk """
if self.__response == const.CMD_DATA: # less than 1024!!!
if self.tcp: #MUST CHECK TCP SIZE
if self.verbose: print ("_rc_DATA! is {} bytes, tcp length is {}".format(len(self.__data), self.__tcp_length))
if len(self.__data) < (self.__tcp_length - 8):
need = (self.__tcp_length - 8) - len(self.__data)
if self.verbose: print ("need more data: {}".format(need))
more_data = self.__recieve_raw_data(need)
return b''.join([self.__data, more_data])
else: #enough data
if self.verbose: print ("Enough data")
return self.__data
else: #UDP
if self.verbose: print ("_rc len is {}".format(len(self.__data)))
return self.__data #without headers
elif self.__response == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA:
data = []
size = self.__get_data_size() # from prepare data response...
if self.verbose: print ("recieve chunk: prepare data size is {}".format(size))
if self.tcp:
if self.verbose: print ("recieve chunk: len data is {}".format(len(self.__data)))
#ideally 8 bytes of PREPARE_DATA only...
#but sometimes it comes with data...
if len(self.__data) >= (8 + size): #prepare data with actual data! should be 8+size+32
data_recv = self.__data[8:] # no need for more data! test, maybe -32
data_recv = self.__data[8:] + self.__sock.recv(size + 32) #could have two commands
resp, broken_header = self.__recieve_tcp_data(data_recv, size)
# get CMD_ACK_OK
if len(broken_header) < 16:
data_recv = broken_header + self.__sock.recv(16)
data_recv = broken_header
#could be broken
if len(data_recv) < 16:
print ("trying to complete broken ACK %s /16" % len(data_recv))
if self.verbose: print (data_recv.encode('hex')) #todo python3
data_recv += self.__sock.recv(16 - len(data_recv)) #TODO: CHECK HERE_!
if not self.__test_tcp_top(data_recv):
if self.verbose: print ("invalid chunk tcp ACK OK")
return None #b''.join(data) # incomplete?
response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[8:16])[0]
if response == const.CMD_ACK_OK:
if self.verbose: print ("chunk tcp ACK OK!")
return b''.join(data)
if self.verbose: print("bad response %s" % data_recv)
if self.verbose: print (codecs.encode(data,'hex'))
return None
return resp
#else udp
while True: #limitado por respuesta no por tamaño
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1024+8)
response = unpack('<4H', data_recv[:8])[0]
if self.verbose: print ("# packet response is: {}".format(response))
if response == const.CMD_DATA:
data.append(data_recv[8:]) #header turncated
size -= 1024 #UDP
elif response == const.CMD_ACK_OK:
break #without problem.
#truncado! continuar?
if self.verbose: print ("broken!")
if self.verbose: print ("still needs %s" % size)
return b''.join(data)
if self.verbose: print ("invalid response %s" % self.__response)
return None #("can't get user template")
def __read_chunk(self, start, size):
""" read a chunk from buffer """
for _retries in range(3):
command = 1504 #CMD_READ_BUFFER
command_string = pack('<ii', start, size)
if self.tcp:
response_size = size + 32
response_size = 1024 + 8
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
data = self.__recieve_chunk()
if data is not None:
return data
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't read chunk %i:[%i]" % (start, size))
def read_with_buffer(self, command, fct=0 ,ext=0):
""" Test read info with buffered command (ZK6: 1503) """
if self.tcp:
MAX_CHUNK = 0xFFc0 #arbitrary, below 0x10008
MAX_CHUNK = 16 * 1024
command_string = pack('<bhii', 1, command, fct, ext)
if self.verbose: print ("rwb cs", command_string)
response_size = 1024
data = []
start = 0
cmd_response = self.__send_command(1503, command_string, response_size)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("RWB Not supported")
if cmd_response['code'] == const.CMD_DATA:
#direct!!! small!!!
if self.tcp: #MUST CHECK TCP SIZE
if self.verbose: print ("DATA! is {} bytes, tcp length is {}".format(len(self.__data), self.__tcp_length))
if len(self.__data) < (self.__tcp_length - 8):
need = (self.__tcp_length - 8) - len(self.__data)
if self.verbose: print ("need more data: {}".format(need))
more_data = self.__recieve_raw_data(need)
return b''.join([self.__data, more_data]), len(self.__data) + len(more_data)
else: #enough data
if self.verbose: print ("Enough data")
size = len(self.__data)
return self.__data, size
else: #udp is direct
size = len(self.__data)
return self.__data, size
#else ACK_OK with size
size = unpack('I', self.__data[1:5])[0] # extra info???
if self.verbose: print ("size fill be %i" % size)
remain = size % MAX_CHUNK
packets = (size-remain) // MAX_CHUNK # should be size /16k
if self.verbose: print ("rwb: #{} packets of max {} bytes, and extra {} bytes remain".format(packets, MAX_CHUNK, remain))
for _wlk in range(packets):
start += MAX_CHUNK
if remain:
data.append(self.__read_chunk(start, remain))
start += remain # Debug
if self.verbose: print ("_read w/chunk %i bytes" % start)
return b''.join(data), start
def get_attendance(self):
""" return attendance record """
if self.records == 0: #lazy
return []
users = self.get_users()
if self.verbose: print (users)
attendances = []
attendance_data, size = self.read_with_buffer(const.CMD_ATTLOG_RRQ)
if size < 4:
if self.verbose: print ("WRN: no attendance data") # debug
return []
total_size = unpack("I", attendance_data[:4])[0]
record_size = total_size/self.records
if self.verbose: print ("record_size is ", record_size)
attendance_data = attendance_data[4:] #total size not used
if record_size == 8 : #ultra old format
while len(attendance_data) >= 8:#TODO RETEST ZK6!!!
uid, status, timestamp, punch = unpack('HB4sB', attendance_data.ljust(8, b'\x00')[:8])
if self.verbose: print (codecs.encode(attendance_data[:8], 'hex'))
attendance_data = attendance_data[8:]
tuser = list(filter(lambda x: x.uid == uid, users))
if not tuser:
user_id = str(uid) #TODO revisar pq
user_id = tuser[0].user_id
timestamp = self.__decode_time(timestamp)
attendance = Attendance(user_id, timestamp, status, punch, uid) # punch?
elif record_size == 16: # extended
while len(attendance_data) >= 16: #TODO RETEST ZK6
user_id, timestamp, status, punch, reserved, workcode = unpack('<I4sBB2sI', attendance_data.ljust(16, b'\x00')[:16])
user_id = str(user_id)
if self.verbose: print(codecs.encode(attendance_data[:16], 'hex'))
attendance_data = attendance_data[16:]
tuser = list(filter(lambda x: x.user_id == user_id, users))
if not tuser:
if self.verbose: print("no uid {}", user_id)
uid = str(user_id)
tuser = list(filter(lambda x: x.uid == user_id, users)) # refix
if not tuser:
uid = str(user_id) #TODO revisar pq
uid = tuser[0].uid
user_id = tuser[0].user_id
uid = tuser[0].uid
timestamp = self.__decode_time(timestamp)
attendance = Attendance(user_id, timestamp, status, punch, uid)
while len(attendance_data) >= 40:
uid, user_id, status, timestamp, punch, space = unpack('<H24sB4sB8s', attendance_data.ljust(40, b'\x00')[:40])
if self.verbose: print (codecs.encode(attendance_data[:40], 'hex'))
user_id = (user_id.split(b'\x00')[0]).decode(errors='ignore')
timestamp = self.__decode_time(timestamp)
#status = int(status.encode("hex"), 16)
attendance = Attendance(user_id, timestamp, status, punch, uid)
attendance_data = attendance_data[40:]
return attendances
def clear_attendance(self):
clear all attendance record
command = const.CMD_CLEAR_ATTLOG
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't clear response")