# Declare Variable Every Declaration on typescript have 2 part {VAR_NAME}:{TYPE} = VALUE TYPE : is type of what we declare , it can be interface or type ```ts const product : Product = { name: "Product One", creator: { id: 1, username: "user_one"} } ``` and can declare enum that is easy on recognize type ```ts enum PRODUCT_TYPE { PRODUCT, SERVICE } ``` Interface can see it like object we declare name and its type ```ts interface User { id: number, username: string } ``` Type Type can be create with join many value and type (string , number, interface) and make developer can choose one what they want ```ts type Color = "red" | "blue" | { r: number, g: number, b: number } ``` Creation of Interface ```ts interface Product { each sub of interface is equal to creation of type name: string, Question mark(?) mean it optional , when create product , no need implement "qty" qty?: number, it can be interface creator: User, or it can be type color?: Color or it can be direct declare like interface price?: { currency: string , value: number }, or direct declare like type level?: 1 | 2 | 3, or Array details: Array or Enum productType: PRODUCT_TYPE } ``` # Declare Function On Create Function create from constant structure is >const {name} = (...params) : {ReturnType} => { ...action } ```ts const func = ( colorType: Color, UserInterface?: User, direct?: {name: string} , type?: "1"| "2"): string => { return "Hello World" } ``` on Function Default > function {name} (...params) : {Return Type} => { > ...action > } ```ts function func2 ( colorType: Color, UserInterface?: User, direct?: {name: string} , type?: "1"| "2"): string { return "Hello World" } ``` # React Component ```ts import React from "react" ``` ```ts type TypescriptComponentProps = { qty: string price: {} } ``` ```ts interface TypescriptComponentState { data: [] } ``` For Class Component when we call , we use React.Component so when we use this.props under class , we will see what we defined in Props ( interface || type ) and when we use this.state under class , we will see what we defined in State ( interface || type ) ```ts class TypescriptClass extends React.Component { render(){ return (
) } } ``` Function Component we use type as React.FunctionComponent so when we call "props" , we will see what we defined in Props compare with old : ```jsx const TypescriptComponent = (props) => { return (
Name is {props.qty}
) } ``` It just different on : React.FunctionComponent ```ts const TypescriptComponent: React.FunctionComponent = (props) => { return (
Name is {props.qty}
) } ``` Another Advantage of Typescript is when use React Component dont need to declare propTypes any more when we declare type above it will create propTypes for us and information is more clear than use propTypes No Here : ```ts TypescriptComponent.propTypes = { } ``` In Function or Class Componennt when we want declare defaultProps it can have intellisense better what in props ```ts TypescriptComponent.defaultProps = { } ```