package com.cubetiqs.common.utils.string import com.cubetiqs.common.static.Constants fun String?.getOrEmpty(defaultValue: String = ""): String { if (this.isNullOrEmpty()) return defaultValue return this } fun String?.ifEmptyNull(): String? { if (this.isNullOrEmpty()) return null return this } fun Any?.asString(defaultValue: String = ""): String { if (this == null) return defaultValue if (this is String) return this return this.toString() } fun String?.getAndPlus(text: String = ""): String { if (this == null) return text return } fun String?.addDeletedText(): String? { if (this == null) return null return } fun String?.minusDeletedText(): String? { if (this == null) return null return this.split("-")[0].trim() } fun String?.querySearch(prefix: String = "%", suffix: String = "%"): String { return "$prefix${this?.toLowerCase()?.trim()}$suffix" } private val charPool: List = ('a'..'z') + ('A'..'Z') + ('0'..'9') fun String?.randomString(): String { val strLen = this?.length ?: 2 return (1..strLen) .map { kotlin.random.Random.nextInt(0, charPool.size) } .map(charPool::get) .joinToString("") } fun String.toMutableSet(splitter: Char): Set = this.trim().split(splitter).toMutableSet() fun String.isAllCaps(): Boolean = !this.matches(Regex(".*[a-z].*")) /** * Replace space with underscore and to upper case. */ fun String.fromSpaceToUnderScoreAndUpperCase() = this.replace(' ', '_').toUpperCase()