#include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #define BUFFER_SIZE 128 #define MAX_NO_OF_UNITS 4 #define NAME_SIZE 20 const char *FILE_STUDENT_DATA_PATH = "./students.txt"; struct person_tag { char name[20]; char id[10]; }; struct course_tag { char course_name[20]; int no_of_units; int marks[MAX_NO_OF_UNITS]; float avg; }; struct student_tag { struct person_tag student_info; struct course_tag course_info; struct student_tag *next; } * head; // typedef for declared to use as data type typedef struct person_tag PERSON; typedef struct course_tag COURSE; typedef struct student_tag STUDENT; // file function void read_file(); // util functions int menu(); void print_welcome(); void print_student(STUDENT *student); void release(STUDENT *data); int find_min_in_array(int *array); STUDENT *search_student_by_name_or_id(char search_key[NAME_SIZE]); STUDENT *find_maximum_avg(); STUDENT *add_last_student(STUDENT *nodes, STUDENT *element); // core functions void display_students(); void search_student(); void find_maximum(); void find_failed(); void update_file(); void quite(); // Linked list functions void add_student(char student_name[20], char student_id[10], char course_name[20], int no_of_units, int marks[MAX_NO_OF_UNITS]); int count_elements(STUDENT *elements); int count(); int main(void) { // variable use for menu selected int selected; print_welcome(); // init the read data from the file read_file(); while (1) { selected = menu(); switch (selected) { case 1: display_students(); break; case 2: search_student(); break; case 3: find_maximum(); break; case 4: find_failed(); break; case 5: update_file(); break; case 6: quite(); break; default: printf("cannot find your option!"); break; } } } void print_welcome() { printf("Welcome!\n"); } void display_students() { read_file(); STUDENT *student = head; if (student == NULL) { printf("\nNo student!\n"); return; } print_student(student); } void print_student(STUDENT *student) { int records_count = 0; printf("\n================ Student Details ================\n"); while (student != NULL) { printf("\n"); printf("Student Name: %s\n", student->student_info.name); printf("Student ID: %s\n", student->student_info.id); printf("Course Name: %s\n", student->course_info.course_name); printf("No of units: %d\n", student->course_info.no_of_units); printf("Marks: [ "); for (int i = 0; i < student->course_info.no_of_units; i++) { printf("%d ", student->course_info.marks[i]); } printf("]\n"); printf("Avg: %.2f\n", student->course_info.avg); student = student->next; records_count++; } // output the records count printf("\nRecords: %d has been loaded successfully!\n", records_count); // clean up the memory // after output the data // because we don;t need it anymore after output release(student); } int menu() { printf("\n(1) Display students’ details\n"); printf("(2) Search for a student’s mark\n"); printf("(3) Find the details of student with the largest average\n"); printf("(4) Find the details of failed students\n"); printf("(5) Add new student to the record\n"); printf("(6) Quit program\n"); int choosen; printf("\nEnter your option: "); scanf("%d", &choosen); return choosen; } void add_student(char student_name[20], char student_id[10], char course_name[20], int no_of_units, int marks[MAX_NO_OF_UNITS]) { STUDENT *temp, *iterator; temp = (struct student_tag *)malloc(sizeof(struct student_tag)); PERSON info; memcpy(info.name, student_name, 20); memcpy(info.id, student_id, 10); COURSE course; memcpy(course.course_name, course_name, 20); course.no_of_units = no_of_units; // memcpy(course.marks, marks); float sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < no_of_units; i++) { course.marks[i] = marks[i]; sum += marks[i]; } course.avg = sum / no_of_units; temp->student_info = info; temp->course_info = course; // reference in head iterator = head; if (head == NULL) { head = temp; head->next = NULL; } else { while (iterator->next != NULL) { iterator = iterator->next; } temp->next = NULL; iterator->next = temp; } } int count_elements(STUDENT *elements) { int n = 1; STUDENT *temp; temp = elements; if (head == NULL) { return 0; } while (temp->next != NULL) { n++; temp = temp->next; } return n; } int count() { return count_elements(head); } void search_student() { char search_key[NAME_SIZE]; printf("Enter student name or id to search: "); scanf("%s", &search_key); STUDENT *found_student = search_student_by_name_or_id(search_key); if (found_student == NULL) { printf("\nNo student found!