Juan Picado @jotadeveloper 97e8448098
fix: refactoring version page / fix issue not found page #100 (#117)
* chore: refactoring version page

* refactor: migrate version page to hooks

* refactor: Version page better imports

* fix: #100 render not found on click item

* test: add test for version page

* chore: update mocks

* test: add scenario for not found package

* chore: fix wrong mock path

* chore: update mock

* chore: add todo list
2019-08-25 14:34:27 +02:00

4 lines
783 B

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`<Loading /> component should render the component in default state 1`] = `"<div data-testid=\\"loading\\" class=\\"css-1221txa eimgwje0\\"><div class=\\"css-bxochs eimgwje1\\"><div class=\\"css-ge0nak em793ed0\\"></div></div><div class=\\"css-vqrgi e1ag4h8b0\\"><div class=\\"MuiCircularProgress-root-1 MuiCircularProgress-colorPrimary-4 MuiCircularProgress-indeterminate-3 css-15gl0ho e1ag4h8b1\\" style=\\"width:50px;height:50px\\" role=\\"progressbar\\"><svg class=\\"MuiCircularProgress-svg-6\\" viewBox=\\"22 22 44 44\\"><circle class=\\"MuiCircularProgress-circle-7 MuiCircularProgress-circleIndeterminate-9\\" cx=\\"44\\" cy=\\"44\\" r=\\"20.2\\" fill=\\"none\\" stroke-width=\\"3.6\\"></circle></svg></div></div></div>"`;