2017-08-17 14:27:29 +08:00

110 lines
3.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
<mapper namespace="io.spring.application.article.ArticleReadService">
<sql id="profileColumns">
U.id userId,
U.username userUsername,
U.bio userBio,
U.image userImage
<sql id="selectArticleData">
A.id articleId,
A.slug articleSlug,
A.title articleTitle,
A.description articleDescription,
A.body articleBody,
A.created_at articleCreatedAt,
A.updated_at articleUpdatedAt,
T.name tagName,
<include refid="profileColumns"/>
articles A
left join article_tags AT on A.id = AT.article_id
left join tags T on T.id = AT.tag_id
left join users U on U.id = A.user_id
<select id="findById" resultMap="articleData">
<include refid="selectArticleData"/>
where A.id = #{id}
<select id="findBySlug" resultMap="articleData">
<include refid="selectArticleData"/>
where A.slug = #{slug}
<select id="queryArticles" resultMap="articleId">
DISTINCT(A.id) articleId, A.created_at
articles A
left join article_tags AT on A.id = AT.article_id
left join tags T on T.id = AT.tag_id
left join article_favorites AF on AF.article_id = A.id
<if test="tag != null">
T.name = #{tag}
<if test="author != null">
AND A.user_id = #{author}
<if test="favoritedBy != null">
AND AF.user_id = #{favoritedBy}
order by A.created_at desc
limit #{page.offset}, #{page.limit}
<select id="countArticle" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
count(DISTINCT A.id)
articles A
left join article_tags AT on A.id = AT.article_id
left join tags T on T.id = AT.tag_id
left join article_favorites AF on AF.article_id = A.id
<if test="tag != null">
T.name = #{tag}
<if test="author != null">
AND A.user_id = #{author}
<if test="favoritedBy != null">
AND AF.user_id = #{favoritedBy}
<select id="findArticles" resultMap="articleData">
<include refid="selectArticleData"/>
where A.id in
<foreach index="index" collection="articleIds" item="id" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<resultMap id="articleId" type="string">
<id javaType="string" column="articleId"/>
<resultMap id="articleData" type="io.spring.application.article.ArticleData">
<id column="articleId" property="id"/>
<result column="articleSlug" property="slug"/>
<result column="articleTitle" property="title"/>
<result column="articleDescription" property="description"/>
<result column="articleBody" property="body"/>
<result column="articleCreatedAt" property="createdAt"/>
<result column="articleUpdatedAt" property="updatedAt"/>
<association property="profileData" resultMap="profileData"/>
<collection property="tagList" javaType="list" ofType="string">
<result column="tagName"/>
<resultMap id="profileData" type="io.spring.application.profile.ProfileData">
<id column="userId" property="id"/>
<result column="userUsername" property="username"/>
<result column="userBio" property="bio"/>
<result column="userImage" property="image"/>