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2019-04-05 02:23:40 +07:00
// flow-typed signature: dc381ee55406f66b7272c6343db0834b
// flow-typed version: da30fe6876/semver_v5.1.x/flow_>=v0.25.x
declare module "semver" {
declare type Release =
| "major"
| "premajor"
| "minor"
| "preminor"
| "patch"
| "prepatch"
| "prerelease";
// The supported comparators are taken from the source here:
declare type Operator =
| "==="
| "!=="
| "=="
| "="
| "" // Not sure why you would want this, but whatever.
| "!="
| ">"
| ">="
| "<"
| "<=";
declare class SemVer {
build: Array<string>;
loose: ?boolean;
major: number;
minor: number;
patch: number;
prerelease: Array<string | number>;
raw: string;
version: string;
constructor(version: string | SemVer, loose?: boolean): SemVer;
compare(other: string | SemVer): -1 | 0 | 1;
compareMain(other: string | SemVer): -1 | 0 | 1;
comparePre(other: string | SemVer): -1 | 0 | 1;
format(): string;
inc(release: Release, identifier: string): this;
declare class Comparator {
loose?: boolean;
operator: Operator;
semver: SemVer;
value: string;
constructor(comp: string | Comparator, loose?: boolean): Comparator;
parse(comp: string): void;
test(version: string): boolean;
declare class Range {
loose: ?boolean;
raw: string;
set: Array<Array<Comparator>>;
constructor(range: string | Range, loose?: boolean): Range;
format(): string;
parseRange(range: string): Array<Comparator>;
test(version: string): boolean;
toString(): string;
declare var SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION: string;
declare var re: Array<RegExp>;
declare var src: Array<string>;
// Functions
declare function valid(v: string | SemVer, loose?: boolean): string | null;
declare function clean(v: string | SemVer, loose?: boolean): string | null;
declare function inc(
v: string | SemVer,
release: Release,
loose?: boolean,
identifier?: string
): string | null;
declare function inc(
v: string | SemVer,
release: Release,
identifier: string
): string | null;
declare function major(v: string | SemVer, loose?: boolean): number;
declare function minor(v: string | SemVer, loose?: boolean): number;
declare function patch(v: string | SemVer, loose?: boolean): number;
// Comparison
declare function gt(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function gte(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function lt(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function lte(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function eq(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function neq(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function cmp(
v1: string | SemVer,
comparator: Operator,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function compare(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): -1 | 0 | 1;
declare function rcompare(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
loose?: boolean
): -1 | 0 | 1;
declare function compareLoose(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer
): -1 | 0 | 1;
declare function diff(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer): ?Release;
declare function sort(
list: Array<string | SemVer>,
loose?: boolean
): Array<string | SemVer>;
declare function rsort(
list: Array<string | SemVer>,
loose?: boolean
): Array<string | SemVer>;
declare function compareIdentifiers(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer
): -1 | 0 | 1;
declare function rcompareIdentifiers(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer
): -1 | 0 | 1;
// Ranges
declare function validRange(
range: string | Range,
loose?: boolean
): string | null;
declare function satisfies(
version: string | SemVer,
range: string | Range,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function maxSatisfying(
versions: Array<string | SemVer>,
range: string | Range,
loose?: boolean
): string | SemVer | null;
declare function gtr(
version: string | SemVer,
range: string | Range,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function ltr(
version: string | SemVer,
range: string | Range,
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
declare function outside(
version: string | SemVer,
range: string | Range,
hilo: ">" | "<",
loose?: boolean
): boolean;
// Not explicitly documented, or deprecated
declare function parse(version: string, loose?: boolean): ?SemVer;
declare function toComparators(
range: string | Range,
loose?: boolean
): Array<Array<string>>;