\n"); return; } print_student(found_student); } STUDENT *search_student_by_name_or_id(char search_key[NAME_SIZE]) { // refresh data from file first read_file(); STUDENT *temp = head; while (temp != NULL) { if (strcmp(temp->student_info.name, search_key) == 0 || strcmp(temp->student_info.id, search_key) == 0) { printf("\nSearch found with key: %s\n", search_key); // set the temp next to null // and free up the memory temp->next = NULL; free(temp->next); // return the current temp // that found in current search return temp; } temp = temp->next; } return NULL; } STUDENT *find_maximum_avg() { // refresh data from file first read_file(); STUDENT *temp = head, *max; max = temp->next; while (temp != NULL) { if (max == NULL) { return temp; } if (max->course_info.avg < temp->course_info.avg) { max = temp; } temp = temp->next; } // release the max next record // set max next element to NULL // because we use only one record release(max->next); max->next = NULL; return max; } int find_min_in_array(int *array) { if (array == NULL) { return -1; } int min = array[0]; size_t size = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]); for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { if (array[i] < min) { min = array[i]; } } return min; } STUDENT *add_last_student(STUDENT *nodes, STUDENT *element) { STUDENT *temp = nodes, *node; node = (struct student_tag *)malloc(sizeof(struct student_tag)); node->student_info = element->student_info; node->course_info = element->course_info; node->next = NULL; if (nodes == NULL) { nodes = node; return nodes; } // store current as tempo // ref for nodes temp = nodes; while (temp->next != NULL) { temp = temp->next; } temp->next = node; return nodes; } // ISSUE: can't find all failed students // It's just return one record back STUDENT *find_failed_mark(int upper_mark) { // refresh data from file first read_file(); printf("Count elements: %d\n", count()); STUDENT *temp = head, *failed_students = NULL; int count = count_elements(temp); printf("Temp count elements: %d", count); int run_count = 0; while (temp != NULL) { run_count++; int min = find_min_in_array(temp->course_info.marks); if (min < upper_mark) { printf("\nRun min: %d\n", min); failed_students = add_last_student(failed_students, temp); } temp = temp->next; } printf("\nRun count: %d", run_count); return failed_students; } void find_maximum() { // refresh data from file first read_file(); STUDENT *max_student = find_maximum_avg(); if (max_student == NULL) { printf("\nNo maximum student found!\n"); return; } printf("\nFind maximum avg was found with: %0.2f\n", max_student->course_info.avg); print_student(max_student); } void find_failed() { int upper_mark = 50; STUDENT *failed_students = find_failed_mark(upper_mark); if (failed_students == NULL) { printf("\nNo failed student found!\n"); return; } printf("\nFind the failed students that at least one mark less than %d\n", upper_mark); print_student(failed_students); } void update_file() { FILE *file; file = fopen(FILE_STUDENT_DATA_PATH, "a"); char name[20]; char id[10]; char course_name[20]; int no_of_units; int marks[MAX_NO_OF_UNITS]; printf("Enter student name: "); scanf("%s", &name); printf("Enter student id: "); scanf("%s", &id); printf("Enter course name: "); scanf("%s", &course_name); again: printf("Enter no of units: "); scanf("%d", &no_of_units); if (no_of_units > MAX_NO_OF_UNITS && no_of_units <= 0) { printf("\nyou cannot input the units bigger than %d or less than 0\n", MAX_NO_OF_UNITS); getchar(); goto again; } for (int i = 0; i < no_of_units; i++) { printf("Enter mark[%d]: ", i + 1); scanf("%d", &marks[i]); } if (count() > 0) { fputs("\n", file); } fputs(name, file); fputs("\n", file); fputs(id, file); fputs("\n", file); fputs(course_name, file); fputs("\n", file); fprintf(file, "%d", no_of_units); for (int i = 0; i < no_of_units; i++) { fputs("\n", file); fprintf(file, "%d", marks[i]); } fclose(file); printf("\nRecord saved successfully!\n"); // reload data into linked list again read_file(); } void read_file() { // release nodes // we need to clean up the memory if (head != NULL) { STUDENT *temp; while (head != NULL) { temp = head; head = head->next; free(temp); } } FILE *file; file = fopen(FILE_STUDENT_DATA_PATH, "r"); if (file == NULL) { printf("cannot read file: %s", FILE_STUDENT_DATA_PATH); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char student_name[20]; char student_id[10]; char course_name[20]; int no_of_units; int marks[4]; int i; while (!feof(file)) { char no[BUFFER_SIZE]; fgets(student_name, sizeof student_name, file); fgets(student_id, sizeof student_id, file); fgets(course_name, sizeof course_name, file); fgets(no, sizeof no, file); i = 0; while (student_name[i] != '\n') { i++; } student_name[i] = '\0'; i = 0; while (student_id[i] != '\n') { i++; } student_id[i] = '\0'; i = 0; while (course_name[i] != '\n') { i++; } course_name[i] = '\0'; no_of_units = atoi(no); for (int j = 0; j < no_of_units; j++) { char mark[BUFFER_SIZE]; fgets(mark, sizeof mark, file); sscanf(mark, "%d", &marks[j]); } // add into linked list add_student(student_name, student_id, course_name, no_of_units, marks); } fclose(file); } void quite() { printf("\nGoodbye!"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } void release(STUDENT *data) { if (data == NULL) { return; } // free the nodes // because it can be use in memory // we need to clear it first // before we re-initailize the new data STUDENT *temp; while (data != NULL) { temp = data; data = data->next; free(temp); } }