import { SyntheticEvent } from 'react'; export const copyToClipBoardUtility = (str: string): ((e: SyntheticEvent) => void) => ( event: SyntheticEvent ): void => { event.preventDefault(); const node = document.createElement('div'); node.innerText = str; if (document.body) { document.body.appendChild(node); const range = document.createRange(); const selection = window.getSelection() as Selection; range.selectNodeContents(node); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(node); } }; export function getCLISetConfigRegistry(command: string, scope: string, registryUrl: string): string { // if there is a scope defined there needs to be a ":" separator between the scope and the registry return `${command} ${scope}${scope !== '' ? ':' : ''}registry ${registryUrl}`; } export function getCLISetRegistry(command: string, registryUrl: string): string { return `${command} --registry ${registryUrl}`; } export function getCLIChangePassword(command: string, registryUrl: string): string { return `${command} profile set password --registry ${registryUrl}`; }