#include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #define BUFFER_SIZE 128 const char *FILE_STUDENT_DATA_PATH = "./data/students.txt"; struct person_tag { char name[20]; char id[10]; }; struct course_tag { char course_name[20]; int no_of_units; int marks[4]; float avg; }; struct student_tag { struct person_tag student_info; struct course_tag course_info; struct student_tag *next; } * head; // typedef for declared to use as data type typedef struct person_tag PERSON; typedef struct course_tag COURSE; typedef struct student_tag STUDENT; // core functions void display_students(); void search_student(); void find_maximum(); void find_failed(); void update_file(); void read_file(); void quite(); // Linked list functions void add_student(char *student_name, char *student_id, char *course_name, int no_of_units, int *marks); int count(); // util functions void display_menu(); void read_student_to_data(); void print_welcome(); int main(void) { // variable use for menu selected int selected; print_welcome(); display_menu(); while (1) { printf("Enter your option: "); scanf("%d", &selected); switch (selected) { case 1: display_students(); break; case 2: search_student(); break; case 3: find_maximum(); break; case 4: find_failed(); break; case 5: update_file(); break; case 6: quite(); break; default: printf("cannot find your option!"); break; } } } void print_welcome() { printf("Welcome!\n"); } void display_students() { printf("\n"); read_student_to_data(); } void display_menu() { printf("\n(1) Display students’ details\n"); printf("(2) Search for a student’s mark\n"); printf("(3) Find the details of student with the largest average\n"); printf("(4) Find the details of failed students\n"); printf("(5) Add new student to the record\n"); printf("(6) Quit program\n\n"); } void add_student(char *student_name, char *student_id, char *course_name, int no_of_units, int *marks) { STUDENT *temp, *iterator; temp = (struct student_tag *)malloc(sizeof(struct student_tag)); PERSON info = {student_name, student_id}; COURSE course = {course_name, no_of_units, marks}; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < no_of_units; i++) { sum += marks[i]; } course.avg = sum / no_of_units; temp->student_info = info; temp->course_info = course; // reference in head iterator = head; if (head == NULL) { head = temp; head->next = NULL; } else { while (iterator->next != NULL) { iterator = iterator->next; } temp->next = NULL; iterator->next = temp; } } void read_student_to_data() { // init head to null head = NULL; FILE *file; file = fopen(FILE_STUDENT_DATA_PATH, "r"); if (file == NULL) { printf("cannot read file: %s", FILE_STUDENT_DATA_PATH); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char student_name[BUFFER_SIZE]; char student_id[BUFFER_SIZE]; char course_name[BUFFER_SIZE]; int no_of_units; int marks[4]; int i; while (!feof(file)) { char no[BUFFER_SIZE]; fgets(student_name, sizeof student_name, file); fgets(student_id, sizeof student_id, file); fgets(course_name, sizeof course_name, file); fgets(no, sizeof no, file); i = 0; while (student_name[i] != '\n') { i++; } student_name[i] = '\0'; i = 0; while (student_id[i] != '\n') { i++; } student_id[i] = '\0'; i = 0; while (course_name[i] != '\n') { i++; } course_name[i] = '\0'; printf("Student Name: %s\n", student_name); printf("Student ID: %s\n", student_id); printf("Course Name: %s\n", course_name); printf("No of units: %s", no); no_of_units = atoi(no); for (int j = 0; j < no_of_units; j++) { char d[BUFFER_SIZE]; fgets(d, sizeof d, file); sscanf(d, "%d", &marks[j]); } printf("Marks: [ "); for (int x = 0; x < no_of_units; x++) { printf("%d ", marks[x]); } printf("]\n\n"); // add into linked list add_student(student_name, student_id, course_name, no_of_units, marks); } fclose(file); } int count() { int n = 1; STUDENT *temp; temp = head; if (head == NULL) { return 0; } while (temp->next != NULL) { n++; temp = temp->next; } return n; } void search_student() { printf("\nNot implement yet!"); } void find_maximum() { printf("\nNot implement yet!"); } void find_failed() { printf("\nNot implement yet!"); } void update_file() { FILE *file; file = fopen(FILE_STUDENT_DATA_PATH, "a"); printf("\nNot implement yet!"); } void read_file() { printf("\nNot implement yet!"); } void quite() { printf("\nGoodbye!"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }