
30 lines
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# possible values: number (e.g. 2), "unset" (makes ktlint ignore indentation completely)
# true (recommended) / false
# possible values: number (e.g. 120) (package name, imports & comments are ignored), "off"
# it's automatically set to 100 on `ktlint --android ...` (per Android Kotlin Style Guide)
# Comma-separated list of rules to disable (Since 0.34.0)
# Note that rules in any ruleset other than the standard ruleset will need to be prefixed
# by the ruleset identifier.
# Defines the imports layout. The layout can be composed by the following symbols:
# "*" - wildcard. There must be at least one entry of a single wildcard to match all other imports. Matches anything after a specified symbol/import as well.
# "|" - blank line. Supports only single blank lines between imports. No blank line is allowed in the beginning or end of the layout.
# "^" - alias import, e.g. "^android.*" will match all android alias imports, "^" will match all other alias imports.
# import paths - these can be full paths, e.g. "java.util.List.*" as well as wildcard paths, e.g. "kotlin.**"
# Examples (we use ij_kotlin_imports_layout to set an imports layout for both ktlint and IDEA via a single property):
# ij_kotlin_imports_layout=* # alphabetical with capital letters before lower case letters (e.g. Z before a), no blank lines
# ij_kotlin_imports_layout=*,java.**,javax.**,kotlin.**,^ # default IntelliJ IDEA style, same as alphabetical, but with "java", "javax", "kotlin" and alias imports in the end of the imports list
# ij_kotlin_imports_layout=android.**,|,^org.junit.**,*,|,*,^ # custom imports layout
# According to it is acceptable to write method names
# in natural language. When using natural language, the description tends to be longer. Allow lines containing an identifier between
# backticks to be longer than the maximum line length. (Since 0.41.0)
# [**/test/**.kt]
# ktlint_ignore_back_ticked_identifier=true